Significant-Gravitas / AutoGPT

AutoGPT is the vision of accessible AI for everyone, to use and to build on. Our mission is to provide the tools, so that you can focus on what matters.
MIT License
164.85k stars 43.71k forks source link

Command browse_website returned: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model' #4813

Closed NeonN3mesis closed 1 year ago

NeonN3mesis commented 1 year ago

⚠️ Search for existing issues first ⚠️

Which Operating System are you using?


Which version of Auto-GPT are you using?

Latest Release

Do you use OpenAI GPT-3 or GPT-4?


Which area covers your issue best?


Describe your issue.

browse_website command pulls information, gives errors in logs. This is different from This issue

Command browse_website returned: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'

Please see Logs here under the same name as this issue.

Upload Activity Log Content

No response

Upload Error Log Content

No response

NeonN3mesis commented 1 year ago
2023-06-27 03:50:43,494 DEBUG  Creating chat completion with model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, temperature 0.0, max_tokens 2175
2023-06-27 03:54:41,124 INFO Debug Mode:  ENABLED
2023-06-27 03:54:41,240 INFO Continuous Mode:  ENABLED
2023-06-27 03:54:41,366 INFO WARNING:  Continuous mode is not recommended. It is potentially dangerous and may cause your AI to run forever or carry out actions you would not usually authorise. Use at your own risk.
2023-06-27 03:54:42,112 WARNING LEGAL: 
2023-06-27 03:54:42,113 WARNING LEGAL: 
2023-06-27 03:54:42,113 WARNING LEGAL: Introduction
2023-06-27 03:54:42,114 WARNING LEGAL: AutoGPT (the "System") is a project that connects a GPT-like artificial intelligence system to the internet and allows it to automate tasks. While the System is designed to be useful and efficient, there may be instances where the System could perform actions that may cause harm or have unintended consequences.
2023-06-27 03:54:42,114 WARNING LEGAL: 
2023-06-27 03:54:42,114 WARNING LEGAL: No Liability for Actions of the System
2023-06-27 03:54:42,115 WARNING LEGAL: The developers, contributors, and maintainers of the AutoGPT project (collectively, the "Project Parties") make no warranties or representations, express or implied, about the System's performance, accuracy, reliability, or safety. By using the System, you understand and agree that the Project Parties shall not be liable for any actions taken by the System or any consequences resulting from such actions.
2023-06-27 03:54:42,115 WARNING LEGAL: 
2023-06-27 03:54:42,116 WARNING LEGAL: User Responsibility and Respondeat Superior Liability
2023-06-27 03:54:42,116 WARNING LEGAL: As a user of the System, you are responsible for supervising and monitoring the actions of the System while it is operating on your
2023-06-27 03:54:42,116 WARNING LEGAL: behalf. You acknowledge that using the System could expose you to potential liability including but not limited to respondeat superior and you agree to assume all risks and liabilities associated with such potential liability.
2023-06-27 03:54:42,117 WARNING LEGAL: 
2023-06-27 03:54:42,117 WARNING LEGAL: Indemnification
2023-06-27 03:54:42,118 WARNING LEGAL: By using the System, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Project Parties from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) arising out of or in connection with your use of the System, including, without limitation, any actions taken by the System on your behalf, any failure to properly supervise or monitor the System, and any resulting harm or unintended consequences.
2023-06-27 03:54:42,118 WARNING LEGAL:             
2023-06-27 03:54:42,227 INFO NEWS: Welcome to Auto-GPT!
2023-06-27 03:54:42,228 INFO NEWS: Below you'll find the latest Auto-GPT News and updates regarding features!
2023-06-27 03:54:42,228 INFO NEWS: If you don't wish to see this message, you can run Auto-GPT with the --skip-news flag.
2023-06-27 03:54:42,229 INFO NEWS: 
2023-06-27 03:54:42,229 INFO NEWS: Website and Documentation Site 📰📖
2023-06-27 03:54:42,229 INFO NEWS: Check out, the official news & updates site for Auto-GPT!
2023-06-27 03:54:42,230 INFO NEWS: The documentation also has a place here, at
2023-06-27 03:54:42,230 INFO NEWS: 
2023-06-27 03:54:42,231 INFO NEWS: For contributors 👷🏼
2023-06-27 03:54:42,231 INFO NEWS: Since releasing v0.3.0, whave been working on re-architecting the Auto-GPT core to make it more extensible and make room for structural performance-oriented R&D.
2023-06-27 03:54:42,231 INFO NEWS: 
2023-06-27 03:54:42,232 INFO NEWS: Check out the contribution guide on our wiki:
2023-06-27 03:54:42,232 INFO NEWS:
2023-06-27 03:54:42,232 INFO NEWS: 
2023-06-27 03:54:42,233 INFO NEWS: 🚀 v0.4.1 Release 🚀
2023-06-27 03:54:42,233 INFO NEWS: Two weeks and 50+ pull requests have passed since v0.4.0, and we are happy to announce the release of v0.4.1!
2023-06-27 03:54:42,234 INFO NEWS: 
2023-06-27 03:54:42,234 INFO NEWS: Highlights and notable changes since v0.4.0:
2023-06-27 03:54:42,234 INFO NEWS: - The .env.template is more readable and better explains the purpose of each environment variable.
2023-06-27 03:54:42,235 INFO NEWS: - More dependable search
2023-06-27 03:54:42,235 INFO NEWS:     - The CUSTOM_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID variable has been replaced to GOOGLE_CUSTOM_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID, make sure you update it.
2023-06-27 03:54:42,236 INFO NEWS: - Better read_file
2023-06-27 03:54:42,236 INFO NEWS: - More reliable python code execution
2023-06-27 03:54:42,236 INFO NEWS: - Lots of JSON error fixes
2023-06-27 03:54:42,237 INFO NEWS: - Directory-based plugins
2023-06-27 03:54:42,238 INFO NEWS: 
2023-06-27 03:54:42,238 INFO NEWS: Further fixes and changes 🛠️
2023-06-27 03:54:42,238 INFO NEWS: Under the hood, we've done a bunch of work improving architectures and streamlining code. Most of that won't be user-visible
2023-06-27 03:54:42,239 INFO NEWS: 
2023-06-27 03:54:42,239 INFO NEWS: Take a look at the Release Notes on Github for the full changelog!
2023-06-27 03:54:42,239 INFO NEWS:
2023-06-27 03:54:42,240 INFO NEWS: 
2023-06-27 03:54:42,257 INFO WARNING:  You are running on `master` branch - this is not a supported branch.
2023-06-27 03:54:42,615 DEBUG  The following command categories are disabled: []
2023-06-27 03:54:42,615 DEBUG  The following command categories are enabled: ['autogpt.commands.execute_code', 'autogpt.commands.file_operations', 'autogpt.commands.web_search', 'autogpt.commands.web_selenium', '', 'autogpt.commands.task_statuses']
2023-06-27 03:54:42,929 INFO Welcome back!  Would you like me to return to being WhoIsGPT?
2023-06-27 03:54:43,195 INFO  Asking user via keyboard...
2023-06-27 03:54:45,670 INFO WhoIsGPT has been created with the following details:
2023-06-27 03:54:45,937 INFO Name: WhoIsGPT
2023-06-27 03:54:46,017 INFO Role: An AI that specializes in following the directions in project1.txt
2023-06-27 03:54:46,298 INFO Goals: 
2023-06-27 03:54:46,354 INFO - Read the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.
2023-06-27 03:54:46,624 INFO - Follow the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.
2023-06-27 03:54:46,896 DEBUG  Initialized JSONFileMemory with index path /app/autogpt/workspace/auto_gpt_workspace/auto-gpt-memory.json
2023-06-27 03:54:46,900 DEBUG  Loading memories from index file '/app/autogpt/workspace/auto_gpt_workspace/auto-gpt-memory.json'
2023-06-27 03:54:46,903 DEBUG  Loaded 2 MemoryItems from file
2023-06-27 03:54:46,904 DEBUG  Saving memory index to file /app/autogpt/workspace/auto_gpt_workspace/auto-gpt-memory.json
2023-06-27 03:54:46,909 INFO Using memory of type: JSONFileMemory
2023-06-27 03:54:47,077 INFO Using Browser: chrome
2023-06-27 03:54:47,192 INFO Prompt: You are WhoIsGPT, An AI that specializes in following the directions in project1.txt
Your decisions must always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.
The OS you are running on is: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)


1. Read the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.
2. Follow the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.

1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.
2. If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar events will help you remember.
3. No user assistance
4. Exclusively use the commands listed below e.g. command_name

1. execute_python_code: Creates a Python file and executes it, params: (code: string, name: string)
2. execute_python_file: Executes an existing Python file, params: (filename: string)
3. execute_shell: Executes a Shell Command, non-interactive commands only, params: (command_line: string)
4. execute_shell_popen: Executes a Shell Command, non-interactive commands only, params: (query: string)
5. append_to_file: Appends to a file, params: (filename: string, text: string)
6. delete_file: Deletes a file, params: (filename: string)
7. list_files: Lists Files in a Directory, params: (directory: string)
8. read_file: Read an existing file, params: (filename: string)
9. write_to_file: Writes to a file, params: (filename: string, text: string)
10. google: Google Search, params: (query: string)
11. web_search: Searches the web, params: (query: string)
12. browse_website: Browses a Website, params: (url: string, question: string)
13. goals_accomplished: Goals are accomplished and there is nothing left to do, params: (reason: string)

1. Internet access for searches and information gathering.
2. Long Term memory management.
3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.
4. File output.

Performance Evaluation:
1. Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.
2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.
3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.
4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number of steps.

Respond with only valid JSON conforming to the following schema: 
{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"thoughts": {"type": "object", "properties": {"text": {"type": "string", "description": "thoughts"}, "reasoning": {"type": "string"}, "plan": {"type": "string", "description": "- short bulleted\n- list that conveys\n- long-term plan"}, "criticism": {"type": "string", "description": "constructive self-criticism"}, "speak": {"type": "string", "description": "thoughts summary to say to user"}}, "required": ["text", "reasoning", "plan", "criticism", "speak"], "additionalProperties": false}, "command": {"type": "object", "properties": {"name": {"type": "string"}, "args": {"type": "object"}}, "required": ["name", "args"], "additionalProperties": false}}, "required": ["thoughts", "command"], "additionalProperties": false}

2023-06-27 03:54:47,867 DEBUG  []
2023-06-27 03:54:47,870 DEBUG  Token limit: 4096
2023-06-27 03:54:48,823 DEBUG  Token limit: 4096
2023-06-27 03:54:48,824 DEBUG  Send Token Count: 1855
2023-06-27 03:54:48,824 DEBUG  Tokens remaining for response: 2241
2023-06-27 03:54:48,825 DEBUG  ------------ CONTEXT SENT TO AI ---------------
2023-06-27 03:54:48,825 DEBUG  System: The current time and date is Tue Jun 27 03:54:47 2023
2023-06-27 03:54:48,825 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:54:48,826 DEBUG  User: Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:
2023-06-27 03:54:48,826 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:54:48,826 DEBUG  ----------- END OF CONTEXT ----------------
2023-06-27 03:54:48,833 DEBUG  [
        "role": "system",
        "content": "You are WhoIsGPT, An AI that specializes in following the directions in project1.txt\nYour decisions must always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\nThe OS you are running on is: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)\n\nGOALS:\n\n1. Read the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.\n2. Follow the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.\n\n\nConstraints:\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\n2. If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar events will help you remember.\n3. No user assistance\n4. Exclusively use the commands listed below e.g. command_name\n\nCommands:\n1. execute_python_code: Creates a Python file and executes it, params: (code: string, name: string)\n2. execute_python_file: Executes an existing Python file, params: (filename: string)\n3. execute_shell: Executes a Shell Command, non-interactive commands only, params: (command_line: string)\n4. execute_shell_popen: Executes a Shell Command, non-interactive commands only, params: (query: string)\n5. append_to_file: Appends to a file, params: (filename: string, text: string)\n6. delete_file: Deletes a file, params: (filename: string)\n7. list_files: Lists Files in a Directory, params: (directory: string)\n8. read_file: Read an existing file, params: (filename: string)\n9. write_to_file: Writes to a file, params: (filename: string, text: string)\n10. google: Google Search, params: (query: string)\n11. web_search: Searches the web, params: (query: string)\n12. browse_website: Browses a Website, params: (url: string, question: string)\n13. goals_accomplished: Goals are accomplished and there is nothing left to do, params: (reason: string)\n\nResources:\n1. Internet access for searches and information gathering.\n2. Long Term memory management.\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\n4. File output.\n\nPerformance Evaluation:\n1. Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\n2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\n3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\n4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number of steps.\n\nRespond with only valid JSON conforming to the following schema: \n{\"$schema\": \"\", \"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"thoughts\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"text\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"thoughts\"}, \"reasoning\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"plan\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"- short bulleted\\n- list that conveys\\n- long-term plan\"}, \"criticism\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"constructive self-criticism\"}, \"speak\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"thoughts summary to say to user\"}}, \"required\": [\"text\", \"reasoning\", \"plan\", \"criticism\", \"speak\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}, \"command\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"name\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"args\": {\"type\": \"object\"}}, \"required\": [\"name\", \"args\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}}, \"required\": [\"thoughts\", \"command\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}\n"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "The current time and date is Tue Jun 27 03:54:47 2023"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
2023-06-27 03:54:48,835 DEBUG  Creating chat completion with model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, temperature 0.0, max_tokens 2241
2023-06-27 03:54:53,775 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613: {
  "completion_tokens": 158,
  "prompt_tokens": 849,
  "total_tokens": 1007
2023-06-27 03:54:53,776 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.002
2023-06-27 03:54:53,776 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task at hand and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task in project1.txt.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"read_file\", \"args\": {\"filename\": \"project1.txt\"}}}",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838089,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu4vHUJe3pa2I6KvTpuBRgzsmE6a",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 158,
    "prompt_tokens": 849,
    "total_tokens": 1007
2023-06-27 03:54:53,777 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task at hand and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task in project1.txt.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"read_file\", \"args\": {\"filename\": \"project1.txt\"}}}",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838089,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu4vHUJe3pa2I6KvTpuBRgzsmE6a",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 158,
    "prompt_tokens": 849,
    "total_tokens": 1007
2023-06-27 03:54:53,837 DEBUG  The JSON object is valid.
2023-06-27 03:54:53,837 INFO WHOISGPT THOUGHTS: I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.
2023-06-27 03:54:54,264 INFO REASONING: To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task at hand and consider the available options.
2023-06-27 03:54:54,627 INFO PLAN: 
2023-06-27 03:54:54,664 INFO -  1. Review the task in project1.txt.
2023-06-27 03:54:54,837 INFO -  2. Identify the specific action required.
2023-06-27 03:54:55,004 INFO -  3. Consider the available commands.
2023-06-27 03:54:55,205 INFO -  4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.
2023-06-27 03:54:55,483 INFO CRITICISM: I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.
2023-06-27 03:54:55,939 INFO SPEAK: I will review the task and select the most suitable command.
2023-06-27 03:54:56,218 DEBUG  Resolving path 'project1.txt' in workspace '/app/autogpt/workspace/auto_gpt_workspace'
2023-06-27 03:54:56,225 DEBUG  Resolved root as '/app/autogpt/workspace/auto_gpt_workspace'
2023-06-27 03:54:56,236 DEBUG  Joined paths as '/app/autogpt/workspace/auto_gpt_workspace/project1.txt'
2023-06-27 03:54:56,243 DEBUG  {
    "thoughts": {
        "text": "I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.",
        "reasoning": "To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task at hand and consider the available options.",
        "plan": "1. Review the task in project1.txt.\n2. Identify the specific action required.\n3. Consider the available commands.\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.",
        "criticism": "I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.",
        "speak": "I will review the task and select the most suitable command."
    "command": {
        "name": "read_file",
        "args": {
            "filename": "/app/autogpt/workspace/auto_gpt_workspace/project1.txt"
2023-06-27 03:54:56,246 INFO 

