Signalen / backend

Backend for Signalen, an application that helps cities manage and prioritize nuisance reports.
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Right "Melding aanmaken" cannot be used on its own #128

Open someren opened 3 years ago

someren commented 3 years ago

Related to issue #101

I created the role/groep "Melding aanmaken" with one right: signals|signal|melding aanmaken. I autorised users with "Leesrechten" so they would be able to create and add new signals. This set up has been tested and worked.

At least, up until recently because it does not work on production. The users received "Schrijfrechten" so they would be able to create and add signals. Without "Schrijfrechten" they get an error message.

Could this please be resolved? The ability to create and add new signals should be separated from other rights, especially Schrijfrechten because that gives a user too much possibilities/options.