SighPie / HFM

# Historical Flavour Mod
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The Cisplatine Question #34

Closed AFP595 closed 6 years ago

AFP595 commented 6 years ago

A decision for a Brazil/UPB. Can be passed if they own Uruguay, have Nationalism & Imperialism and a Jingoistic party in power; adds cores in the Uruguay state and renames it to Cisplatine.

Shayco122 commented 6 years ago

I'll look into it.

clementou commented 6 years ago

This should probably be added with others to a South America Rework Milestone

AFP595 commented 6 years ago

Yeah. 19th-century South America, with its wars and initially somewhat undefined borders, could be a great source of alt-history scenarios. Also, is anyone else able to add labels to issues? I can't, for some reason...

Shayco122 commented 6 years ago

Ok, I just added it. You can see it at "pull request" let me know what you think.

AFP595 commented 6 years ago

Well, actually, I thought a decision would make more sense here... let me post here the suggestion I sent once to Sighpie.

Title: "The Cisplatine Reclaimed" Potential: Be Brazil or Portugal-Brazil. Condition to pass: Be GP, at peace, have Nationalism & Imperialism, own all provinces in the Uruguay state. Effect: Gain cores in all provinces with Uruguayan cores, rename Uruguay state to Cisplatine. Description: "With our control over the Cisplatina confirmed, we can finally incorporate it properly into our administration. Long live the $COUNTRY$!"

SighPie commented 6 years ago

There's already a irredentist decision for Uruguay in the mod

AFP595 commented 6 years ago

Wait, really? Could you point me out where can I find it?

SighPie commented 6 years ago
