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Simplified installation by installing Nexcloud directly into Webroot #17

Closed IkiaeM closed 1 year ago

IkiaeM commented 1 year ago

Simplified installation by installing Nexcloud directly into Webroot.

Here is an adaptation of the installation of the egg:


cd /mnt/server

apk --update add git

git clone --branch Nextcloud ./temp

cp -r ./temp/nginx /mnt/server/
cp -r ./temp/php-fpm /mnt/server/
cp ./temp/ /mnt/server/

wget -P ./temp
unzip -q ./temp/ -d ./temp/
mv ./temp/nextcloud ./webroot

chmod +x /mnt/server/

rm -rf ./temp

I no longer need the "webroot" folder on your Github repo. I download the last version of NC, I extract it and I move by renaming the nextcloud folder at the root to webroot and at the first launch we have to create an admin user and connect a database which I think is easier.

In part it was impossible to install NC at the root of webroot because there was a conflict with your file "index.php" and I think it's not interesting to propose the location because there is nothing next to it so we might as well do it directly at the root and automatically. I let you see my code and modify your egg if you want.

finnie2006 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your suggestion, I'm going to test it out today and implement it before my vacation tomorrow.

finnie2006 commented 1 year ago

afbeelding at first testing it seems like the files are not loading

and i cant update my langueage for example afbeelding so it seems like there is something wrong with permissions, or because off webdav that is malfunctioning

IkiaeM commented 1 year ago

Did you find the reason for this?

IkiaeM commented 1 year ago

The problem does not seem to come from my modification because I get the same error in both cases (the same as you have)

finnie2006 commented 1 year ago

That was the reason I removed it from ptero market

IkiaeM commented 1 year ago

I can't find any solution and I'm a bit disgusted... I hope you'll look at it when you come back to see if you can find a solution... But everything seems fine...

finnie2006 commented 1 year ago

Going to close the issue then as i already tried this

IkiaeM commented 1 year ago

Have you tried using the official docker? And adapt it?

finnie2006 commented 1 year ago

Closing for now as it is leading to a dead end for now