On the following Correlation rule, I noticed that the ES|QL output has the index name twice, such that Elastic complains about running out of memory, probably because it's loading the index into memory twice over.
The main problem here is from okta-logs,okta-logs needs to end up being from okta-logs otherwise:
from okta-logs,okta-logs
| where (okta.event_type=="user.session.start" and okta.outcome.result=="FAILURE") or (okta.event_type=="user.session.start" and okta.outcome.result=="SUCCESS")
| eval event_type=case(okta.event_type=="user.session.start" and okta.outcome.result=="FAILURE", "okta_failed_login", okta.event_type=="user.session.start" and okta.outcome.result=="SUCCESS", "okta_successful_login")
| eval timebucket=date_trunc(1hours, @timestamp) | stats event_type_count=count_distinct(event_type) by timebucket, okta.actor.alternate_id
| where event_type_count >= 1
On the following Correlation rule, I noticed that the ES|QL output has the index name twice, such that Elastic complains about running out of memory, probably because it's loading the index into memory twice over.
The main problem here is
from okta-logs,okta-logs
needs to end up beingfrom okta-logs