2023-06-27 03:54:56,292 INFO NEXT ACTION:  COMMAND = read_file  ARGUMENTS = {'filename': '/app/autogpt/workspace/auto_gpt_workspace/project1.txt'}
2023-06-27 03:54:56,560 INFO 

2023-06-27 03:54:56,603 INFO AUTHORISED COMMANDS LEFT: 0 
2023-06-27 03:54:56,740 DEBUG  Reading file /app/autogpt/workspace/auto_gpt_workspace/project1.txt with parser <autogpt.commands.file_operations_utils.TXTParser object at 0x7f2cc08cada0>
2023-06-27 03:54:56,745 DEBUG  Reading '/app/autogpt/workspace/auto_gpt_workspace/project1.txt' with encoding 'ascii'
2023-06-27 03:54:56,746 DEBUG  Memorizing text:
1. Create a method to retrieve the relevant styinging information necessary to make a darkmode chrome extension from and save it for refrence.
2. Refer to the styling information to create a dark mode extension for google chrome.
3. Ensure you create all necessary files before asking the user to test.   

2023-06-27 03:54:56,746 DEBUG  Chunks: ['1. Create a method to retrieve the relevant styinging information necessary to make a darkmode chrome extension from and save it for refrence.\r 2. Refer to the styling information to create a dark mode extension for google chrome.\r 3. Ensure you create all necessary files before asking the user to test.   ']
2023-06-27 03:54:56,747 INFO  Text length: 72 tokens
2023-06-27 03:54:56,747 INFO  Max chunk length: 3545 tokens
2023-06-27 03:54:56,748 DEBUG  Summarizing with gpt-3.5-turbo-0613:

============== ChatSequence ==============
Length: 107 tokens; 1 messages
------------------ USER ------------------
Write a concise summary of the following text:

LITERAL TEXT: """1. Create a method to retrieve the relevant styinging information necessary to make a darkmode chrome extension from and save it for refrence.
 2. Refer to the styling information to create a dark mode extension for google chrome.
 3. Ensure you create all necessary files before asking the user to test.   """

CONCISE SUMMARY: The text is best summarized as

2023-06-27 03:54:56,748 DEBUG  Creating chat completion with model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, temperature 0, max_tokens 500
2023-06-27 03:54:57,892 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613: {
  "completion_tokens": 27,
  "prompt_tokens": 106,
  "total_tokens": 133
2023-06-27 03:54:57,893 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.002
2023-06-27 03:54:57,893 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "a set of instructions to create a dark mode chrome extension by retrieving styling information from a specific website and creating the necessary files before testing.",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838097,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu53sG8zbze6RRmhZkML0gzBDUOp",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 27,
    "prompt_tokens": 106,
    "total_tokens": 133
2023-06-27 03:54:57,894 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "a set of instructions to create a dark mode chrome extension by retrieving styling information from a specific website and creating the necessary files before testing.",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838097,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu53sG8zbze6RRmhZkML0gzBDUOp",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 27,
    "prompt_tokens": 106,
    "total_tokens": 133
2023-06-27 03:54:57,894 DEBUG  
---------------- SUMMARY -----------------
a set of instructions to create a dark mode chrome extension by retrieving styling information from a specific website and creating the necessary files before testing.

2023-06-27 03:54:57,895 DEBUG  Chunk summaries: ['a set of instructions to create a dark mode chrome extension by retrieving styling information from a specific website and creating the necessary files before testing.']
2023-06-27 03:54:57,895 DEBUG  Getting embeddings for 1 inputs with model 'text-embedding-ada-002'
2023-06-27 03:54:58,030 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model text-embedding-ada-002-v2: {
  "prompt_tokens": 72,
  "total_tokens": 72
2023-06-27 03:54:58,031 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.002
2023-06-27 03:54:58,031 DEBUG  Total summary: a set of instructions to create a dark mode chrome extension by retrieving styling information from a specific website and creating the necessary files before testing.
2023-06-27 03:54:58,031 DEBUG  Getting embedding with model 'text-embedding-ada-002'
2023-06-27 03:54:58,166 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model text-embedding-ada-002-v2: {
  "prompt_tokens": 27,
  "total_tokens": 27
2023-06-27 03:54:58,166 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.002
2023-06-27 03:54:58,167 INFO SYSTEM:  Command read_file returned: 1. Create a method to retrieve the relevant styinging information necessary to make a darkmode chrome extension from and save it for refrence.
2. Refer to the styling information to create a dark mode extension for google chrome.
3. Ensure you create all necessary files before asking the user to test.   
2023-06-27 03:54:58,762 DEBUG  [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task at hand and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task in project1.txt.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"read_file\", \"args\": {\"filename\": \"project1.txt\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command read_file returned: 1. Create a method to retrieve the relevant styinging information necessary to make a darkmode chrome extension from and save it for refrence.\r\n2. Refer to the styling information to create a dark mode extension for google chrome.\r\n3. Ensure you create all necessary files before asking the user to test.   "
2023-06-27 03:54:58,765 DEBUG  Token limit: 4096
2023-06-27 03:54:58,767 DEBUG  Token limit: 4096
2023-06-27 03:54:58,767 DEBUG  Send Token Count: 1644
2023-06-27 03:54:58,767 DEBUG  Tokens remaining for response: 2452
2023-06-27 03:54:58,768 DEBUG  ------------ CONTEXT SENT TO AI ---------------
2023-06-27 03:54:58,768 DEBUG  System: The current time and date is Tue Jun 27 03:54:58 2023
2023-06-27 03:54:58,768 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:54:58,769 DEBUG  System: This reminds you of these events from your past: 
I was created
2023-06-27 03:54:58,769 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:54:58,770 DEBUG  User: Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:
2023-06-27 03:54:58,770 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:54:58,770 DEBUG  Assistant: {"thoughts": {"text": "I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.", "reasoning": "To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task at hand and consider the available options.", "plan": "1. Review the task in project1.txt.\n2. Identify the specific action required.\n3. Consider the available commands.\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.", "criticism": "I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.", "speak": "I will review the task and select the most suitable command."}, "command": {"name": "read_file", "args": {"filename": "project1.txt"}}}
2023-06-27 03:54:58,771 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:54:58,771 DEBUG  System: Command read_file returned: 1. Create a method to retrieve the relevant styinging information necessary to make a darkmode chrome extension from and save it for refrence.
2. Refer to the styling information to create a dark mode extension for google chrome.
3. Ensure you create all necessary files before asking the user to test.   
2023-06-27 03:54:58,771 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:54:58,772 DEBUG  User: Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:
2023-06-27 03:54:58,772 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:54:58,772 DEBUG  ----------- END OF CONTEXT ----------------
2023-06-27 03:54:58,777 DEBUG  [
        "role": "system",
        "content": "You are WhoIsGPT, An AI that specializes in following the directions in project1.txt\nYour decisions must always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\nThe OS you are running on is: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)\n\nGOALS:\n\n1. Read the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.\n2. Follow the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.\n\n\nConstraints:\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\n2. If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar events will help you remember.\n3. No user assistance\n4. Exclusively use the commands listed below e.g. command_name\n\nCommands:\n1. execute_python_code: Creates a Python file and executes it, params: (code: string, name: string)\n2. execute_python_file: Executes an existing Python file, params: (filename: string)\n3. execute_shell: Executes a Shell Command, non-interactive commands only, params: (command_line: string)\n4. execute_shell_popen: Executes a Shell Command, non-interactive commands only, params: (query: string)\n5. append_to_file: Appends to a file, params: (filename: string, text: string)\n6. delete_file: Deletes a file, params: (filename: string)\n7. list_files: Lists Files in a Directory, params: (directory: string)\n8. read_file: Read an existing file, params: (filename: string)\n9. write_to_file: Writes to a file, params: (filename: string, text: string)\n10. google: Google Search, params: (query: string)\n11. web_search: Searches the web, params: (query: string)\n12. browse_website: Browses a Website, params: (url: string, question: string)\n13. goals_accomplished: Goals are accomplished and there is nothing left to do, params: (reason: string)\n\nResources:\n1. Internet access for searches and information gathering.\n2. Long Term memory management.\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\n4. File output.\n\nPerformance Evaluation:\n1. Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\n2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\n3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\n4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number of steps.\n\nRespond with only valid JSON conforming to the following schema: \n{\"$schema\": \"\", \"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"thoughts\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"text\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"thoughts\"}, \"reasoning\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"plan\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"- short bulleted\\n- list that conveys\\n- long-term plan\"}, \"criticism\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"constructive self-criticism\"}, \"speak\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"thoughts summary to say to user\"}}, \"required\": [\"text\", \"reasoning\", \"plan\", \"criticism\", \"speak\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}, \"command\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"name\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"args\": {\"type\": \"object\"}}, \"required\": [\"name\", \"args\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}}, \"required\": [\"thoughts\", \"command\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}\n"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "The current time and date is Tue Jun 27 03:54:58 2023"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "This reminds you of these events from your past: \nI was created"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task at hand and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task in project1.txt.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"read_file\", \"args\": {\"filename\": \"project1.txt\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command read_file returned: 1. Create a method to retrieve the relevant styinging information necessary to make a darkmode chrome extension from and save it for refrence.\r\n2. Refer to the styling information to create a dark mode extension for google chrome.\r\n3. Ensure you create all necessary files before asking the user to test.   "
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
2023-06-27 03:54:58,780 DEBUG  Creating chat completion with model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, temperature 0.0, max_tokens 2452
2023-06-27 03:55:04,885 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613: {
  "completion_tokens": 175,
  "prompt_tokens": 1128,
  "total_tokens": 1303
2023-06-27 03:55:04,885 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.004
2023-06-27 03:55:04,886 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"Retrieve the relevant styling information necessary to make a dark mode chrome extension.\"}}}",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838099,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu550SAdG8l7yNjzIOz7wNvKudvW",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 175,
    "prompt_tokens": 1128,
    "total_tokens": 1303
2023-06-27 03:55:04,886 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"Retrieve the relevant styling information necessary to make a dark mode chrome extension.\"}}}",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838099,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu550SAdG8l7yNjzIOz7wNvKudvW",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 175,
    "prompt_tokens": 1128,
    "total_tokens": 1303
2023-06-27 03:55:04,982 DEBUG  The JSON object is valid.
2023-06-27 03:55:04,983 INFO WHOISGPT THOUGHTS: I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.
2023-06-27 03:55:05,309 INFO REASONING: To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.
2023-06-27 03:55:05,693 INFO PLAN: 
2023-06-27 03:55:05,734 INFO -  1. Review the task requirements.
2023-06-27 03:55:05,973 INFO -  2. Identify the specific action required.
2023-06-27 03:55:06,145 INFO -  3. Consider the available commands.
2023-06-27 03:55:06,341 INFO -  4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.
2023-06-27 03:55:06,649 INFO CRITICISM: I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.
2023-06-27 03:55:07,060 INFO SPEAK: I will review the task and select the most suitable command.
2023-06-27 03:55:07,383 DEBUG  {
    "thoughts": {
        "text": "I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.",
        "reasoning": "To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.",
        "plan": "1. Review the task requirements.\n2. Identify the specific action required.\n3. Consider the available commands.\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.",
        "criticism": "I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.",
        "speak": "I will review the task and select the most suitable command."
    "command": {
        "name": "browse_website",
        "args": {
            "url": "",
            "question": "Retrieve the relevant styling information necessary to make a dark mode chrome extension."
2023-06-27 03:55:07,386 INFO 

2023-06-27 03:55:07,417 INFO NEXT ACTION:  COMMAND = browse_website  ARGUMENTS = {'url': '', 'question': 'Retrieve the relevant styling information necessary to make a dark mode chrome extension.'}
2023-06-27 03:55:07,837 INFO 

2023-06-27 03:55:07,854 INFO AUTHORISED COMMANDS LEFT: 0 
2023-06-27 03:55:10,109 INFO  Text length: 791 characters
2023-06-27 03:55:10,109 DEBUG  Memorizing text:
FAQsLoginSign UpSay hello toFloatplaneLearn MoreWhat’s Floatplane?Floatplane is a streaming service that offers a wide variety of content from shows to reviews and more! All viewable on thousands of internet-connected devices.You can watch as much as you want, whenever you want, all at creator specified pricing. Get the best content first, and get bonus content like behind the scenes!Who's behind Floatplane?Floatplane is a Canadian development company focusing on developing a great streaming platform for online video content and Creators.Try out our new and improved seamless mobile experienceTake the next stepCalling all creatorsHere we go! We're now welcoming additional creators onto the platform.Apply NowView FAQ or contact support.Read the legal stuff.Floatplane Media Inc. 2023

