Significant-Gravitas / AutoGPT-Code-Ability

🖥️ AutoGPT's Coding Ability - empowering everyone to build software using AI
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Implement Front-End Capability to Resume Unfinished Projects #298

Open elersong opened 4 weeks ago

elersong commented 4 weeks ago

I am a first-time user of the OpenAI API for GPT-4o and have encountered issues with my projects stalling due to rate limits. To address this, I propose a feature that allows users to pull an unfinished project from the database and resume it from where it left off.

Feature Request:

I am requesting the implementation of a front-end capability that enables users to retrieve an unfinished project from the database and continue working on it seamlessly. This feature would provide a robust solution to rate limit interruptions by allowing users to pick up their work without starting over and consuming OpenAI credits needlessly.

Proposed Solution:
