Signal-K / Prof

Prof, from the icelandic word for tests: automated unit tests for the Star Sailors ecosystem
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🚁🛰 ↣ Supabase profiles & storage buckets now being updated through Ne… #43

Closed Gizmotronn closed 2 years ago

Gizmotronn commented 2 years ago


Users can now update their profile information (which means that Moralis can, too). This includes updating content they own (in relational databases hosted on Supabase). E.g. a player can state on the frontend that they own Mars, this is added into their entry on the profiles table AS WELL AS having their user id being referenced in the Planets table entry for that Planet (with title being the foreign key). This is handled with user input, but what we can do now is create a method to query Moralis or Thirdweb for the user's NFTs, see if they hold any Planets, and then pass those in that request (outside of the frontend). Obviously we'll need to set that request to be in either json or array format (as well as the "Planet" entry for that user, currently since they can only hold one planet at a time, it's just a text field). So now I'm going to try and use what is in as the base repository (again migrating it to Next.js) and then add the components/pages in STA-19 & STA-2

42 but with next.js