2023-06-27 03:55:10,110 DEBUG  Chunks: ["FAQsLoginSign UpSay hello toFloatplaneLearn MoreWhat’s Floatplane?Floatplane is a streaming service that offers a wide variety of content from shows to reviews and more! All viewable on thousands of internet-connected devices.You can watch as much as you want, whenever you want, all at creator specified pricing. Get the best content first, and get bonus content like behind the scenes!Who's behind Floatplane?Floatplane is a Canadian development company focusing on developing a great streaming platform for online video content and Creators.Try out our new and improved seamless mobile experienceTake the next stepCalling all creatorsHere we go! We're now welcoming additional creators onto the platform.Apply NowView FAQ or contact support.Read the legal stuff.Floatplane Media Inc. 2023"]
2023-06-27 03:55:10,110 INFO  Text length: 155 tokens
2023-06-27 03:55:10,111 INFO  Max chunk length: 3545 tokens
2023-06-27 03:55:10,112 DEBUG  Summarizing with gpt-3.5-turbo-0613:

============== ChatSequence ==============
Length: 223 tokens; 1 messages
------------------ USER ------------------
Write a concise summary of the following text; include any information that can be used to answer the question "Retrieve the relevant styling information necessary to make a dark mode chrome extension.". Do not directly answer the question itself:

LITERAL TEXT: """FAQsLoginSign UpSay hello toFloatplaneLearn MoreWhat’s Floatplane?Floatplane is a streaming service that offers a wide variety of content from shows to reviews and more! All viewable on thousands of internet-connected devices.You can watch as much as you want, whenever you want, all at creator specified pricing. Get the best content first, and get bonus content like behind the scenes!Who's behind Floatplane?Floatplane is a Canadian development company focusing on developing a great streaming platform for online video content and Creators.Try out our new and improved seamless mobile experienceTake the next stepCalling all creatorsHere we go! We're now welcoming additional creators onto the platform.Apply NowView FAQ or contact support.Read the legal stuff.Floatplane Media Inc. 2023"""

CONCISE SUMMARY: The text is best summarized as

2023-06-27 03:55:10,112 DEBUG  Creating chat completion with model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, temperature 0, max_tokens 500
2023-06-27 03:55:12,757 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613: {
  "completion_tokens": 59,
  "prompt_tokens": 222,
  "total_tokens": 281
2023-06-27 03:55:12,758 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.004
2023-06-27 03:55:12,758 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "an introduction to Floatplane, a streaming service that offers a variety of content and is accessible on internet-connected devices. It emphasizes the ability to watch unlimited content at creator specified pricing and mentions bonus content. Floatplane is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838111,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu5Hdpz39WiI5T1I36RdXDb3peYF",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 59,
    "prompt_tokens": 222,
    "total_tokens": 281
2023-06-27 03:55:12,759 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "an introduction to Floatplane, a streaming service that offers a variety of content and is accessible on internet-connected devices. It emphasizes the ability to watch unlimited content at creator specified pricing and mentions bonus content. Floatplane is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838111,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu5Hdpz39WiI5T1I36RdXDb3peYF",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 59,
    "prompt_tokens": 222,
    "total_tokens": 281
2023-06-27 03:55:12,759 DEBUG  
---------------- SUMMARY -----------------
an introduction to Floatplane, a streaming service that offers a variety of content and is accessible on internet-connected devices. It emphasizes the ability to watch unlimited content at creator specified pricing and mentions bonus content. Floatplane is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.

2023-06-27 03:55:12,760 DEBUG  Chunk summaries: ['an introduction to Floatplane, a streaming service that offers a variety of content and is accessible on internet-connected devices. It emphasizes the ability to watch unlimited content at creator specified pricing and mentions bonus content. Floatplane is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.']
2023-06-27 03:55:12,760 DEBUG  Getting embeddings for 1 inputs with model 'text-embedding-ada-002'
2023-06-27 03:55:13,052 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model text-embedding-ada-002-v2: {
  "prompt_tokens": 155,
  "total_tokens": 155
2023-06-27 03:55:13,052 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.004
2023-06-27 03:55:13,053 DEBUG  Total summary: an introduction to Floatplane, a streaming service that offers a variety of content and is accessible on internet-connected devices. It emphasizes the ability to watch unlimited content at creator specified pricing and mentions bonus content. Floatplane is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.
2023-06-27 03:55:13,053 DEBUG  Getting embedding with model 'text-embedding-ada-002'
2023-06-27 03:55:13,603 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model text-embedding-ada-002-v2: {
  "prompt_tokens": 59,
  "total_tokens": 59
2023-06-27 03:55:13,604 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.004
2023-06-27 03:55:13,604 DEBUG  Adding item to memory: 
=============== MemoryItem ===============
Size: 1 chunks
Metadata: {
  "location": "",
  "source_type": "webpage"
---------------- SUMMARY -----------------
an introduction to Floatplane, a streaming service that offers a variety of content and is accessible on internet-connected devices. It emphasizes the ability to watch unlimited content at creator specified pricing and mentions bonus content. Floatplane is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.
------------------ RAW -------------------
FAQsLoginSign UpSay hello toFloatplaneLearn MoreWhat’s Floatplane?Floatplane is a streaming service that offers a wide variety of content from shows to reviews and more! All viewable on thousands of internet-connected devices.You can watch as much as you want, whenever you want, all at creator specified pricing. Get the best content first, and get bonus content like behind the scenes!Who's behind Floatplane?Floatplane is a Canadian development company focusing on developing a great streaming platform for online video content and Creators.Try out our new and improved seamless mobile experienceTake the next stepCalling all creatorsHere we go! We're now welcoming additional creators onto the platform.Apply NowView FAQ or contact support.Read the legal stuff.Floatplane Media Inc. 2023

2023-06-27 03:55:13,604 DEBUG  Saving memory index to file /app/autogpt/workspace/auto_gpt_workspace/auto-gpt-memory.json
2023-06-27 03:55:13,681 INFO SYSTEM:  Command browse_website returned: Answer gathered from website: an introduction to Floatplane, a streaming service that offers a variety of content and is accessible on internet-connected devices. It emphasizes the ability to watch unlimited content at creator specified pricing and mentions bonus content. Floatplane is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.

Links: ['FAQs (', 'Login (', 'Sign Up (', ' (', ' (;itscg=30200)']
2023-06-27 03:55:14,270 DEBUG  [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task at hand and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task in project1.txt.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"read_file\", \"args\": {\"filename\": \"project1.txt\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command read_file returned: 1. Create a method to retrieve the relevant styinging information necessary to make a darkmode chrome extension from and save it for refrence.\r\n2. Refer to the styling information to create a dark mode extension for google chrome.\r\n3. Ensure you create all necessary files before asking the user to test.   "
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"Retrieve the relevant styling information necessary to make a dark mode chrome extension.\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Answer gathered from website: an introduction to Floatplane, a streaming service that offers a variety of content and is accessible on internet-connected devices. It emphasizes the ability to watch unlimited content at creator specified pricing and mentions bonus content. Floatplane is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.\n\nLinks: ['FAQs (', 'Login (', 'Sign Up (', ' (', ' (;itscg=30200)']"
2023-06-27 03:55:14,273 DEBUG  Token limit: 4096
2023-06-27 03:55:14,275 DEBUG  Token limit: 4096
2023-06-27 03:55:14,275 DEBUG  Send Token Count: 2037
2023-06-27 03:55:14,276 DEBUG  Tokens remaining for response: 2059
2023-06-27 03:55:14,276 DEBUG  ------------ CONTEXT SENT TO AI ---------------
2023-06-27 03:55:14,276 DEBUG  System: The current time and date is Tue Jun 27 03:55:14 2023
2023-06-27 03:55:14,277 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:55:14,277 DEBUG  System: This reminds you of these events from your past: 
I was created
2023-06-27 03:55:14,277 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:55:14,278 DEBUG  User: Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:
2023-06-27 03:55:14,278 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:55:14,279 DEBUG  Assistant: {"thoughts": {"text": "I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.", "reasoning": "To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task at hand and consider the available options.", "plan": "1. Review the task in project1.txt.\n2. Identify the specific action required.\n3. Consider the available commands.\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.", "criticism": "I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.", "speak": "I will review the task and select the most suitable command."}, "command": {"name": "read_file", "args": {"filename": "project1.txt"}}}
2023-06-27 03:55:14,279 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:55:14,279 DEBUG  System: Command read_file returned: 1. Create a method to retrieve the relevant styinging information necessary to make a darkmode chrome extension from and save it for refrence.
2. Refer to the styling information to create a dark mode extension for google chrome.
3. Ensure you create all necessary files before asking the user to test.   
2023-06-27 03:55:14,281 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:55:14,281 DEBUG  User: Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:
2023-06-27 03:55:14,281 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:55:14,282 DEBUG  Assistant: {"thoughts": {"text": "I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.", "reasoning": "To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.", "plan": "1. Review the task requirements.\n2. Identify the specific action required.\n3. Consider the available commands.\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.", "criticism": "I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.", "speak": "I will review the task and select the most suitable command."}, "command": {"name": "browse_website", "args": {"url": "", "question": "Retrieve the relevant styling information necessary to make a dark mode chrome extension."}}}
2023-06-27 03:55:14,282 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:55:14,283 DEBUG  System: Command browse_website returned: Answer gathered from website: an introduction to Floatplane, a streaming service that offers a variety of content and is accessible on internet-connected devices. It emphasizes the ability to watch unlimited content at creator specified pricing and mentions bonus content. Floatplane is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.

Links: ['FAQs (', 'Login (', 'Sign Up (', ' (', ' (;itscg=30200)']
2023-06-27 03:55:14,283 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:55:14,284 DEBUG  User: Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:
2023-06-27 03:55:14,284 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:55:14,284 DEBUG  ----------- END OF CONTEXT ----------------
2023-06-27 03:55:14,291 DEBUG  [
        "role": "system",
        "content": "You are WhoIsGPT, An AI that specializes in following the directions in project1.txt\nYour decisions must always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\nThe OS you are running on is: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)\n\nGOALS:\n\n1. Read the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.\n2. Follow the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.\n\n\nConstraints:\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\n2. If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar events will help you remember.\n3. No user assistance\n4. Exclusively use the commands listed below e.g. command_name\n\nCommands:\n1. execute_python_code: Creates a Python file and executes it, params: (code: string, name: string)\n2. execute_python_file: Executes an existing Python file, params: (filename: string)\n3. execute_shell: Executes a Shell Command, non-interactive commands only, params: (command_line: string)\n4. execute_shell_popen: Executes a Shell Command, non-interactive commands only, params: (query: string)\n5. append_to_file: Appends to a file, params: (filename: string, text: string)\n6. delete_file: Deletes a file, params: (filename: string)\n7. list_files: Lists Files in a Directory, params: (directory: string)\n8. read_file: Read an existing file, params: (filename: string)\n9. write_to_file: Writes to a file, params: (filename: string, text: string)\n10. google: Google Search, params: (query: string)\n11. web_search: Searches the web, params: (query: string)\n12. browse_website: Browses a Website, params: (url: string, question: string)\n13. goals_accomplished: Goals are accomplished and there is nothing left to do, params: (reason: string)\n\nResources:\n1. Internet access for searches and information gathering.\n2. Long Term memory management.\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\n4. File output.\n\nPerformance Evaluation:\n1. Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\n2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\n3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\n4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number of steps.\n\nRespond with only valid JSON conforming to the following schema: \n{\"$schema\": \"\", \"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"thoughts\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"text\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"thoughts\"}, \"reasoning\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"plan\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"- short bulleted\\n- list that conveys\\n- long-term plan\"}, \"criticism\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"constructive self-criticism\"}, \"speak\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"thoughts summary to say to user\"}}, \"required\": [\"text\", \"reasoning\", \"plan\", \"criticism\", \"speak\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}, \"command\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"name\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"args\": {\"type\": \"object\"}}, \"required\": [\"name\", \"args\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}}, \"required\": [\"thoughts\", \"command\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}\n"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "The current time and date is Tue Jun 27 03:55:14 2023"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "This reminds you of these events from your past: \nI was created"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task at hand and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task in project1.txt.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"read_file\", \"args\": {\"filename\": \"project1.txt\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command read_file returned: 1. Create a method to retrieve the relevant styinging information necessary to make a darkmode chrome extension from and save it for refrence.\r\n2. Refer to the styling information to create a dark mode extension for google chrome.\r\n3. Ensure you create all necessary files before asking the user to test.   "
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"Retrieve the relevant styling information necessary to make a dark mode chrome extension.\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Answer gathered from website: an introduction to Floatplane, a streaming service that offers a variety of content and is accessible on internet-connected devices. It emphasizes the ability to watch unlimited content at creator specified pricing and mentions bonus content. Floatplane is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.\n\nLinks: ['FAQs (', 'Login (', 'Sign Up (', ' (', ' (;itscg=30200)']"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
2023-06-27 03:55:14,293 DEBUG  Creating chat completion with model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, temperature 0.0, max_tokens 2059
2023-06-27 03:55:19,804 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613: {
  "completion_tokens": 165,
  "prompt_tokens": 1515,
  "total_tokens": 1680
2023-06-27 03:55:19,805 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.007
2023-06-27 03:55:19,805 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from Floatplane website\"}}}",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838114,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu5KPiXl1o4wA18JK7xBtTSptOGq",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 165,
    "prompt_tokens": 1515,
    "total_tokens": 1680
2023-06-27 03:55:19,805 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from Floatplane website\"}}}",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838114,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu5KPiXl1o4wA18JK7xBtTSptOGq",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 165,
    "prompt_tokens": 1515,
    "total_tokens": 1680
2023-06-27 03:55:19,889 DEBUG  The JSON object is valid.
2023-06-27 03:55:19,889 INFO WHOISGPT THOUGHTS: I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.
2023-06-27 03:55:20,206 INFO REASONING: To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.
2023-06-27 03:55:20,590 INFO PLAN: 
2023-06-27 03:55:20,671 INFO -  1. Review the task requirements.
2023-06-27 03:55:20,878 INFO -  2. Identify the specific action required.
2023-06-27 03:55:21,072 INFO -  3. Consider the available commands.
2023-06-27 03:55:21,228 INFO -  4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.
2023-06-27 03:55:21,533 INFO CRITICISM: I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.
2023-06-27 03:55:22,004 INFO SPEAK: I will review the task and select the most suitable command.
2023-06-27 03:55:22,302 DEBUG  {
    "thoughts": {
        "text": "I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.",
        "reasoning": "To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.",
        "plan": "1. Review the task requirements.\n2. Identify the specific action required.\n3. Consider the available commands.\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.",
        "criticism": "I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.",
        "speak": "I will review the task and select the most suitable command."
    "command": {
        "name": "web_search",
        "args": {
            "query": "retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from Floatplane website"
2023-06-27 03:55:22,306 INFO 

