SignalK / SensESP

Universal Signal K sensor framework for the ESP32 platform
Apache License 2.0
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Could not find configuration for path BatteryATemperature #663

Open sass00 opened 1 year ago

sass00 commented 1 year ago

Hey guys,

Im trying to add 1wire DS1820B sensors to SignalK via ESP32. I have my board put together, new sensor is registered (i also have INA219 voltage sensors) and i used some examples to put together my code since im not really experienced with SignalK or SensESP.

auto* battery_A_temperature = new OneWireTemperature(dts, 1000, "/batteryATemperature/oneWire"); battery_A_temperature->connect_to(new Linear(1.0, 0.0, "Battery A Temp/linear")) ->connect_to(new SKOutputFloat("electrical.batteries.a.temperature", "/A Battery Temp/skPath", battery_A_temperature_metadata));

This is part of my code; and my serial throws this when turned on;

(load_configuration)(C1) Not loading configuration: no config_path specified: (load_configuration)(C1) Could not find configuration for path /System/WiFi Settings (load_configuration)(C1) Could not find configuration for path /System/Signal K Settings (load_configuration)(C1) Not loading configuration: no config_path specified: (DallasTemperatureSensors)(C1) Found OneWire sensor 28:ff:64:1e:30:75:ca:48 (load_configuration)(C1) Could not find configuration for path /batteryATemperature/oneWire (OneWireTemperature)(C1) Registered a new OneWire sensor [ 977][E][vfs_api.cpp:29] open(): Battery A Temp/linear does not start with / (load_configuration)(C1) Could not find configuration for path Battery A Temp/linear (load_configuration)(C1) Could not find configuration for path /A Battery Temp/skPath

I'm really trying to make sense out of this but cant figure out entirely what is going on. Is configuration stored with SPIFFS? Or am i doing it wrong regarding the conf path?

Since my ESP is not showing a request with SignalK in OpenPlotter i have to check that also but as far as i know mDNS is enabled, all the new requests are enabled so i'm not really sure that the sensesp_app->start actually happens?

I will now start to dig through the SensESP documentation but...

sass00 commented 12 months ago


Moved some code around and got it working. Then i got some errors on I2C bus regarding INA219, removed "Wire.begin" and went with "INA219.begin"