Significant-Gravitas / AutoGPT

AutoGPT is the vision of accessible AI for everyone, to use and to build on. Our mission is to provide the tools, so that you can focus on what matters.
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In --gpt3only mode, receive this error: SYSTEM: Command evaluate_code returned: Error: The model: `gpt-4` does not exist #145

Closed jtokash closed 1 year ago

jtokash commented 1 year ago

When running with --gpt3only mode, I receive this error when Auto-GPT tries to 'execute' code.

SYSTEM: Command evaluate_code returned: Error: The model: gpt-4 does not exist

Tonylib commented 1 year ago


ljleb commented 1 year ago

Same problem. Can anyone call the openapi for gpt-4 or you need to be granted access?

stayupthetree commented 1 year ago

Same problem. Can anyone call the openapi for gpt-4 or you need to be granted access?

From what I can tell you need to sign up on a waitlist for gpt-4 API

Arlodotexe commented 1 year ago

Same. I have access to GPT4, but still get this error whenever evaluate_code is run.

nerdylist commented 1 year ago

Can you disable and only have it run on 3.5?

jcdescy commented 1 year ago

I get the same, but I'm not running in gpt3only mode. It was when the AI had written a bot and tried to evaluate the code.

ljleb commented 1 year ago

To disable gpt-4 just edit the configuration, set SMART_LLM_MODEL="gpt-3.5-turbo" in .env.

jtokash commented 1 year ago

@ljleb 's response is correct - there are 2 models referenced in .env. I only had one set to 3.5.

Wladastic commented 1 year ago

PINECONE_API_KEY=your-pinecone-api-key PINECONE_ENV=your-pinecone-region OPENAI_API_KEY= ELEVENLABS_API_KEY= SMART_LLM_MODEL="gpt-3.5-turbo-0301" FAST_LLM_MODEL="gpt-3.5-turbo" GOOGLE_API_KEY= CUSTOM_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID= USE_AZURE=False OPENAI_API_BASE=your-base-url-for-azure OPENAI_API_VERSION=api-version-for-azure OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT_ID=deployment-id-for-azure IMAGE_PROVIDER=dalle HUGGINGFACE_API_TOKEN=

omni-webdev commented 1 year ago

--gpt3only also resolves, don't have to set the env variable

To disable gpt-4 just edit the configuration, set SMART_LLM_MODEL="gpt-3.5-turbo" in .env.

--gpt3only also resolves, don't have to set the env variable

ljleb commented 1 year ago

@omni-webdev --gpt3only also resolves, don't have to set the env variable

Unless it has been fixed, (I assume it has been fixed by now?) there was an issue last week making this flag useless for code.

styk-tv commented 1 year ago

@ljleb looks like it was fixed, no more gpt4 errors with the flag

Deano007 commented 1 year ago

Command evaluate_code returned: Error: The model: gpt-4 does not exist

I have openAPI key with credits and the following in .env file, what am I missing?

SMART_LLM_MODEL=gpt-4 FAST_LLM_MODEL=gpt-3.5-turbo

dawidkulpa commented 1 year ago

Having paid OpenAI account doesn't neccessarily mean you have access to GPT4 (neither does ChatGPT Plus subscription), currently the only way to get access to GPT4 is through waitlist:

LuigiCosi commented 1 year ago

@styk-tv I still get this error and all I get is: SYSTEM:

Command evaluate_code returned: Error: The model: gpt-4 does not exist although in .env I have:

"SMART_LLM_MODEL="gpt-3.5-turbo" FAST_LLM_MODEL=gpt-3.5-turbo"

GlobalSCEO commented 1 year ago

-=-=-=-=-=-=-= COMMAND AUTHORISED BY USER -=-=-=-=-=-=-= SYSTEM: Command evaluate_code returned: Error: The model: gpt-4 does not exist I didn't know so i waste 0.17 token. why is it spending money and my time?....

Deano007 commented 1 year ago

Having paid OpenAI account doesn't neccessarily mean you have access to GPT4 (neither does ChatGPT Plus subscription), currently the only way to get access to GPT4 is through waitlist:

It's still able to use gtp-3.5-turbo and that's where your tokens are being spent, access to the API is not free

Abdulsamipy commented 1 year ago

-=-=-=-=-=-=-= COMMAND AUTHORISED BY USER -=-=-=-=-=-=-= SYSTEM: Command evaluate_code returned: Error: The model: gpt-4 does not exist I didn't know so i waste 0.17 token. why is it spending money and my time?....

Please are working hard on the project. if u think it wasting your time , DON'T USE IT