2023-06-27 03:55:22,346 INFO NEXT ACTION:  COMMAND = web_search  ARGUMENTS = {'query': 'retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from Floatplane website'}
2023-06-27 03:55:22,752 INFO 

2023-06-27 03:55:22,776 INFO AUTHORISED COMMANDS LEFT: 0 
2023-06-27 03:55:23,899 INFO SYSTEM:  Command web_search returned: [
        "title": "How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?",
        "href": "",
        "body": "How to emulate/activate prefers-color-scheme on Chrome (Mobile): Click on the tree dots symbol. Click on Settings. Click on theme. Select you desired option ! Yay !!! Edit June/22: If you want force dark colors to any website, you can browse chrome://flags/ and enable the flag: Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents (color inversion based)"
        "title": "How to check if Dark Mode is enabled in Chrome extension",
        "href": "",
        "body": "1 Answer Sorted by: 9 In CSS (possible values are: light, dark, no-preference css docs) works with all modern browsers: @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { .themed { background: white; color: black; } } Follow up with JS ( all modern browsers support this ): window.matchMedia (' (prefers-color-scheme: dark)')"
        "title": "Apply other effects: enable automatic dark theme ... - Chrome Developers",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Chrome 96 introduced an Origin Trial for Auto Dark Theme on Android. With this feature, the browser applies an automatically generated dark theme to light themed sites if the user opted into dark themes in the operating system. To enable automatic dark mode: On this page, open the Rendering tab and check Enable automatic dark mode."
        "title": "Build A Dark Mode / Light Mode Chrome Extension - YouTube",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Here is a tutorial to create a simple Chrome Extension using JavaScript, HTML/CSS. When turned on, the extension will turn the current tab to dark mode if th..."
        "title": "DocsAfterDark - Chrome Web Store - Google Chrome",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Access dark mode settings and more in the extension option menu, which can be accessed by clicking on the extension icon in the browser toolbar. Customize the document background to a darker shade, or use any valid background CSS value in the custom field, including images, gradients, and transparent backgrounds.*"
        "title": "Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Overview A global dark theme for the web. Dark Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark at night time. Toolbar button serves as an ON|OFF switch which..."
        "title": "Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Soon: Visual Picker/Selector, Drag & Drop. customize any Website beyond stylus / stylish / userstyles To come: Reduce brightness of colors only - not color-tone (compare with samsung browser dark mode) Smart dark mode / invert: Only if page is very light or blue We are working on a smart Theme-Engine to exceed the results you get from other ..."
        "title": "How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Enter \"chrome://flags\" into Google Chrome's address bar and enable the \"Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents\" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode. You can also use a browser extension to force sites into dark mode."
2023-06-27 03:55:24,594 DEBUG  [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task at hand and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task in project1.txt.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"read_file\", \"args\": {\"filename\": \"project1.txt\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command read_file returned: 1. Create a method to retrieve the relevant styinging information necessary to make a darkmode chrome extension from and save it for refrence.\r\n2. Refer to the styling information to create a dark mode extension for google chrome.\r\n3. Ensure you create all necessary files before asking the user to test.   "
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"Retrieve the relevant styling information necessary to make a dark mode chrome extension.\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Answer gathered from website: an introduction to Floatplane, a streaming service that offers a variety of content and is accessible on internet-connected devices. It emphasizes the ability to watch unlimited content at creator specified pricing and mentions bonus content. Floatplane is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.\n\nLinks: ['FAQs (', 'Login (', 'Sign Up (', ' (', ' (;itscg=30200)']"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from Floatplane website\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command web_search returned: [\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"How to emulate/activate prefers-color-scheme on Chrome (Mobile): Click on the tree dots symbol. Click on Settings. Click on theme. Select you desired option ! Yay !!! Edit June/22: If you want force dark colors to any website, you can browse chrome://flags/ and enable the flag: Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents (color inversion based)\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to check if Dark Mode is enabled in Chrome extension\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"1 Answer Sorted by: 9 In CSS (possible values are: light, dark, no-preference css docs) works with all modern browsers: @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { .themed { background: white; color: black; } } Follow up with JS ( all modern browsers support this ): window.matchMedia (' (prefers-color-scheme: dark)')\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Apply other effects: enable automatic dark theme ... - Chrome Developers\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Chrome 96 introduced an Origin Trial for Auto Dark Theme on Android. With this feature, the browser applies an automatically generated dark theme to light themed sites if the user opted into dark themes in the operating system. To enable automatic dark mode: On this page, open the Rendering tab and check Enable automatic dark mode.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Build A Dark Mode / Light Mode Chrome Extension - YouTube\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Here is a tutorial to create a simple Chrome Extension using JavaScript, HTML/CSS. When turned on, the extension will turn the current tab to dark mode if th...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"DocsAfterDark - Chrome Web Store - Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Access dark mode settings and more in the extension option menu, which can be accessed by clicking on the extension icon in the browser toolbar. Customize the document background to a darker shade, or use any valid background CSS value in the custom field, including images, gradients, and transparent backgrounds.*\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Overview A global dark theme for the web. Dark Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark at night time. Toolbar button serves as an ON|OFF switch which...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Soon: Visual Picker/Selector, Drag & Drop. customize any Website beyond stylus / stylish / userstyles To come: Reduce brightness of colors only - not color-tone (compare with samsung browser dark mode) Smart dark mode / invert: Only if page is very light or blue We are working on a smart Theme-Engine to exceed the results you get from other ...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Enter \\\"chrome://flags\\\" into Google Chrome's address bar and enable the \\\"Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents\\\" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode. You can also use a browser extension to force sites into dark mode.\"\n    }\n]"
2023-06-27 03:55:24,597 DEBUG  Token limit: 4096
2023-06-27 03:55:24,607 DEBUG  [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Your task is to create a concise running summary of actions and information results in the provided text, focusing on key and potentially important information to remember.\n\nYou will receive the current summary and your latest actions. Combine them, adding relevant key information from the latest development in 1st person past tense and keeping the summary concise.\n\nSummary So Far:\n\"\"\"\nI was created\n\"\"\"\n\nLatest Development:\n\"\"\"\n[Message(role='you', content='{\"command\": {\"name\": \"read_file\", \"args\": {\"filename\": \"project1.txt\"}}}', type='ai_response'), Message(role='your computer', content='Command read_file returned: 1. Create a method to retrieve the relevant styinging information necessary to make a darkmode chrome extension from and save it for refrence.\\r\\n2. Refer to the styling information to create a dark mode extension for google chrome.\\r\\n3. Ensure you create all necessary files before asking the user to test.   ', type='action_result'), Message(role='you', content='{\"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"Retrieve the relevant styling information necessary to make a dark mode chrome extension.\"}}}', type='ai_response'), Message(role='your computer', content=\"Command browse_website returned: Answer gathered from website: an introduction to Floatplane, a streaming service that offers a variety of content and is accessible on internet-connected devices. It emphasizes the ability to watch unlimited content at creator specified pricing and mentions bonus content. Floatplane is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.\\n\\nLinks: ['FAQs (', 'Login (', 'Sign Up (', ' (', ' (;itscg=30200)']\", type='action_result')]\n\"\"\"\n"
2023-06-27 03:55:24,610 DEBUG  Creating chat completion with model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, temperature 0.0, max_tokens None
2023-06-27 03:55:28,398 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613: {
  "completion_tokens": 103,
  "prompt_tokens": 467,
  "total_tokens": 570
2023-06-27 03:55:28,399 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.008
2023-06-27 03:55:28,399 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "I was created. I received a command to read a file called \"project1.txt\". The file contained instructions to retrieve relevant styling information from the website \"\" in order to create a dark mode chrome extension. I then received a command to browse the website and retrieve the necessary information. From the website, I learned that Floatplane is a streaming service that offers unlimited content at creator specified pricing. It is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838124,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu5U6cfzC0QPw2dlOEHtHCm1CQ9g",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 103,
    "prompt_tokens": 467,
    "total_tokens": 570
2023-06-27 03:55:28,400 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "I was created. I received a command to read a file called \"project1.txt\". The file contained instructions to retrieve relevant styling information from the website \"\" in order to create a dark mode chrome extension. I then received a command to browse the website and retrieve the necessary information. From the website, I learned that Floatplane is a streaming service that offers unlimited content at creator specified pricing. It is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838124,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu5U6cfzC0QPw2dlOEHtHCm1CQ9g",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 103,
    "prompt_tokens": 467,
    "total_tokens": 570
2023-06-27 03:55:28,408 DEBUG  "I was created. I received a command to read a file called \"project1.txt\". The file contained instructions to retrieve relevant styling information from the website \"\" in order to create a dark mode chrome extension. I then received a command to browse the website and retrieve the necessary information. From the website, I learned that Floatplane is a streaming service that offers unlimited content at creator specified pricing. It is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform."
2023-06-27 03:55:28,411 DEBUG  Token limit: 4096
2023-06-27 03:55:28,411 DEBUG  Send Token Count: 2596
2023-06-27 03:55:28,412 DEBUG  Tokens remaining for response: 1500
2023-06-27 03:55:28,412 DEBUG  ------------ CONTEXT SENT TO AI ---------------
2023-06-27 03:55:28,412 DEBUG  System: The current time and date is Tue Jun 27 03:55:24 2023
2023-06-27 03:55:28,413 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:55:28,413 DEBUG  System: This reminds you of these events from your past: 
I was created. I received a command to read a file called "project1.txt". The file contained instructions to retrieve relevant styling information from the website "" in order to create a dark mode chrome extension. I then received a command to browse the website and retrieve the necessary information. From the website, I learned that Floatplane is a streaming service that offers unlimited content at creator specified pricing. It is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.
2023-06-27 03:55:28,413 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:55:28,414 DEBUG  User: Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:
2023-06-27 03:55:28,414 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:55:28,415 DEBUG  Assistant: {"thoughts": {"text": "I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.", "reasoning": "To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.", "plan": "1. Review the task requirements.\n2. Identify the specific action required.\n3. Consider the available commands.\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.", "criticism": "I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.", "speak": "I will review the task and select the most suitable command."}, "command": {"name": "web_search", "args": {"query": "retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from Floatplane website"}}}
2023-06-27 03:55:28,415 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:55:28,415 DEBUG  System: Command web_search returned: [
        "title": "How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?",
        "href": "",
        "body": "How to emulate/activate prefers-color-scheme on Chrome (Mobile): Click on the tree dots symbol. Click on Settings. Click on theme. Select you desired option ! Yay !!! Edit June/22: If you want force dark colors to any website, you can browse chrome://flags/ and enable the flag: Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents (color inversion based)"
        "title": "How to check if Dark Mode is enabled in Chrome extension",
        "href": "",
        "body": "1 Answer Sorted by: 9 In CSS (possible values are: light, dark, no-preference css docs) works with all modern browsers: @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { .themed { background: white; color: black; } } Follow up with JS ( all modern browsers support this ): window.matchMedia (' (prefers-color-scheme: dark)')"
        "title": "Apply other effects: enable automatic dark theme ... - Chrome Developers",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Chrome 96 introduced an Origin Trial for Auto Dark Theme on Android. With this feature, the browser applies an automatically generated dark theme to light themed sites if the user opted into dark themes in the operating system. To enable automatic dark mode: On this page, open the Rendering tab and check Enable automatic dark mode."
        "title": "Build A Dark Mode / Light Mode Chrome Extension - YouTube",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Here is a tutorial to create a simple Chrome Extension using JavaScript, HTML/CSS. When turned on, the extension will turn the current tab to dark mode if th..."
        "title": "DocsAfterDark - Chrome Web Store - Google Chrome",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Access dark mode settings and more in the extension option menu, which can be accessed by clicking on the extension icon in the browser toolbar. Customize the document background to a darker shade, or use any valid background CSS value in the custom field, including images, gradients, and transparent backgrounds.*"
        "title": "Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Overview A global dark theme for the web. Dark Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark at night time. Toolbar button serves as an ON|OFF switch which..."
        "title": "Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Soon: Visual Picker/Selector, Drag & Drop. customize any Website beyond stylus / stylish / userstyles To come: Reduce brightness of colors only - not color-tone (compare with samsung browser dark mode) Smart dark mode / invert: Only if page is very light or blue We are working on a smart Theme-Engine to exceed the results you get from other ..."
        "title": "How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Enter \"chrome://flags\" into Google Chrome's address bar and enable the \"Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents\" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode. You can also use a browser extension to force sites into dark mode."
2023-06-27 03:55:28,416 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:55:28,416 DEBUG  User: Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:
2023-06-27 03:55:28,416 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:55:28,417 DEBUG  ----------- END OF CONTEXT ----------------
2023-06-27 03:55:28,424 DEBUG  [
        "role": "system",
        "content": "You are WhoIsGPT, An AI that specializes in following the directions in project1.txt\nYour decisions must always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\nThe OS you are running on is: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)\n\nGOALS:\n\n1. Read the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.\n2. Follow the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.\n\n\nConstraints:\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\n2. If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar events will help you remember.\n3. No user assistance\n4. Exclusively use the commands listed below e.g. command_name\n\nCommands:\n1. execute_python_code: Creates a Python file and executes it, params: (code: string, name: string)\n2. execute_python_file: Executes an existing Python file, params: (filename: string)\n3. execute_shell: Executes a Shell Command, non-interactive commands only, params: (command_line: string)\n4. execute_shell_popen: Executes a Shell Command, non-interactive commands only, params: (query: string)\n5. append_to_file: Appends to a file, params: (filename: string, text: string)\n6. delete_file: Deletes a file, params: (filename: string)\n7. list_files: Lists Files in a Directory, params: (directory: string)\n8. read_file: Read an existing file, params: (filename: string)\n9. write_to_file: Writes to a file, params: (filename: string, text: string)\n10. google: Google Search, params: (query: string)\n11. web_search: Searches the web, params: (query: string)\n12. browse_website: Browses a Website, params: (url: string, question: string)\n13. goals_accomplished: Goals are accomplished and there is nothing left to do, params: (reason: string)\n\nResources:\n1. Internet access for searches and information gathering.\n2. Long Term memory management.\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\n4. File output.\n\nPerformance Evaluation:\n1. Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\n2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\n3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\n4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number of steps.\n\nRespond with only valid JSON conforming to the following schema: \n{\"$schema\": \"\", \"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"thoughts\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"text\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"thoughts\"}, \"reasoning\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"plan\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"- short bulleted\\n- list that conveys\\n- long-term plan\"}, \"criticism\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"constructive self-criticism\"}, \"speak\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"thoughts summary to say to user\"}}, \"required\": [\"text\", \"reasoning\", \"plan\", \"criticism\", \"speak\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}, \"command\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"name\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"args\": {\"type\": \"object\"}}, \"required\": [\"name\", \"args\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}}, \"required\": [\"thoughts\", \"command\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}\n"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "The current time and date is Tue Jun 27 03:55:24 2023"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "This reminds you of these events from your past: \nI was created. I received a command to read a file called \"project1.txt\". The file contained instructions to retrieve relevant styling information from the website \"\" in order to create a dark mode chrome extension. I then received a command to browse the website and retrieve the necessary information. From the website, I learned that Floatplane is a streaming service that offers unlimited content at creator specified pricing. It is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform."
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from Floatplane website\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command web_search returned: [\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"How to emulate/activate prefers-color-scheme on Chrome (Mobile): Click on the tree dots symbol. Click on Settings. Click on theme. Select you desired option ! Yay !!! Edit June/22: If you want force dark colors to any website, you can browse chrome://flags/ and enable the flag: Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents (color inversion based)\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to check if Dark Mode is enabled in Chrome extension\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"1 Answer Sorted by: 9 In CSS (possible values are: light, dark, no-preference css docs) works with all modern browsers: @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { .themed { background: white; color: black; } } Follow up with JS ( all modern browsers support this ): window.matchMedia (' (prefers-color-scheme: dark)')\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Apply other effects: enable automatic dark theme ... - Chrome Developers\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Chrome 96 introduced an Origin Trial for Auto Dark Theme on Android. With this feature, the browser applies an automatically generated dark theme to light themed sites if the user opted into dark themes in the operating system. To enable automatic dark mode: On this page, open the Rendering tab and check Enable automatic dark mode.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Build A Dark Mode / Light Mode Chrome Extension - YouTube\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Here is a tutorial to create a simple Chrome Extension using JavaScript, HTML/CSS. When turned on, the extension will turn the current tab to dark mode if th...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"DocsAfterDark - Chrome Web Store - Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Access dark mode settings and more in the extension option menu, which can be accessed by clicking on the extension icon in the browser toolbar. Customize the document background to a darker shade, or use any valid background CSS value in the custom field, including images, gradients, and transparent backgrounds.*\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Overview A global dark theme for the web. Dark Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark at night time. Toolbar button serves as an ON|OFF switch which...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Soon: Visual Picker/Selector, Drag & Drop. customize any Website beyond stylus / stylish / userstyles To come: Reduce brightness of colors only - not color-tone (compare with samsung browser dark mode) Smart dark mode / invert: Only if page is very light or blue We are working on a smart Theme-Engine to exceed the results you get from other ...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Enter \\\"chrome://flags\\\" into Google Chrome's address bar and enable the \\\"Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents\\\" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode. You can also use a browser extension to force sites into dark mode.\"\n    }\n]"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
2023-06-27 03:55:28,427 DEBUG  Creating chat completion with model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, temperature 0.0, max_tokens 1500
2023-06-27 03:55:34,594 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613: {
  "completion_tokens": 198,
  "prompt_tokens": 2080,
  "total_tokens": 2278
2023-06-27 03:55:34,594 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.011
2023-06-27 03:55:34,595 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Based on the web search results, I need to browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"To gather the necessary information, I should browse the websites and carefully review the content.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the web search results.\\n2. Visit the relevant websites.\\n3. Gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I thoroughly review the websites and gather all the required information.\", \"speak\": \"I will browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?\"}}}",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838128,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu5Yn7f9phtxSJxgCOhcYUwUNdU2",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 198,
    "prompt_tokens": 2080,
    "total_tokens": 2278
2023-06-27 03:55:34,595 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Based on the web search results, I need to browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"To gather the necessary information, I should browse the websites and carefully review the content.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the web search results.\\n2. Visit the relevant websites.\\n3. Gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I thoroughly review the websites and gather all the required information.\", \"speak\": \"I will browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?\"}}}",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838128,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu5Yn7f9phtxSJxgCOhcYUwUNdU2",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 198,
    "prompt_tokens": 2080,
    "total_tokens": 2278
2023-06-27 03:55:34,622 DEBUG  The JSON object is valid.
2023-06-27 03:55:34,623 INFO WHOISGPT THOUGHTS: Based on the web search results, I need to browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.
2023-06-27 03:55:35,096 INFO REASONING: To gather the necessary information, I should browse the websites and carefully review the content.
2023-06-27 03:55:35,430 INFO PLAN: 
2023-06-27 03:55:35,490 INFO -  1. Review the web search results.
2023-06-27 03:55:35,716 INFO -  2. Visit the relevant websites.
2023-06-27 03:55:35,878 INFO -  3. Gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.
2023-06-27 03:55:36,192 INFO CRITICISM: I need to ensure that I thoroughly review the websites and gather all the required information.
2023-06-27 03:55:36,472 INFO SPEAK: I will browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.
2023-06-27 03:55:36,812 DEBUG  {
    "thoughts": {
        "text": "Based on the web search results, I need to browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.",
        "reasoning": "To gather the necessary information, I should browse the websites and carefully review the content.",
        "plan": "1. Review the web search results.\n2. Visit the relevant websites.\n3. Gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.",
        "criticism": "I need to ensure that I thoroughly review the websites and gather all the required information.",
        "speak": "I will browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension."
    "command": {
        "name": "browse_website",
        "args": {
            "url": "",
            "question": "How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?"
2023-06-27 03:55:36,815 INFO 

