Signalen / backend

Backend for Signalen, an application that helps cities manage and prioritize nuisance reports.
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Easily monitor health of Signalen application #20

Open tcoenen opened 4 years ago

tcoenen commented 4 years ago


bartjkdp commented 4 years ago

One of my colleagues at VNG discovered that the logging of Signals to standard output / error seems to be incomplete. Exceptions are not logged by default. To fix this we should probably merge parts of this and this. This are commits on a branch he made with some quick-fixes.

Logging For logging we can maybe use parts of the VNG Haven setup. This uses Fluentd, Elasticsearch and ElastAlert to automatically aggregate container logs in a Kubernetes cluster.

Metrics For metrics I like the idea of using Prometheus / InfluxDB and Grafana, because they are open source.

Overall metrics For overall metrics I think we can export metrics at the edge proxy (NGINX, Traefik or HAProxy):

Readiness and health metrics Used by Kubernetes to determine if the service is ready and healthy.

Application-specific metrics For application-specific metrics I like the idea of exposing a /metrics endpoint that exposes KPI's like:

For us operating system health checks are out of scope. The underlying systems are abstracted away by the container platform and are managed by a different team but maybe we can also use their tooling for this.

bartjkdp commented 4 years ago

I think the monitoring requirements can be full-filled easily with external tooling and the current code. When there are specific changes required in Signalen we should open a specific issue for that.