SignalK / signalk-java

Installer and web-app for the artemis-server (a java based Signal K master server)
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 6 forks source link contains some errors #22

Closed lburaggi closed 5 years ago

lburaggi commented 5 years ago

The file contains the following errors:

  1. the line showing the command source <(curl -s points to the signalk-java/jdk11/ script while the link in the line just below shows a detailed Install Procedure where the setup_raspbian_sh is taken from a different GIT branch: source <(curl -s
  2. the link in line Goto ( is broken
rob42 commented 5 years ago

Thanks, fixed Trying to keep the master and jdk11 branches in sync is a hassle for these files. I have to be careful when I merge them as the urls etc are different, but the rest is the same...