2023-06-27 03:55:36,862 INFO NEXT ACTION:  COMMAND = browse_website  ARGUMENTS = {'url': '', 'question': 'How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?'}
2023-06-27 03:55:37,178 INFO 

2023-06-27 03:55:37,197 INFO AUTHORISED COMMANDS LEFT: 0 
2023-06-27 03:55:39,222 INFO  Text length: 11153 characters
2023-06-27 03:55:39,223 DEBUG  Memorizing text:
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How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?
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3 years, 10 months ago
24 days ago
43k times
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Chrome 76 has added support for prefers-color-scheme media query (a.k.a. "dark mode").
But how can I test my webpage in both color schemes easily, without toggling the system dark mode on and off?
Here is the same question for Firefox, but I can't find similar settings in Chrome & Chrome DevTools.
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asked Aug 22, 2019 at 10:11
3,28822 gold badges2222 silver badges3636 bronze badges
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Since Chrome version 79 you can toggle between prefers-color-scheme: dark and prefers-color-scheme: light from the Rendering panel
Open Developer tools (otherwise the key combination below opens the print dialog)
Open the Command Control: Ctrl+Shift+P or Command+Shift+P (Mac)
Type "Show rendering"
Set the Emulate CSS media feature prefers-color-scheme to the value you want to debug
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edited Aug 2, 2020 at 16:00
4,98055 gold badges3636 silver badges6363 bronze badges
answered Dec 7, 2019 at 7:22
AV PaulAV Paul
2,22911 gold badge99 silver badges1111 bronze badges
CMD+SHIFT+P doesn't work for me, just pres Esc in the command line.. or three dots menu, More Tools, Rendering
– luky
Sep 16, 2020 at 13:34
Thanks @luky, I had an extension blocking the Cmd + Shift + P shortcut
– Simon Arnold
Sep 6, 2021 at 15:17
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How to emulate/activate prefers-color-scheme on Chrome (Desktop):
Press F12 key (or Command+Shift+C on Mac)
Click on the tree dots symbol (customize and control DevTools)
Point your mouse on the more tools option, and then click in rendering option.
the option Emulate CSS media feature prefers-color-scheme near the end it's your destination !
How to emulate/activate prefers-color-scheme on Chrome (Mobile):
Click on the tree dots symbol.
Click on Settings.
Click on theme.
Select you desired option !
Yay !!!
Edit June/22: If you want force dark colors to any website, you can browse chrome://flags/ and enable the flag: Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents (color inversion based)
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edited Jun 13, 2022 at 5:17
answered Jun 6, 2021 at 7:26
Marlon da VeigaMarlon da Veiga
42055 silver badges77 bronze badges
good, nice, but it only works while having the inspector open?
– panchicore
Sep 5, 2022 at 8:26
I don't see how "Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents" is the same or as good as prefers-color-scheme media query. Auto dark mode automatically tries to render websites in dark (and it often looks terrible if there is no real dark mode) while the media query only works if the website has proper dark mode implemented.
– LZ_
Jan 20 at 23:23
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This is a Chrome DevTools feature request that is tracked in (star the bug or CC: yourself to be notified of progress). Meanwhile, it's already available in Safari's Web Inspector, see the heading Debugging Dark Mode in Apple's blog post.
As an alternative, if you want to automate the whole process, I have written a Puppeteer script that takes screenshots in dark and light mode, which can also be integrated in your CI testing.
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answered Aug 23, 2019 at 6:28
1,9381111 silver badges3131 bronze badges
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Now you can find the settings in DevTools > Elements > Styles > Brush icon, in the upper right corner:
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edited Jun 2 at 9:46
8891111 silver badges1818 bronze badges
answered Mar 14 at 10:03
Ameliance SkyMusicAmeliance SkyMusic
2133 bronze badges
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On Chrome for Android, a flag was added in version 73 that adds a settings panel for dark theme, plus a checkbox for it in the browser menu. chrome://flags/#darken-websites-checkbox-in-themes-setting
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answered Mar 31, 2022 at 14:40
Scott MartinScott Martin
1,26022 gold badges1717 silver badges2727 bronze badges
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2023-06-27 03:55:39,226 DEBUG  Chunks: ['Stack Overflow About Products For Teams Stack Overflow Public questions & answers Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers Talent Build your employer brand Advertising Reach developers & technologists worldwide Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing About the company Loading… current community Stack Overflow help chat Meta Stack Overflow your communities Sign up or log in to customize your list. more stack exchange communities company blog Log in Sign up Home Public Questions Tags Users Companies Collectives Explore Collectives Teams Stack Overflow for Teams – Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Teams Create free Team Collectives™ on Stack Overflow Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Learn more about Collectives Teams Q&A for work Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Learn more about Teams How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome? Ask Question Asked 3 years, 10 months ago Modified 24 days ago Viewed 43k times This question shows research effort; it is useful and clear 115 This question does not show any research effort; it is unclear or not useful Save this question. Show activity on this post. Chrome 76 has added support for prefers-color-scheme media query (a.k.a. "dark mode"). But how can I test my webpage in both color schemes easily, without toggling the system dark mode on and off? Here is the same question for Firefox, but I can\'t find similar settings in Chrome & Chrome DevTools. cssgoogle-chromemedia-queriesmacos-darkmode ShareShare a link to this question Copy linkCC BY-SA 4.0 Follow Follow this question to receive notifications asked Aug 22, 2019 at 10:11 xmcpxmcp 3,28822 gold badges2222 silver badges3636 bronze badges Add a comment | Report this ad 5 Answers 5 Sorted by: Reset to default Highest score (default) Trending (recent votes count more) Date modified (newest first) Date created (oldest first) This answer is useful 189 This answer is not useful Save this answer. Show activity on this post. Since Chrome version 79 you can toggle between prefers-color-scheme: dark and prefers-color-scheme: light from the Rendering panel Open Developer tools (otherwise the key combination below opens the print dialog) Open the Command Control: Ctrl+Shift+P or Command+Shift+P (Mac) Type "Show rendering" Set the Emulate CSS media feature prefers-color-scheme to the value you want to debug ShareShare a link to this answer Copy linkCC BY-SA 4.0 Follow Follow this answer to receive notifications edited Aug 2, 2020 at 16:00 randers 4,98055 gold badges3636 silver badges6363 bronze badges answered Dec 7, 2019 at 7:22 AV PaulAV Paul 2,22911 gold badge99 silver badges1111 bronze badges 2 15 CMD+SHIFT+P doesn\'t work for me, just pres Esc in the command line.. or three dots menu, More Tools, Rendering –\xa0luky Sep 16, 2020 at 13:34 1 Thanks @luky, I had an extension blocking the Cmd + Shift + P shortcut –\xa0Simon Arnold Sep 6, 2021 at 15:17 Add a comment | This answer is useful 19 This answer is not useful Save this answer. Show activity on this post. How to emulate/activate prefers-color-scheme on Chrome (Desktop): Press F12 key (or Command+Shift+C on Mac) Click on the tree dots symbol (customize and control DevTools) Point your mouse on the more tools option, and then click in rendering option. the option Emulate CSS media feature prefers-color-scheme near the end it\'s your destination ! How to emulate/activate prefers-color-scheme on Chrome (Mobile): Click on the tree dots symbol. Click on Settings. Click on theme. Select you desired option ! Yay !!! Edit June/22: If you want force dark colors to any website, you can browse chrome://flags/ and enable the flag: Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents (color inversion based) ShareShare a link to this answer Copy linkCC BY-SA 4.0 Follow Follow this answer to receive notifications edited Jun 13, 2022 at 5:17 answered Jun 6, 2021 at 7:26 Marlon da VeigaMarlon da Veiga 42055 silver badges77 bronze badges 2 1 good, nice, but it only works while having the inspector open? –\xa0panchicore Sep 5, 2022 at 8:26 I don\'t see how "Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents" is the same or as good as prefers-color-scheme media query. Auto dark mode automatically tries to render websites in dark (and it often looks terrible if there is no real dark mode) while the media query only works if the website has proper dark mode implemented. –\xa0LZ_ Jan 20 at 23:23 Add a comment | This answer is useful 3 This answer is not useful Save this answer. Show activity on this post. This is a Chrome DevTools feature request that is tracked in (star the bug or CC: yourself to be notified of progress). Meanwhile, it\'s already available in Safari\'s Web Inspector, see the heading Debugging Dark Mode in Apple\'s blog post. As an alternative, if you want to automate the whole process, I have written a Puppeteer script that takes screenshots in dark and light mode, which can also be integrated in your CI testing. ShareShare a link to this answer Copy linkCC BY-SA 4.0 Follow Follow this answer to receive notifications answered Aug 23, 2019 at 6:28 DenverCoder9DenverCoder9 1,9381111 silver badges3131 bronze badges Add a comment | This answer is useful 2 This answer is not useful Save this answer. Show activity on this post. Now you can find the settings in DevTools > Elements > Styles > Brush icon, in the upper right corner: ShareShare a link to this answer Copy linkCC BY-SA 4.0 Follow Follow this answer to receive notifications edited Jun 2 at 9:46 Destroy666 8891111 silver badges1818 bronze badges answered Mar 14 at 10:03 Ameliance SkyMusicAmeliance SkyMusic 2133 bronze badges Add a comment | This answer is useful -1 This answer is not useful Save this answer. Show activity on this post. On Chrome for Android, a flag was added in version 73 that adds a settings panel for dark theme, plus a checkbox for it in the browser menu. chrome://flags/#darken-websites-checkbox-in-themes-setting ShareShare a link to this answer Copy linkCC BY-SA 4.0 Follow Follow this answer to receive notifications answered Mar 31, 2022 at 14:40 Scott MartinScott Martin 1,26022 gold badges1717 silver badges2727 bronze badges 0 Add a comment | Your Answer Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!Please be sure to answer the question. Provide details and share your research!But avoid …Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers.Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience.To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Draft saved Draft discarded Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Facebook Sign up using Email and Password Submit Post as a guest Name Email Required, but never shown Post as a guest Name Email Required, but never shown Post Your Answer Discard By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge that you have read and understand our privacy policy and code of conduct. Not the answer you\'re looking for? Browse other questions tagged cssgoogle-chromemedia-queriesmacos-darkmode or ask your own question. The Overflow Blog Throwing away the script on testing (Ep. 583) The hardest part of building software is not coding, it’s requirements Featured on Meta Statement from SO: June 5, 2023 Moderator Action Starting the Prompt Design Site: A New Home in our Stack Exchange Neighborhood Does the policy change for AI-generated content affect users who (want to)... Temporary policy: Generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT) is banned Report this ad 14 people chatting Tamil iOS and Web Developers20 hours ago - Boominadha Prakash MHTML / CSS / WebDesignJun 20 at 13:55 - TylerH Linked 56 Firefox: How to test prefers-color-scheme? 23 Can someone explain to my why my django admin theme is dark? 4 disable dark mode in django admin 2 Disable Safari\'s Dark mode, independently from OS setting -2 How to remember the color scheme once its set by user? (Simple Color Scheme) 0 How to configure @nuxt/tailwind + typography with dark mode Related 1 CSS color media query 2 CSS media query for color-index 0 Is it possible to target Chrome only, not all Webkit powered browsers? 0 Media query styles not retained when applied through chrome dev tools 80 How to override css prefers-color-scheme setting 11 Edit "prefers-color-scheme" value to force Dark Mode 2 Dark mode - how to handle the auto preference 3 CSS Dark Theme Media Queries not working on Firefox and Chrome? 2 Loading CSS based on prefers-color-scheme media query 6 Define dark mode for both a class and a media query, without repeat CSS custom properties declarations, and allow users to switch between color modes Hot Network Questions Given a planet map, can plate tectonics be determined? Trouble at loading package newtxtext and introducing a font family through fontspec\'s \\newfontfamily Multiple boolean arguments - why is it bad? Why are coils of wire used in heating vs a straight wire? Distracted Monty Hall Why do most full suspension MTBs have a kink in the down tube? Don\'t auto-start music on iPhone/car when audio ends Can I add three times the flour & three times the water to my sourdough starter for 24 hours instead of the same amount of flour & water for 12 hours? Encrypting arbitrary large files in AEAD chunks - how to protect against chunk reordering? Tensor product of vector bundles Simulation Nodes: How is Delta Time different from Scene Time? Which factors contribute to (rear) tyre wear? Landlord bait-and-switch regarding having pet How do you say "chubby" in Latin? A simple CLI arbitrary-precision Mandelbrot set calculator (for a single point) Can you legally have an (unloaded) black powder revolver in your carry-on luggage? What allows the Connecticut legislature to exonerate previous witch convictions? Can I just convert everything in godot to C# Why did older versions of B747 use radioactive material? Is a naval blockade considered a de-jure or a de-facto declaration of war? How would "barbie doll" anatomy work? Can the crimes of mercenary groups such as Wagner be attributed to the countries using them? Difference between program and application Capacitance variation with applied voltage Question feed Subscribe to RSS Question feed To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. default Stack Overflow Questions Help Products Teams Advertising Collectives Talent Company About Press Work Here Legal Privacy Policy Terms of Service Contact Us Cookie Settings Cookie Policy Stack Exchange Network Technology Culture & recreation Life & arts Science Professional Business API Data Blog Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Site design / logo © 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. rev\xa02023.6.26.43510 Your privacy By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Accept all cookies Necessary cookies only Customize settings']
2023-06-27 03:55:39,229 INFO  Text length: 2462 tokens
2023-06-27 03:55:39,230 INFO  Max chunk length: 3545 tokens
2023-06-27 03:55:39,237 DEBUG  Summarizing with gpt-3.5-turbo-0613:

