Signalen / frontend

Frontend for Signalen, an application that helps cities manage and prioritize nuisance reports.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Add ability for external party to submit questionnaire reply #176

Closed MauritsR closed 1 year ago

MauritsR commented 1 year ago

Part 2 of For part 1, see


To do:


This PR adds a new form allowing an external party to see what actions they should take and reply when they are ready.

After an incident is forwarded to an external party, the external party receives an e-mail with a link to the Signalen application. A questionnaire is shown with an explanation (title, location of the incident, attachments of the incident) and a form (text area, image upload). The backend configures what questions are shown. Currently the form only supports plain text and image answers. Upon completion of the form, the answer is submitted and the backend locks the form.



InVision designs can be found here

Testing this branch

Geachte behandelaar,

Bedankt voor het invullen van het actieformulier. Uw informatie help ons bij het verwerken van de melding.

**U liet ons het volgende weten**
{{ reaction }}

**Gegevens van de melding**\
Nummer: {{ formatted_signal_id }}\
Gemeld op: {{ created_at|date:"j F y, h.m" }} uur\
Plaats: {{ address  }}

Met vriendelijke groet,\
MauritsR commented 1 year ago

Is superseded by because it's not possible to change an open PR's destination repository.