SignalK / node-red-embedded

Node red nodes for use with the signalk-node-red plugin
Apache License 2.0
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Ability to use plugin within a standalone Node Red deployment rather than embedded #22

Open nmbath opened 3 years ago

nmbath commented 3 years ago

Are there any plans to allow the SignalK plugin for Node red to be added to a standalone Node Red deployment rather than within a Node Red inside of Signal K.

sbender9 commented 3 years ago

I don't currently have a plans for this. It would be a good amount of work.

LexanRed commented 1 year ago

Is there any update on this one?

What is the reason to restrict it to the embedded instance? Is there any upside to it? Is there any downside on running a standalone instance?

tkurki commented 1 year ago

With the current implementation communication between node-RED and Signal K server happens directly, inside one process. This has many benefits, among others the ability to pass all incoming data through n-r with very little performance overhead, but also the code is much simpler this way ("good amount of work" comment above).

The communication could take place between local processes and/or via network, but nobody has implemented that kind of bridging and in process is now the only option.

jeroenvermeulen commented 1 year ago

How about a lightweight SignalK plugin to receive the data? This may make it easier to get the data from a separate Node-RED install into SignalK.

CrankyDad commented 11 months ago

How about a lightweight SignalK plugin to receive the data?

This may make it easier to get the data from a separate Node-RED install into SignalK.

I've made a sub flow that acts as a SignalK client and doesn't need to run embedded. You simply supply the paths you want to subscribe to among other features. Still need packaging (incl documentation) and getting PUT with authentication to work, but I hope to complete that soon. It will be put here when done and in NPM.