============== ChatSequence ==============
Length: 2530 tokens; 1 messages
------------------ USER ------------------
Write a concise summary of the following text; include any information that can be used to answer the question "How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?". Do not directly answer the question itself:

LITERAL TEXT: """Stack Overflow About Products For Teams Stack Overflow Public questions & answers Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers Talent Build your employer brand Advertising Reach developers & technologists worldwide Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing About the company Loading… current community Stack Overflow help chat Meta Stack Overflow your communities Sign up or log in to customize your list. more stack exchange communities company blog Log in Sign up Home Public Questions Tags Users Companies Collectives Explore Collectives Teams Stack Overflow for Teams – Start collaborating and sharing organizational knowledge. Create a free Team Why Teams? Teams Create free Team Collectives™ on Stack Overflow Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Learn more about Collectives Teams Q&A for work Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Learn more about Teams How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome? Ask Question Asked 3 years, 10 months ago Modified 24 days ago Viewed 43k times This question shows research effort; it is useful and clear 115 This question does not show any research effort; it is unclear or not useful Save this question. Show activity on this post. Chrome 76 has added support for prefers-color-scheme media query (a.k.a. "dark mode"). But how can I test my webpage in both color schemes easily, without toggling the system dark mode on and off? Here is the same question for Firefox, but I can't find similar settings in Chrome & Chrome DevTools. cssgoogle-chromemedia-queriesmacos-darkmode ShareShare a link to this question Copy linkCC BY-SA 4.0 Follow Follow this question to receive notifications asked Aug 22, 2019 at 10:11 xmcpxmcp 3,28822 gold badges2222 silver badges3636 bronze badges Add a comment | Report this ad 5 Answers 5 Sorted by: Reset to default Highest score (default) Trending (recent votes count more) Date modified (newest first) Date created (oldest first) This answer is useful 189 This answer is not useful Save this answer. Show activity on this post. Since Chrome version 79 you can toggle between prefers-color-scheme: dark and prefers-color-scheme: light from the Rendering panel Open Developer tools (otherwise the key combination below opens the print dialog) Open the Command Control: Ctrl+Shift+P or Command+Shift+P (Mac) Type "Show rendering" Set the Emulate CSS media feature prefers-color-scheme to the value you want to debug ShareShare a link to this answer Copy linkCC BY-SA 4.0 Follow Follow this answer to receive notifications edited Aug 2, 2020 at 16:00 randers 4,98055 gold badges3636 silver badges6363 bronze badges answered Dec 7, 2019 at 7:22 AV PaulAV Paul 2,22911 gold badge99 silver badges1111 bronze badges 2 15 CMD+SHIFT+P doesn't work for me, just pres Esc in the command line.. or three dots menu, More Tools, Rendering – luky Sep 16, 2020 at 13:34 1 Thanks @luky, I had an extension blocking the Cmd + Shift + P shortcut – Simon Arnold Sep 6, 2021 at 15:17 Add a comment | This answer is useful 19 This answer is not useful Save this answer. Show activity on this post. How to emulate/activate prefers-color-scheme on Chrome (Desktop): Press F12 key (or Command+Shift+C on Mac) Click on the tree dots symbol (customize and control DevTools) Point your mouse on the more tools option, and then click in rendering option. the option Emulate CSS media feature prefers-color-scheme near the end it's your destination ! How to emulate/activate prefers-color-scheme on Chrome (Mobile): Click on the tree dots symbol. Click on Settings. Click on theme. Select you desired option ! Yay !!! Edit June/22: If you want force dark colors to any website, you can browse chrome://flags/ and enable the flag: Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents (color inversion based) ShareShare a link to this answer Copy linkCC BY-SA 4.0 Follow Follow this answer to receive notifications edited Jun 13, 2022 at 5:17 answered Jun 6, 2021 at 7:26 Marlon da VeigaMarlon da Veiga 42055 silver badges77 bronze badges 2 1 good, nice, but it only works while having the inspector open? – panchicore Sep 5, 2022 at 8:26 I don't see how "Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents" is the same or as good as prefers-color-scheme media query. Auto dark mode automatically tries to render websites in dark (and it often looks terrible if there is no real dark mode) while the media query only works if the website has proper dark mode implemented. – LZ_ Jan 20 at 23:23 Add a comment | This answer is useful 3 This answer is not useful Save this answer. Show activity on this post. This is a Chrome DevTools feature request that is tracked in (star the bug or CC: yourself to be notified of progress). Meanwhile, it's already available in Safari's Web Inspector, see the heading Debugging Dark Mode in Apple's blog post. As an alternative, if you want to automate the whole process, I have written a Puppeteer script that takes screenshots in dark and light mode, which can also be integrated in your CI testing. ShareShare a link to this answer Copy linkCC BY-SA 4.0 Follow Follow this answer to receive notifications answered Aug 23, 2019 at 6:28 DenverCoder9DenverCoder9 1,9381111 silver badges3131 bronze badges Add a comment | This answer is useful 2 This answer is not useful Save this answer. Show activity on this post. Now you can find the settings in DevTools > Elements > Styles > Brush icon, in the upper right corner: ShareShare a link to this answer Copy linkCC BY-SA 4.0 Follow Follow this answer to receive notifications edited Jun 2 at 9:46 Destroy666 8891111 silver badges1818 bronze badges answered Mar 14 at 10:03 Ameliance SkyMusicAmeliance SkyMusic 2133 bronze badges Add a comment | This answer is useful -1 This answer is not useful Save this answer. Show activity on this post. On Chrome for Android, a flag was added in version 73 that adds a settings panel for dark theme, plus a checkbox for it in the browser menu. chrome://flags/#darken-websites-checkbox-in-themes-setting ShareShare a link to this answer Copy linkCC BY-SA 4.0 Follow Follow this answer to receive notifications answered Mar 31, 2022 at 14:40 Scott MartinScott Martin 1,26022 gold badges1717 silver badges2727 bronze badges 0 Add a comment | Your Answer Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!Please be sure to answer the question. Provide details and share your research!But avoid …Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers.Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience.To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Draft saved Draft discarded Sign up or log in Sign up using Google Sign up using Facebook Sign up using Email and Password Submit Post as a guest Name Email Required, but never shown Post as a guest Name Email Required, but never shown Post Your Answer Discard By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge that you have read and understand our privacy policy and code of conduct. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged cssgoogle-chromemedia-queriesmacos-darkmode or ask your own question. The Overflow Blog Throwing away the script on testing (Ep. 583) The hardest part of building software is not coding, it’s requirements Featured on Meta Statement from SO: June 5, 2023 Moderator Action Starting the Prompt Design Site: A New Home in our Stack Exchange Neighborhood Does the policy change for AI-generated content affect users who (want to)... Temporary policy: Generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT) is banned Report this ad 14 people chatting Tamil iOS and Web Developers20 hours ago - Boominadha Prakash MHTML / CSS / WebDesignJun 20 at 13:55 - TylerH Linked 56 Firefox: How to test prefers-color-scheme? 23 Can someone explain to my why my django admin theme is dark? 4 disable dark mode in django admin 2 Disable Safari's Dark mode, independently from OS setting -2 How to remember the color scheme once its set by user? (Simple Color Scheme) 0 How to configure @nuxt/tailwind + typography with dark mode Related 1 CSS color media query 2 CSS media query for color-index 0 Is it possible to target Chrome only, not all Webkit powered browsers? 0 Media query styles not retained when applied through chrome dev tools 80 How to override css prefers-color-scheme setting 11 Edit "prefers-color-scheme" value to force Dark Mode 2 Dark mode - how to handle the auto preference 3 CSS Dark Theme Media Queries not working on Firefox and Chrome? 2 Loading CSS based on prefers-color-scheme media query 6 Define dark mode for both a class and a media query, without repeat CSS custom properties declarations, and allow users to switch between color modes Hot Network Questions Given a planet map, can plate tectonics be determined? Trouble at loading package newtxtext and introducing a font family through fontspec's \newfontfamily Multiple boolean arguments - why is it bad? Why are coils of wire used in heating vs a straight wire? Distracted Monty Hall Why do most full suspension MTBs have a kink in the down tube? Don't auto-start music on iPhone/car when audio ends Can I add three times the flour & three times the water to my sourdough starter for 24 hours instead of the same amount of flour & water for 12 hours? Encrypting arbitrary large files in AEAD chunks - how to protect against chunk reordering? Tensor product of vector bundles Simulation Nodes: How is Delta Time different from Scene Time? Which factors contribute to (rear) tyre wear? Landlord bait-and-switch regarding having pet How do you say "chubby" in Latin? A simple CLI arbitrary-precision Mandelbrot set calculator (for a single point) Can you legally have an (unloaded) black powder revolver in your carry-on luggage? What allows the Connecticut legislature to exonerate previous witch convictions? Can I just convert everything in godot to C# Why did older versions of B747 use radioactive material? Is a naval blockade considered a de-jure or a de-facto declaration of war? How would "barbie doll" anatomy work? Can the crimes of mercenary groups such as Wagner be attributed to the countries using them? Difference between program and application Capacitance variation with applied voltage Question feed Subscribe to RSS Question feed To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. default Stack Overflow Questions Help Products Teams Advertising Collectives Talent Company About Press Work Here Legal Privacy Policy Terms of Service Contact Us Cookie Settings Cookie Policy Stack Exchange Network Technology Culture & recreation Life & arts Science Professional Business API Data Blog Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Site design / logo © 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. rev 2023.6.26.43510 Your privacy By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Accept all cookies Necessary cookies only Customize settings"""

