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Sprint description:
New citizen science projects for early solar-system planets
Fix issue around the rest of the solar-system entities
Add gamification around resource collection, post/planet cards & generator
Proposed mission plan & related components/code:
Ensure that users can sign up, onboard on #Earth and fly around the inner solar system
New modules (citizen science projects) to unlock, ensure there are exclusives for different planets and planet/anomaly types. Users will fly around the solar system to perform different quests
Enable user to use the telescope after completing some newly introduced missions to find their own planet and travel to it - thus increasing the scope & functionality of the
<PlanetSwitcher />
componentAnd of course there will be a mechanic around resource collection, possibly we include user quests and community events to give users a reason to explore
Other goals:
Determine a usecase, gamification or otherwise, for each anomaly as an entity
e.g. how can finding sunspots help in-game, what does it provide in real life
Integrate post cards as collectibles/rewards to show the users their pathway and the hierarchy/link between their discoveries
Improve design, layout/ux, fix any bugs
Explore moving components into a component library to simplify the repository file structure
Determine pathway into C3
Users can return to Earth and have completely free reign. Must improve dialogue & documentation during the onboarding process
As of now (4/10/24), end of Chapter 1/2 Integration sprint, we have a way for users to get off-world, research everything and continue. However, we need to also improve the messaging, dialogue & tutorials.
updating the scope of this ticket/sprint, quickly, due to a time factor and also an organisational reason. Post cards can already be backfilled, and users can pretty much do anything on all of the available settings anomalies, we just need to fill the missions in SSM-15
If we can make initial user pathways ( SSP-22: Set up User Pathway ideas Done ) (again, initially) follow a strict pathway where users complete set projects on different planets and they can then complete SSC-13: Telescope classification - bridge C2/C3 Done or travel around the rest of the solar system, it will remove the need for a lot of the dialogue we’d otherwise have to implement. Obviously, we’d like users to have complete freedom regarding which projects they contribute to, however we can start by hard-coding the order for missions and planets/anomalies (as settings/locations), and then we can upgrade it to support an array-type field (e.g. to complete step 1 must have done 2 of these missions).
So I’ll create a new component that shows the steps that need to be taken, including a set of buttons/switches for users to travel to the new planets and everything. I’ve already written down a starter pathway for SSP-23: Draw out initial graph for C1-4 for first 3 play styles/flows Done which I’ll add the array list onto later.
Because of this, we can remove the urgent need for Starnet from this epic/sprint ( SSG-29: Chapter 2 - Gamification In Review ) as all actions for users going through Chapter-1 & Chapter-2 are completed and we then have a very straightforward pathway and step list for users to follow through. A key part of initialising Chapter-3 will then be to expand the scope of the mission lists/arrays for the pathways. In short, SSM-16: First classification/post card scene Backlog can and will be pushed back, however I will try and push out SSM-18: Introduce Starnet Done / SSM-20: Create minimal feed & integrate with current data flow Done to make a start on Starnet.
Huly®: STAR_-141