Signalen / frontend

Frontend for Signalen, an application that helps cities manage and prioritize nuisance reports.
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Homepage Signalen "Mijn filters" #116

Open someren opened 3 years ago

someren commented 3 years ago

Describe the wish After logging in in Signalen the homepage is the list "Afhandelen". In 's-Hertogenbosch we do not use this list, since Afdeling is more important for us than categorie. Therefore we would like the page "Mijn filters" to be our homepage. With the option to still be able to get the overall list from "Afhandelen" (maybe with a new button?).

Expected behavior After logging in I 'land' on the page "Mijn filters" so I can immediatly select the filter I want to use.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context The page "Afhandelen" should still be accessible in a way. So users can still filter and look at 'closed' signals.