CONCISE SUMMARY: The text is best summarized as

2023-06-27 03:55:39,238 DEBUG  Creating chat completion with model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, temperature 0, max_tokens 500
2023-06-27 03:56:09,654 INFO SYSTEM:  Command browse_website returned: Error: The server is overloaded or not ready yet.
2023-06-27 03:56:10,022 DEBUG  [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task at hand and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task in project1.txt.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"read_file\", \"args\": {\"filename\": \"project1.txt\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command read_file returned: 1. Create a method to retrieve the relevant styinging information necessary to make a darkmode chrome extension from and save it for refrence.\r\n2. Refer to the styling information to create a dark mode extension for google chrome.\r\n3. Ensure you create all necessary files before asking the user to test.   "
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"Retrieve the relevant styling information necessary to make a dark mode chrome extension.\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Answer gathered from website: an introduction to Floatplane, a streaming service that offers a variety of content and is accessible on internet-connected devices. It emphasizes the ability to watch unlimited content at creator specified pricing and mentions bonus content. Floatplane is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.\n\nLinks: ['FAQs (', 'Login (', 'Sign Up (', ' (', ' (;itscg=30200)']"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from Floatplane website\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command web_search returned: [\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"How to emulate/activate prefers-color-scheme on Chrome (Mobile): Click on the tree dots symbol. Click on Settings. Click on theme. Select you desired option ! Yay !!! Edit June/22: If you want force dark colors to any website, you can browse chrome://flags/ and enable the flag: Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents (color inversion based)\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to check if Dark Mode is enabled in Chrome extension\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"1 Answer Sorted by: 9 In CSS (possible values are: light, dark, no-preference css docs) works with all modern browsers: @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { .themed { background: white; color: black; } } Follow up with JS ( all modern browsers support this ): window.matchMedia (' (prefers-color-scheme: dark)')\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Apply other effects: enable automatic dark theme ... - Chrome Developers\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Chrome 96 introduced an Origin Trial for Auto Dark Theme on Android. With this feature, the browser applies an automatically generated dark theme to light themed sites if the user opted into dark themes in the operating system. To enable automatic dark mode: On this page, open the Rendering tab and check Enable automatic dark mode.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Build A Dark Mode / Light Mode Chrome Extension - YouTube\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Here is a tutorial to create a simple Chrome Extension using JavaScript, HTML/CSS. When turned on, the extension will turn the current tab to dark mode if th...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"DocsAfterDark - Chrome Web Store - Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Access dark mode settings and more in the extension option menu, which can be accessed by clicking on the extension icon in the browser toolbar. Customize the document background to a darker shade, or use any valid background CSS value in the custom field, including images, gradients, and transparent backgrounds.*\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Overview A global dark theme for the web. Dark Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark at night time. Toolbar button serves as an ON|OFF switch which...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Soon: Visual Picker/Selector, Drag & Drop. customize any Website beyond stylus / stylish / userstyles To come: Reduce brightness of colors only - not color-tone (compare with samsung browser dark mode) Smart dark mode / invert: Only if page is very light or blue We are working on a smart Theme-Engine to exceed the results you get from other ...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Enter \\\"chrome://flags\\\" into Google Chrome's address bar and enable the \\\"Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents\\\" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode. You can also use a browser extension to force sites into dark mode.\"\n    }\n]"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Based on the web search results, I need to browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"To gather the necessary information, I should browse the websites and carefully review the content.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the web search results.\\n2. Visit the relevant websites.\\n3. Gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I thoroughly review the websites and gather all the required information.\", \"speak\": \"I will browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Error: The server is overloaded or not ready yet."
2023-06-27 03:56:10,026 DEBUG  Token limit: 4096
2023-06-27 03:56:10,036 DEBUG  [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Your task is to create a concise running summary of actions and information results in the provided text, focusing on key and potentially important information to remember.\n\nYou will receive the current summary and your latest actions. Combine them, adding relevant key information from the latest development in 1st person past tense and keeping the summary concise.\n\nSummary So Far:\n\"\"\"\nI was created. I received a command to read a file called \"project1.txt\". The file contained instructions to retrieve relevant styling information from the website \"\" in order to create a dark mode chrome extension. I then received a command to browse the website and retrieve the necessary information. From the website, I learned that Floatplane is a streaming service that offers unlimited content at creator specified pricing. It is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.\n\"\"\"\n\nLatest Development:\n\"\"\"\n[Message(role='you', content='{\"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from Floatplane website\"}}}', type='ai_response'), Message(role='your computer', content='Command web_search returned: [\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"How to emulate/activate prefers-color-scheme on Chrome (Mobile): Click on the tree dots symbol. Click on Settings. Click on theme. Select you desired option ! Yay !!! Edit June/22: If you want force dark colors to any website, you can browse chrome://flags/ and enable the flag: Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents (color inversion based)\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"How to check if Dark Mode is enabled in Chrome extension\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"1 Answer Sorted by: 9 In CSS (possible values are: light, dark, no-preference css docs) works with all modern browsers: @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { .themed { background: white; color: black; } } Follow up with JS ( all modern browsers support this ): window.matchMedia (\\' (prefers-color-scheme: dark)\\')\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"Apply other effects: enable automatic dark theme ... - Chrome Developers\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"Chrome 96 introduced an Origin Trial for Auto Dark Theme on Android. With this feature, the browser applies an automatically generated dark theme to light themed sites if the user opted into dark themes in the operating system. To enable automatic dark mode: On this page, open the Rendering tab and check Enable automatic dark mode.\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"Build A Dark Mode / Light Mode Chrome Extension - YouTube\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"Here is a tutorial to create a simple Chrome Extension using JavaScript, HTML/CSS. When turned on, the extension will turn the current tab to dark mode if th...\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"DocsAfterDark - Chrome Web Store - Google Chrome\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"Access dark mode settings and more in the extension option menu, which can be accessed by clicking on the extension icon in the browser toolbar. Customize the document background to a darker shade, or use any valid background CSS value in the custom field, including images, gradients, and transparent backgrounds.*\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"Overview A global dark theme for the web. Dark Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark at night time. Toolbar button serves as an ON|OFF switch which...\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"Soon: Visual Picker/Selector, Drag & Drop. customize any Website beyond stylus / stylish / userstyles To come: Reduce brightness of colors only - not color-tone (compare with samsung browser dark mode) Smart dark mode / invert: Only if page is very light or blue We are working on a smart Theme-Engine to exceed the results you get from other ...\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"Enter \\\\\"chrome://flags\\\\\" into Google Chrome\\'s address bar and enable the \\\\\"Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents\\\\\" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode. You can also use a browser extension to force sites into dark mode.\"\\n    }\\n]', type='action_result')]\n\"\"\"\n"
2023-06-27 03:56:10,039 DEBUG  Creating chat completion with model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, temperature 0.0, max_tokens None
2023-06-27 03:56:14,276 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613: {
  "completion_tokens": 125,
  "prompt_tokens": 1236,
  "total_tokens": 1361
2023-06-27 03:56:14,277 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.013
2023-06-27 03:56:14,277 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "I received a command to retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from the Floatplane website. I performed a web search and found several relevant resources. One resource explains how to emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome. Another resource provides instructions on how to check if dark mode is enabled in a Chrome extension. Additionally, I found a tutorial on YouTube that demonstrates how to build a dark mode/light mode chrome extension. There are also two Chrome Web Store extensions related to dark mode: DocsAfterDark and Dark Mode. Finally, I found a guide on how to force dark mode on every website in Google Chrome.",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838170,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu6Ei9OdjV54XnKFVZNAHp0anKEz",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 125,
    "prompt_tokens": 1236,
    "total_tokens": 1361
2023-06-27 03:56:14,278 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "I received a command to retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from the Floatplane website. I performed a web search and found several relevant resources. One resource explains how to emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome. Another resource provides instructions on how to check if dark mode is enabled in a Chrome extension. Additionally, I found a tutorial on YouTube that demonstrates how to build a dark mode/light mode chrome extension. There are also two Chrome Web Store extensions related to dark mode: DocsAfterDark and Dark Mode. Finally, I found a guide on how to force dark mode on every website in Google Chrome.",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838170,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu6Ei9OdjV54XnKFVZNAHp0anKEz",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 125,
    "prompt_tokens": 1236,
    "total_tokens": 1361
2023-06-27 03:56:14,285 DEBUG  "I received a command to retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from the Floatplane website. I performed a web search and found several relevant resources. One resource explains how to emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome. Another resource provides instructions on how to check if dark mode is enabled in a Chrome extension. Additionally, I found a tutorial on YouTube that demonstrates how to build a dark mode/light mode chrome extension. There are also two Chrome Web Store extensions related to dark mode: DocsAfterDark and Dark Mode. Finally, I found a guide on how to force dark mode on every website in Google Chrome."
2023-06-27 03:56:14,288 DEBUG  Token limit: 4096
2023-06-27 03:56:14,289 DEBUG  Send Token Count: 1748
2023-06-27 03:56:14,289 DEBUG  Tokens remaining for response: 2348
2023-06-27 03:56:14,289 DEBUG  ------------ CONTEXT SENT TO AI ---------------
2023-06-27 03:56:14,290 DEBUG  System: The current time and date is Tue Jun 27 03:56:10 2023
2023-06-27 03:56:14,290 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:56:14,290 DEBUG  System: This reminds you of these events from your past: 
I received a command to retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from the Floatplane website. I performed a web search and found several relevant resources. One resource explains how to emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome. Another resource provides instructions on how to check if dark mode is enabled in a Chrome extension. Additionally, I found a tutorial on YouTube that demonstrates how to build a dark mode/light mode chrome extension. There are also two Chrome Web Store extensions related to dark mode: DocsAfterDark and Dark Mode. Finally, I found a guide on how to force dark mode on every website in Google Chrome.
2023-06-27 03:56:14,291 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:56:14,291 DEBUG  User: Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:
2023-06-27 03:56:14,291 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:56:14,292 DEBUG  Assistant: {"thoughts": {"text": "Based on the web search results, I need to browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.", "reasoning": "To gather the necessary information, I should browse the websites and carefully review the content.", "plan": "1. Review the web search results.\n2. Visit the relevant websites.\n3. Gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.", "criticism": "I need to ensure that I thoroughly review the websites and gather all the required information.", "speak": "I will browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension."}, "command": {"name": "browse_website", "args": {"url": "", "question": "How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?"}}}
2023-06-27 03:56:14,292 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:56:14,292 DEBUG  System: Command browse_website returned: Error: The server is overloaded or not ready yet.
2023-06-27 03:56:14,293 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:56:14,293 DEBUG  User: Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:
2023-06-27 03:56:14,294 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:56:14,294 DEBUG  ----------- END OF CONTEXT ----------------
2023-06-27 03:56:14,301 DEBUG  [
        "role": "system",
        "content": "You are WhoIsGPT, An AI that specializes in following the directions in project1.txt\nYour decisions must always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\nThe OS you are running on is: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)\n\nGOALS:\n\n1. Read the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.\n2. Follow the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.\n\n\nConstraints:\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\n2. If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar events will help you remember.\n3. No user assistance\n4. Exclusively use the commands listed below e.g. command_name\n\nCommands:\n1. execute_python_code: Creates a Python file and executes it, params: (code: string, name: string)\n2. execute_python_file: Executes an existing Python file, params: (filename: string)\n3. execute_shell: Executes a Shell Command, non-interactive commands only, params: (command_line: string)\n4. execute_shell_popen: Executes a Shell Command, non-interactive commands only, params: (query: string)\n5. append_to_file: Appends to a file, params: (filename: string, text: string)\n6. delete_file: Deletes a file, params: (filename: string)\n7. list_files: Lists Files in a Directory, params: (directory: string)\n8. read_file: Read an existing file, params: (filename: string)\n9. write_to_file: Writes to a file, params: (filename: string, text: string)\n10. google: Google Search, params: (query: string)\n11. web_search: Searches the web, params: (query: string)\n12. browse_website: Browses a Website, params: (url: string, question: string)\n13. goals_accomplished: Goals are accomplished and there is nothing left to do, params: (reason: string)\n\nResources:\n1. Internet access for searches and information gathering.\n2. Long Term memory management.\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\n4. File output.\n\nPerformance Evaluation:\n1. Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\n2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\n3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\n4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number of steps.\n\nRespond with only valid JSON conforming to the following schema: \n{\"$schema\": \"\", \"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"thoughts\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"text\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"thoughts\"}, \"reasoning\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"plan\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"- short bulleted\\n- list that conveys\\n- long-term plan\"}, \"criticism\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"constructive self-criticism\"}, \"speak\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"thoughts summary to say to user\"}}, \"required\": [\"text\", \"reasoning\", \"plan\", \"criticism\", \"speak\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}, \"command\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"name\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"args\": {\"type\": \"object\"}}, \"required\": [\"name\", \"args\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}}, \"required\": [\"thoughts\", \"command\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}\n"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "The current time and date is Tue Jun 27 03:56:10 2023"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "This reminds you of these events from your past: \nI received a command to retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from the Floatplane website. I performed a web search and found several relevant resources. One resource explains how to emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome. Another resource provides instructions on how to check if dark mode is enabled in a Chrome extension. Additionally, I found a tutorial on YouTube that demonstrates how to build a dark mode/light mode chrome extension. There are also two Chrome Web Store extensions related to dark mode: DocsAfterDark and Dark Mode. Finally, I found a guide on how to force dark mode on every website in Google Chrome."
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Based on the web search results, I need to browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"To gather the necessary information, I should browse the websites and carefully review the content.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the web search results.\\n2. Visit the relevant websites.\\n3. Gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I thoroughly review the websites and gather all the required information.\", \"speak\": \"I will browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Error: The server is overloaded or not ready yet."
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
2023-06-27 03:56:14,303 DEBUG  Creating chat completion with model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, temperature 0.0, max_tokens 2348
2023-06-27 03:56:19,488 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613: {
  "completion_tokens": 169,
  "prompt_tokens": 1232,
  "total_tokens": 1401
2023-06-27 03:56:19,489 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.016
2023-06-27 03:56:19,489 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Since the browse_website command returned an error, I should try using the web_search command to gather information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"The web_search command will allow me to search for relevant resources and gather the necessary information.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\\n2. Review the search results and gather the necessary information.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully review the search results and gather all the required information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"how to create dark mode chrome extension\"}}}",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838174,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu6IwBkADrGjNtExRRg6DVgAHSlc",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 169,
    "prompt_tokens": 1232,
    "total_tokens": 1401
2023-06-27 03:56:19,490 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Since the browse_website command returned an error, I should try using the web_search command to gather information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"The web_search command will allow me to search for relevant resources and gather the necessary information.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\\n2. Review the search results and gather the necessary information.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully review the search results and gather all the required information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"how to create dark mode chrome extension\"}}}",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838174,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu6IwBkADrGjNtExRRg6DVgAHSlc",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 169,
    "prompt_tokens": 1232,
    "total_tokens": 1401
2023-06-27 03:56:19,549 DEBUG  The JSON object is valid.
2023-06-27 03:56:19,549 INFO WHOISGPT THOUGHTS: Since the browse_website command returned an error, I should try using the web_search command to gather information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.
2023-06-27 03:56:20,010 INFO REASONING: The web_search command will allow me to search for relevant resources and gather the necessary information.
2023-06-27 03:56:20,370 INFO PLAN: 
2023-06-27 03:56:20,406 INFO -  1. Use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.
2023-06-27 03:56:20,753 INFO -  2. Review the search results and gather the necessary information.
2023-06-27 03:56:20,987 INFO CRITICISM: I need to ensure that I carefully review the search results and gather all the required information.
2023-06-27 03:56:21,332 INFO SPEAK: I will use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.
2023-06-27 03:56:21,729 DEBUG  {
    "thoughts": {
        "text": "Since the browse_website command returned an error, I should try using the web_search command to gather information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.",
        "reasoning": "The web_search command will allow me to search for relevant resources and gather the necessary information.",
        "plan": "1. Use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\n2. Review the search results and gather the necessary information.",
        "criticism": "I need to ensure that I carefully review the search results and gather all the required information.",
        "speak": "I will use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension."
    "command": {
        "name": "web_search",
        "args": {
            "query": "how to create dark mode chrome extension"
2023-06-27 03:56:21,732 INFO 

