SignalK / specification

Signal K is a JSON-based format for storing and sharing marine data from different sources (e.g. nmea 0183, 2000, seatalk, etc)
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feature: Add Resources section #541

Open panaaj opened 5 years ago

panaaj commented 5 years ago

As per issue #540 the specification could benefit from the addition of a Resources section to describe the way in which to work with these data items.

The initial content outlines the proposed creation, updating and deletion of resources and also proposes some basic filters to use when retrieving resources to limit the number of records returned.

As there is no documented way of supplying parameters to a Delta message I have taken a leap and proposed a params attribute for a get delta message.

I have referenced and aligned with other parts of the specification where possible. Also tried to align POST and PUT requests with common use patterns.

There probably needs to be some text around security and accessing individual resource records as well.

Some other operational behaviour may also need to be specified e.g. Should the creation, updating and deletion of a resource trigger a delta update message? I would assume yes but it's probably best that expected behaviour is specified.

panaaj commented 5 years ago

Resources can link / reference to other resources e.g. Route start and end link to waypoint records. If a route is deleted should the associated a start and end waypoints be deleted as well?

rob42 commented 5 years ago

Resources can link / reference to other resources e.g. Route start and end link to waypoint records. If a route is deleted should the associated a start and end waypoints be deleted as well?

I think this is implementation specific. Obviously you should not delete a resource that is referenced from elsewhere, but I dont think thats a part of the signalk specification. The spec should say that " deletion is attempted and may fail, eg if the resource is referenced from elsewhere, or permissions etc. See request/response"

panaaj commented 5 years ago

Should then the http parameters format align to make them similar to stream api? e.g. ?filter={geo: {radius:1000} }

rob42 commented 5 years ago

Is that valid http? Probably geo.radius=1000&geo.etc would be more std

panaaj commented 5 years ago

Parameters will likely need to encompass:

As resources have few common attributes, it would make it easier to identify an attribute used as a parameter if it were:

  1. name-spaced i.e. note.region OR
  2. Scoped with attr e.g. attr.region=xxx

So a query for all notes attached to the same region would be something like ../resources/notes?attr.region=123456

And clearly identified in use with others ../resources/notes?attr.region=123456&limit=200&geo.radius=1000

fabdrol commented 5 years ago

@panaaj @rob42 what's the status of this, more work required? If so @rob42 can you review and clearly identify what @panaaj should do to finish this PR?

panaaj commented 5 years ago

Given the intent of this PR was to have resources represented in the spec I have removed the section that talked about the ability to filter returned records as this needs more consideration.

There are clearly implementation considerations as well as specification additions to be made to add entry filtering, delta parameters, etc so rather than hold up this PR I have removed them.

@fabdrol @rob42