SigmaHQ / pySigma-backend-splunk

pySigma Splunk backend
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Custom savedsearch.conf settings #14

Closed ericzinnikas closed 2 years ago

ericzinnikas commented 2 years ago

Add support for arbitrary savedsearch.conf settings, both per-rule and overall. A use-case for this might be for configuring Splunk alert actions (e.g. send to email / webhook) or search frequency (as in #11). Adds two new args to the backend constructor:

A (simplified) example use-case of dynamically setting the alert's email subject and search frequency:

def gen_settings(rule):
    settings = {
        "": f"[{rule.level} alert]: {rule.title}",
    if rule.level in ["high", "critical"]:
        settings["dispatch.earliest_time"] = "-10m"
        settings["cron_schedule"] = "*/10 * * * *"
    return settings

backend = SplunkBackend(
    output_settings={"": "", "cron_schedule": "*/45 * * * *"},
dispatch.earliest_time = -45m
dispatch.latest_time = now =
cron_schedule = */45 * * * *

[Rule 1] = [medium alert]: Rule 1
search = abc

[Rule 2] = [critical alert]: Rule 2
dispatch.earliest_time = -10m
cron_schedule = */10 * * * *
search = xyz

I didn't see any formatting/linter configs, so I attempted to mimic existing style (not sure what you want to do about line 79... thoughts on applying something like black to this library?).

Welcome any thoughts/comments about this PR!

thomaspatzke commented 2 years ago

Great PR, thanks for it 😊👍 Suggestion: some simplistic setting templates will make it easier to integrate this into Sigma CLI, as passing a function from the command line is...challenging 😉

Regarding the formatting question: it's currently a mix of VS Code defaults as well as some custom settings/formatting habits. Introducing a formatting tool to the pySigma projects is a good idea. I don't have much experience/overview in this area and currently lots of functional stuff on my todo list, so this is likely something for the future.

ericzinnikas commented 2 years ago

Sounds good and that makes sense. Would highly recommend looking into black for formatting, have used in several large projects with good results. As for templating/etc -- I'll see if I can take a stab at that too, as there are probably some generally useful defaults for Splunk.