SighPie / HFM

# Historical Flavour Mod
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(Problem with) the Gran Colombia formation decision #61

Open AFP595 opened 6 years ago

AFP595 commented 6 years ago

I find a bit weird the way that this decision works. If you do it by starting by one of the three republics and then puppeting the rest, upon taking the decision the countries don't technically disappear, because they still appear listed as your puppets even if you've taken all their territory. This in turn triggers a vanilla Vic2 issue, that the units of countries taken over by individually transferring all their provinces/states via event or decision (instead of inheritance/annexation) remain in place permanently exiled instead of disappearing.

While it isn't completely game-breaking, it is a bit annoying that this happens. Could someone look into it, and make the decision have the intended effect without causing the issues I mentioned?

AFP595 commented 6 years ago

I think that a clause that should have the same effect is: inherit all North Andean puppets, add Gran Colombia cores to all provinces with cores of North Andean countries, and turn the country to Gran Colombia. Am I wrong?

P.S.: Perhaps it should also add South Andean as an accepted culture, to represent the historical ambition of uniting the Spanish colonies.