Sigma-Production / PteroFreeStuffinstaller

Free themes and handy Addons on 1 place
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uh, as soon as I installed the mcpaste thingy the panel turned blank ;-; #22

Closed Guest0070 closed 2 years ago

Guest0070 commented 2 years ago

Any solution for it, I am running ubuntu 20.something and panel latest version

Guest0070 commented 2 years ago

Now I tried to use yarn build command and this happened, ``root@guest:/var/www/pterodactyl# yarn build:production yarn run v1.22.11 $ yarn run clean && cross-env NODE_ENV=production ./node_modules/.bin/webpack --mode production $ cd public/assets && find . \( -name "*.js" -o -name "*.map" \) -type f -delete Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run: npx browserslist@latest --update-db (node:131674) [DEP0148] DeprecationWarning: Use of deprecated folder mapping "./" in the "exports" field module resolution of the package at /var/www/pterodactyl/node_modules/postcss/package.json. Update this package.json to use a subpath pattern like "./*". (Usenode --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created) Hash: 9cc4d1f7626b3b52bc59 Version: webpack 4.43.0 Time: 8815ms Built at: 08/26/2021 3:39:48 PM 3 assets Entrypoint main = bundle.fc0673c3.js [22] (webpack)/buildin/global.js 472 bytes {1} [built] [34] (webpack)/buildin/harmony-module.js 573 bytes {1} [built] [40] ./resources/scripts/assets/images/server_error.svg 6.7 KiB {1} [built] [48] ./node_modules/@emotion/is-prop-valid/dist/is-prop-valid.browser.esm.js + 1 modules 4.41 KiB {1} [built] | 2 modules [68] ./resources/scripts/modes.ts 3.81 KiB {1} [built] [81] ./resources/scripts/assets/images/not_found.svg 7.09 KiB {1} [built] [85] ./resources/scripts/assets/images/server_installing.svg 23.9 KiB {1} [built] [86] ./resources/scripts/assets/images/server_restore.svg 11.1 KiB {1} [built] [92] multi react-hot-loader/patch ./resources/scripts/index.tsx 40 bytes {1} [built] [161] ./resources/scripts/main.css 524 bytes {1} [built] [162] ./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!./resources/scripts/main.css 16 KiB {1} [built] [163] ./resources/scripts/index.tsx + 739 modules 2.36 MiB {1} [built] | ./resources/scripts/index.tsx 575 bytes [built] | ./resources/scripts/i18n.ts 736 bytes [built] | ./resources/scripts/state/index.ts 403 bytes [built] | ./resources/scripts/routers/DashboardRouter.tsx 1.73 KiB [built] | ./resources/scripts/routers/ServerRouter.tsx 10.7 KiB [built] | ./resources/scripts/routers/AuthenticationRouter.tsx 1.56 KiB [built] | ./resources/scripts/assets/css/GlobalStylesheet.ts 2.64 KiB [built] | ./resources/scripts/api/interceptors.ts 883 bytes [built] | ./resources/scripts/api/http.ts 2.8 KiB [built] | ./resources/scripts/state/flashes.ts 1.7 KiB [built] | ./resources/scripts/state/user.ts 2.27 KiB [built] | ./resources/scripts/state/permissions.ts 1.11 KiB [built] | ./resources/scripts/state/settings.ts 181 bytes [built] | ./resources/scripts/state/progress.ts 428 bytes [built] | ./resources/scripts/helpers.ts 1.84 KiB [built] | + 725 hidden modules

ERROR in ./resources/scripts/routers/ServerRouter.tsx Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@/components/server/ServerConsole' in '/var/www/pterodactyl/resources/scripts/routers' @ ./resources/scripts/routers/ServerRouter.tsx 6:0-62 171:15-28 @ ./resources/scripts/components/App.tsx @ ./resources/scripts/index.tsx @ multi react-hot-loader/patch ./resources/scripts/index.tsx

ERROR in resources/scripts/components/server/PowerControls.tsx:6:29 TS2307: Cannot find module '@/components/server/ServerConsole' or its corresponding type declarations. 4 | import Button from '@/components/elements/Button'; 5 | import StopOrKillButton from '@/components/server/StopOrKillButton';

6 | import { PowerAction } from '@/components/server/ServerConsole'; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 7 | import { ServerContext } from '@/state/server'; 8 | 9 | const PowerControls = () => {

ERROR in resources/scripts/components/server/StopOrKillButton.tsx:3:29 TS2307: Cannot find module '@/components/server/ServerConsole' or its corresponding type declarations. 1 | import React, { memo, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; 2 | import { ServerContext } from '@/state/server';

3 | import { PowerAction } from '@/components/server/ServerConsole'; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 4 | import Button from '@/components/elements/Button'; 5 | import isEqual from 'react-fast-compare'; 6 |

ERROR in resources/scripts/routers/ServerRouter.tsx:5:27 TS2307: Cannot find module '@/components/server/ServerConsole' or its corresponding type declarations. 3 | import { NavLink, Route, RouteComponentProps, Switch } from 'react-router-dom'; 4 | import NavigationBar from '@/components/NavigationBar';

5 | import ServerConsole from '@/components/server/ServerConsole'; | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 6 | import TransitionRouter from '@/TransitionRouter'; 7 | import WebsocketHandler from '@/components/server/WebsocketHandler'; 8 | import { ServerContext } from '@/state/server'; error Command failed with exit code 2. info Visit for documentation about this command.```

finnie2006 commented 2 years ago use his one, i will remove the mcpaste installer from it

Guest0070 commented 2 years ago
