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# Historical Flavour Mod
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Fixing "Dismantle Nation" result #138

Open Lys0gen opened 5 years ago

Lys0gen commented 5 years ago

I hope the issue is somehow fixable and not working as intended.

What I mean is nations that did not directly take part in a dismantle nation war benefitting from it by getting colonies.

What just happened to me was fighting such a war as Germany vs Great Britain. During my war the Soviet Union decides to declare a war against the Altai Union, which is a sphereling of the UK. Soviet Union wins this war easily because UK has their hands full fighting me and they don't even fight a single battle before the Altai Union is fully occupied. So far so good.

Now I finally win my war and dismantle the UK. For reasons beyond me, the Soviet Union gets 75% of UKs colonies. But why? They did not participate in the war that caused the dismantling and as such it makes little sense that they get anything from it.

I guess they were flagged somehow for having a war with the UK, but that does not justify them getting random colonies many months after their own little war is over.

Wolfenswan commented 5 years ago

Dismantling nations is wonky as there's no better way to determine who gets what but to check which nation is at truce with the loosing nation.

rderekp commented 5 years ago

Also, historically, some countries have gotten shafted at post-war treaties when dismantling Empires. Think Italy in WWI.

Lys0gen commented 4 years ago

Possibly a nicer solution was posted on reddit...