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New Analytics: LocaltoNet tunneling #4882

Closed netgrain closed 1 week ago

netgrain commented 1 week ago

Summary of the Pull Request

Adds analytics to detect tunneling through the LocaltoNet service.

LocaltoNet is a legitimate reverse proxy application that may enable threat actors to perform tactics incl. enabling command-and-control and exfil. Similar to Ngrok.

A recent campaign includes


Example Log Event

Install locally via Generates network event id (Sysmon 3 / 5156). Can alternative be captured by DNS-lookup or Proxy logs (http tunneling, not all protocols).

netgrain commented 1 week ago

@nasbench Check failed below. Do you want separate titles even if these are different products? (seems that appending in title end has been the solution in similar cases)

1 | DuplicateTitleIssue | HIGH | Rule title used by multiple rules

nasbench commented 1 week ago


Yeah. We want unique titles across all rules. We usually append something like the OS or LogSource to the title (I fixed it for you)