Closed Ric121 closed 1 year ago
There is a known issue when setting anchor watch when the server has security enabled.
A fix is being prepared and should be available soon.
Fix is in v2.2.6.
Note: Requires the v1.13.0 of signalk-anchoralarm-plugin
Wow that was fast thank you very much
I 'm trying to set up an anchor. I go menu->Anchor Watch In the Anchor Watch window I set a radius and i click on the RAISE / DROP boton THen a Connection login windows popup to connect to Signal-k server. I fill up with credentials and press OK The loggin window closes without reporting any error, but nothing happens. No circle is drawn.
I have installed the signalk-anchoralarm-plugin and it is enable (I just pressed submmit in the setting window)
What do I do wrong?