SighPie / HFM

# Historical Flavour Mod
102 stars 61 forks source link

United Kingdom of Portugal-Brazil #33

Open AFP595 opened 6 years ago

AFP595 commented 6 years ago


AFP595 commented 6 years ago

Link of Reddit PM for @SighPie's reference:

For the people who can't see it, the gist of it is that it should only be formable by a Portugal which manages to puppet Brazil early in the game. A decision would pop up which, upon enacting, would trigger an event letting the Portuguese decide whether they restore an equal union with Brazilian (and perhaps Afro-Brazilian) as an accepted culture, or one that is colonialism in all but name. The former would also select the Confederalism reform, to nerf the potentially OP country that would result of this union in-game. The latter could perhaps add the Nationalist Agitation modifier in all owned provinces with Brazilian cores, as to represent the stubborn resistance that the Brazilians would put to such a deal.