Significant-Gravitas / Auto-GPT-Benchmarks

A repo built for the purpose of benchmarking the performance of agents, regardless of how they are set up and how they work.
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Enhanced Test Report Directory Naming and Handling #312

Closed Swiftyos closed 1 year ago

Swiftyos commented 1 year ago


This pull request brings significant improvements to the calculate_info_test_path function within agbenchmark/utils/, focusing on enhancing directory naming while tidying up the code. The changes introduce a timestamp-based prefix for directory names, offering better organization and tracking of test reports. Additionally, the code has been streamlined for clarity and efficiency.


  1. Timestamp-Based Prefix: The function now begins each directory name with a timestamp in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS, capturing the exact moment when the report is generated. This timestamp-based prefix ensures uniqueness and chronologically orders the directories, improving the management of test reports.

  2. Code Cleanup: The code has been reviewed and optimized for improved readability and efficiency. Unnecessary elements have been removed, enhancing the overall maintainability of the function.


Here are examples of how the improved function generates directory names based on different scenarios:

These enhancements ensure that test report directories are labeled with accurate timestamps and relevant identifiers, enhancing clarity and usability for users who engage with the benchmarking tool.

Note: This pull request exclusively modifies the calculate_info_test_path function and does not impact other sections of the codebase. The proposed changes aim to provide a more intuitive and organized experience for users managing benchmarking reports while also improving the code quality.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

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