Signal-K / client

Frontend for viewing citizen science proposals on Lens Protocol
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🧠🗿 ↝ Unity LOD build for planet paint function, fresh dir for undefined error #45

Closed Gizmotronn closed 1 year ago

Gizmotronn commented 1 year ago


  1. LOD Unity build for procedural planets -> very simple starting point. Unity webgl build is embedded underneath planets. Right now, it's a low poly model (a fork of the python & 3.js components in signal-k/sytizen and the original unity generator). 3 different builds will be made and added -> rocky, water & lava planet (subsequent models for ice and gas giants will also be included). Right now, we'll just have a random build underneath each planet item (/planets/[id])
  2. Next step is using -react-unity- package to communicate with the python API. See the specifications of the planet, and then select the most appropriate build
  3. Further down the line (once we get enough users sharing for it to be worth the effort), have a solitary build and have the planet be generated based on the specs passed in from the planet [id]. I think that for now, as long as we have maybe 15 models for 30 planets or whatever, it shouldn't be a problem for our users. Still enough variety considering users will only classify maybe 1 or 2 planets a day. It might be quite complex to integrate the API functionality, and I don't want to invest too much time into it since it's a low-poly (read: dev) build and slightly different to the full Unity vision we have. Investigation will need to be undertaken on the api side @zaq42 to determine the scope and feasibility of this


  1. Undefined bug is still persisting (will create issue). @zaq42 is essentially running this bug hunt for now while I'm focusing on additional features
  2. It appears that the per-planet posts from posts_duplicate table are no longer functioning in the correct method (see prod deployment and the most recent deployment based on the lod addition. That's sort of what this PR is being built for, actually


  1. Fix method for creating and adjusting planets in bulk on supabase. Might be something to handball over to @zaq42 once I get on to writing a report about what's going on there.
  2. Note -> @zaq42 no need to review this PR until it is ready to be merged.