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Schneider Electric Wiser
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Add support for ZW_MTN50x6xx #12

Closed TedTolboom closed 4 years ago

TedTolboom commented 4 years ago

Hi Marcus,

I've fixed the eslint errors in the PR, except for the long lines.

Can you merge the PR in the test version?


h3rman commented 4 years ago

I renamed the driver class to upper case to avoid camelcase error this shouldn't break the driver, I hope :P. A couple of ESLint errors left to fix in the future. Merging\TedTolboom\app.js 18:1 error This line has a length of 119. Maximum allowed is 100 max-len 41:1 error This line has a length of 120. Maximum allowed is 100 max-len 41:41 error Missing radix parameter radix 53:39 error Do not nest ternary expressions no-nested-ternary 59:1 error This line has a length of 141. Maximum allowed is 100 max-len 72:1 error This line has a length of 123. Maximum allowed is 100 max-len\TedTolboom\drivers\ZW_MTN50x6xx\device.js 48:30 error Do not access Object.prototype method 'hasOwnProperty' from target object no-prototype-builtins 62:34 error Do not access Object.prototype method 'hasOwnProperty' from target object no-prototype-builtins 114:5 error loops iterate over the entire prototype chain, which is virtually never what you want. Use Object.{keys,values,entries}, and iterate over the resulting array no-restricted-syntax 114:5 error The body of a for-in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype guard-for-in

✖ 10 problems (10 errors, 0 warnings)