SignalK / signalk-server

An implementation of a Signal K central server for boats.
Apache License 2.0
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Updating Signal K Server then Restart does not apply update #1699

Closed LinnJS closed 2 months ago

LinnJS commented 3 months ago


Hello Signal K team love the new bug fixes in the 2.6.0 & 2.6.1 updates. I have tried to upgrade Signal K Server via admin dashboard several times. I have tried updating the server and restart and the update does not apply and stays on version 2.4.1.

How might I fix this issue? Is there a way to manually upgrade the server on the Pi? Just dont want to break all my current configurations and plugins.

Thanks in advance 😄

tkurki commented 3 months ago

Have you checked the FAQ?

LinnJS commented 3 months ago

@tkurki thank you for the super quick reply. I am looking at the FAQ now and that seems to be the exact issue. Sorry did not see the FAQ when I was googling around for a fix.

When I cat $HOME/.signalk/signalk-server file I see its using /usr/local/lib/node_modules/signalk-server/bin/signalk-server which seems to be the correct node_modules location for the new version. Although when looking at the node_modules paths I did see the old location. Is there a different place I should be looking to swap over the location? Or is there something I am missing here?

Thank you again for the help. The pi is remote in a location that is hard to get to so I am trying hard not to break anything.

tkurki commented 3 months ago

Reinstalling Signal K server is a low risk operation. Your settings are under your home directory in directory .signalk. You can also create a backup copy of them from the Admin UI.

Have you restarted the whole computer?

If I were you I would try removing the old installation. If the server no longer starts when you restart the Pi then that kind of clears things up: the old one was being used, while the update seems to place it in the new location.

The FAQ's first item gives instructions for reinstalling.

tkurki commented 3 months ago

Is this still open?

LinnJS commented 3 months ago

Issue resolved, thank you.

LinnJS commented 3 months ago

I would hate to re-open this issue after just closing it. But I went deep tonight on this issue and did a fresh install of the signalk-server and upon the fresh install it defaulted to the older version I am currently on and when trying to upgrade the server I got install failed. I am not sure how to troubleshoot this.

I removed all old versions of the server in the other location as the FAQ suggest and its all cleaned up. I defaulted back to the old config luckily it works but the data explorer now shows no data coming from the NMEA system and I am not sure how to troubleshoot this. I can get access to the boat but I am not sure how to begin troubleshooting data not getting into the system it was working before I started upgrading plugins not sure if the updated plugins would cause issues of the version server I am on which is version 2.4.1.

I am using node v18.17.0 and npm v9.6.7.

Also when I did the fresh install of the signalk-server I tried to upload the recovery file and I got an error saying it does not start with signalk even though it was the exact file I downloaded from the admin dashboard.


/usr/local/lib/node_modules/signalk-server/bin/signalk-server -c /home/whateverittakes/.signalk $*

Update: The error I get when I try to reinstall signalk-server or try to upgrade the server from admin-ui. I tried cleaning node_modules and reinstalling and it installs correctly on first pass but then if I try to install again or upgrade from admin-ui the error comes back.

Screenshot 2024-03-23 at 4 43 05 PM
LinnJS commented 2 months ago

I am going to close this starting from a fresh image I am working through some issues with setting up infuxdb2 working through discord to get this fixed will open a issue or help thread on github if I cant get resolved in discord.