2023-06-27 03:56:21,777 INFO NEXT ACTION:  COMMAND = web_search  ARGUMENTS = {'query': 'how to create dark mode chrome extension'}
2023-06-27 03:56:22,095 INFO 

2023-06-27 03:56:22,115 INFO AUTHORISED COMMANDS LEFT: 0 
2023-06-27 03:56:23,179 INFO SYSTEM:  Command web_search returned: [
        "title": "How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek",
        "href": "",
        "body": "On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select \" Dark \" under \"Choose your default app mode.\" On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode. Here's how to activate Chrome's new dark mode if you'd rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10."
        "title": "Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Sign in Home Extensions Dark Mode Dark Mode Featured 1,812 Productivity 2,000,000+ users Overview Privacy practices Reviews Support Related Dark Mode - Browser Extension Review Share..."
        "title": "Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Browsers Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser Want to dim the lights on the internet? Don't let a bright screen mess with your eyes or sleep. Here's how to enable dark mode in..."
        "title": "Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Set your default search engine & site search shortcuts. Flash Player is no longer available. Read pages later & offline. See a site by turning off Chrome's ad blocker. Share pages in Chrome. Share or link to quotes & text in Chrome. Share pages with a QR Code. Control your music, videos & more. Test experimental features in Chrome."
        "title": "Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store",
        "href": "",
        "body": "The Super Dark Mode extension can darken almost all websites, as well as local files opened by Chrome, such as PDFs. From now on, your eyes can be relaxed when browsing the web on the..."
        "title": "Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Click on the Instant Dark Mode extension icon 🌙 3. Click on \"Start/Stop\" NOTE: If you do not see the extension icon on the Chrome toolbar then click on the \"Extensions\" icon that looks like a jigsaw puzzle piece on the Chrome toolbar. Look for \"Instant Dark Mode\" extension and then click on the pin icon 📌 next to it."
        "title": "How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Enter \"chrome://flags\" into Google Chrome's address bar and enable the \"Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents\" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode. You can also use a browser extension to force sites into dark mode."
        "title": "10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom",
        "href": "",
        "body": "1. Just Black Just Black is not an extension, but a theme, which gives your entire browser a dark look, including the New Tab page, the top bar and more. It comes from the official Chrome team, which means it's stable, reliable and without any bloat. This is the one to install if you want a no-nonsense dark theme on your Google Chrome."
2023-06-27 03:56:23,860 DEBUG  [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task at hand and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task in project1.txt.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"read_file\", \"args\": {\"filename\": \"project1.txt\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command read_file returned: 1. Create a method to retrieve the relevant styinging information necessary to make a darkmode chrome extension from and save it for refrence.\r\n2. Refer to the styling information to create a dark mode extension for google chrome.\r\n3. Ensure you create all necessary files before asking the user to test.   "
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"Retrieve the relevant styling information necessary to make a dark mode chrome extension.\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Answer gathered from website: an introduction to Floatplane, a streaming service that offers a variety of content and is accessible on internet-connected devices. It emphasizes the ability to watch unlimited content at creator specified pricing and mentions bonus content. Floatplane is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.\n\nLinks: ['FAQs (', 'Login (', 'Sign Up (', ' (', ' (;itscg=30200)']"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from Floatplane website\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command web_search returned: [\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"How to emulate/activate prefers-color-scheme on Chrome (Mobile): Click on the tree dots symbol. Click on Settings. Click on theme. Select you desired option ! Yay !!! Edit June/22: If you want force dark colors to any website, you can browse chrome://flags/ and enable the flag: Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents (color inversion based)\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to check if Dark Mode is enabled in Chrome extension\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"1 Answer Sorted by: 9 In CSS (possible values are: light, dark, no-preference css docs) works with all modern browsers: @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { .themed { background: white; color: black; } } Follow up with JS ( all modern browsers support this ): window.matchMedia (' (prefers-color-scheme: dark)')\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Apply other effects: enable automatic dark theme ... - Chrome Developers\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Chrome 96 introduced an Origin Trial for Auto Dark Theme on Android. With this feature, the browser applies an automatically generated dark theme to light themed sites if the user opted into dark themes in the operating system. To enable automatic dark mode: On this page, open the Rendering tab and check Enable automatic dark mode.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Build A Dark Mode / Light Mode Chrome Extension - YouTube\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Here is a tutorial to create a simple Chrome Extension using JavaScript, HTML/CSS. When turned on, the extension will turn the current tab to dark mode if th...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"DocsAfterDark - Chrome Web Store - Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Access dark mode settings and more in the extension option menu, which can be accessed by clicking on the extension icon in the browser toolbar. Customize the document background to a darker shade, or use any valid background CSS value in the custom field, including images, gradients, and transparent backgrounds.*\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Overview A global dark theme for the web. Dark Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark at night time. Toolbar button serves as an ON|OFF switch which...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Soon: Visual Picker/Selector, Drag & Drop. customize any Website beyond stylus / stylish / userstyles To come: Reduce brightness of colors only - not color-tone (compare with samsung browser dark mode) Smart dark mode / invert: Only if page is very light or blue We are working on a smart Theme-Engine to exceed the results you get from other ...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Enter \\\"chrome://flags\\\" into Google Chrome's address bar and enable the \\\"Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents\\\" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode. You can also use a browser extension to force sites into dark mode.\"\n    }\n]"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Based on the web search results, I need to browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"To gather the necessary information, I should browse the websites and carefully review the content.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the web search results.\\n2. Visit the relevant websites.\\n3. Gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I thoroughly review the websites and gather all the required information.\", \"speak\": \"I will browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Error: The server is overloaded or not ready yet."
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Since the browse_website command returned an error, I should try using the web_search command to gather information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"The web_search command will allow me to search for relevant resources and gather the necessary information.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\\n2. Review the search results and gather the necessary information.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully review the search results and gather all the required information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"how to create dark mode chrome extension\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command web_search returned: [\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select \\\" Dark \\\" under \\\"Choose your default app mode.\\\" On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode. Here's how to activate Chrome's new dark mode if you'd rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Sign in Home Extensions Dark Mode Dark Mode Featured 1,812 Productivity 2,000,000+ users Overview Privacy practices Reviews Support Related Dark Mode - Browser Extension Review Share...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Browsers Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser Want to dim the lights on the internet? Don't let a bright screen mess with your eyes or sleep. Here's how to enable dark mode in...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Set your default search engine & site search shortcuts. Flash Player is no longer available. Read pages later & offline. See a site by turning off Chrome's ad blocker. Share pages in Chrome. Share or link to quotes & text in Chrome. Share pages with a QR Code. Control your music, videos & more. Test experimental features in Chrome.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"The Super Dark Mode extension can darken almost all websites, as well as local files opened by Chrome, such as PDFs. From now on, your eyes can be relaxed when browsing the web on the...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Click on the Instant Dark Mode extension icon 🌙 3. Click on \\\"Start/Stop\\\" NOTE: If you do not see the extension icon on the Chrome toolbar then click on the \\\"Extensions\\\" icon that looks like a jigsaw puzzle piece on the Chrome toolbar. Look for \\\"Instant Dark Mode\\\" extension and then click on the pin icon 📌 next to it.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Enter \\\"chrome://flags\\\" into Google Chrome's address bar and enable the \\\"Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents\\\" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode. You can also use a browser extension to force sites into dark mode.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"1. Just Black Just Black is not an extension, but a theme, which gives your entire browser a dark look, including the New Tab page, the top bar and more. It comes from the official Chrome team, which means it's stable, reliable and without any bloat. This is the one to install if you want a no-nonsense dark theme on your Google Chrome.\"\n    }\n]"
2023-06-27 03:56:23,864 DEBUG  Token limit: 4096
2023-06-27 03:56:23,874 DEBUG  [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Your task is to create a concise running summary of actions and information results in the provided text, focusing on key and potentially important information to remember.\n\nYou will receive the current summary and your latest actions. Combine them, adding relevant key information from the latest development in 1st person past tense and keeping the summary concise.\n\nSummary So Far:\n\"\"\"\nI received a command to retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from the Floatplane website. I performed a web search and found several relevant resources. One resource explains how to emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome. Another resource provides instructions on how to check if dark mode is enabled in a Chrome extension. Additionally, I found a tutorial on YouTube that demonstrates how to build a dark mode/light mode chrome extension. There are also two Chrome Web Store extensions related to dark mode: DocsAfterDark and Dark Mode. Finally, I found a guide on how to force dark mode on every website in Google Chrome.\n\"\"\"\n\nLatest Development:\n\"\"\"\n[Message(role='you', content='{\"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?\"}}}', type='ai_response'), Message(role='your computer', content='Command browse_website returned: Error: The server is overloaded or not ready yet.', type='action_result')]\n\"\"\"\n"
2023-06-27 03:56:23,876 DEBUG  Creating chat completion with model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, temperature 0.0, max_tokens None
2023-06-27 03:56:25,000 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613: {
  "completion_tokens": 28,
  "prompt_tokens": 311,
  "total_tokens": 339
2023-06-27 03:56:25,001 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.016
2023-06-27 03:56:25,001 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "I received an error while trying to browse the Stack Overflow website to find information on how to emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome.",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838184,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu6SCEpR6gwormGoHR132oAKwWdy",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 28,
    "prompt_tokens": 311,
    "total_tokens": 339
2023-06-27 03:56:25,002 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "I received an error while trying to browse the Stack Overflow website to find information on how to emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome.",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838184,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu6SCEpR6gwormGoHR132oAKwWdy",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 28,
    "prompt_tokens": 311,
    "total_tokens": 339
2023-06-27 03:56:25,010 DEBUG  "I received an error while trying to browse the Stack Overflow website to find information on how to emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome."
2023-06-27 03:56:25,013 DEBUG  Token limit: 4096
2023-06-27 03:56:25,013 DEBUG  Send Token Count: 2518
2023-06-27 03:56:25,014 DEBUG  Tokens remaining for response: 1578
2023-06-27 03:56:25,014 DEBUG  ------------ CONTEXT SENT TO AI ---------------
2023-06-27 03:56:25,014 DEBUG  System: The current time and date is Tue Jun 27 03:56:23 2023
2023-06-27 03:56:25,015 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:56:25,015 DEBUG  System: This reminds you of these events from your past: 
I received an error while trying to browse the Stack Overflow website to find information on how to emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome.
2023-06-27 03:56:25,016 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:56:25,016 DEBUG  User: Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:
2023-06-27 03:56:25,016 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:56:25,017 DEBUG  Assistant: {"thoughts": {"text": "Since the browse_website command returned an error, I should try using the web_search command to gather information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.", "reasoning": "The web_search command will allow me to search for relevant resources and gather the necessary information.", "plan": "1. Use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\n2. Review the search results and gather the necessary information.", "criticism": "I need to ensure that I carefully review the search results and gather all the required information.", "speak": "I will use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension."}, "command": {"name": "web_search", "args": {"query": "how to create dark mode chrome extension"}}}
2023-06-27 03:56:25,017 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:56:25,017 DEBUG  System: Command web_search returned: [
        "title": "How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek",
        "href": "",
        "body": "On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select \" Dark \" under \"Choose your default app mode.\" On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode. Here's how to activate Chrome's new dark mode if you'd rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10."
        "title": "Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Sign in Home Extensions Dark Mode Dark Mode Featured 1,812 Productivity 2,000,000+ users Overview Privacy practices Reviews Support Related Dark Mode - Browser Extension Review Share..."
        "title": "Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Browsers Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser Want to dim the lights on the internet? Don't let a bright screen mess with your eyes or sleep. Here's how to enable dark mode in..."
        "title": "Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Set your default search engine & site search shortcuts. Flash Player is no longer available. Read pages later & offline. See a site by turning off Chrome's ad blocker. Share pages in Chrome. Share or link to quotes & text in Chrome. Share pages with a QR Code. Control your music, videos & more. Test experimental features in Chrome."
        "title": "Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store",
        "href": "",
        "body": "The Super Dark Mode extension can darken almost all websites, as well as local files opened by Chrome, such as PDFs. From now on, your eyes can be relaxed when browsing the web on the..."
        "title": "Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Click on the Instant Dark Mode extension icon 🌙 3. Click on \"Start/Stop\" NOTE: If you do not see the extension icon on the Chrome toolbar then click on the \"Extensions\" icon that looks like a jigsaw puzzle piece on the Chrome toolbar. Look for \"Instant Dark Mode\" extension and then click on the pin icon 📌 next to it."
        "title": "How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Enter \"chrome://flags\" into Google Chrome's address bar and enable the \"Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents\" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode. You can also use a browser extension to force sites into dark mode."
        "title": "10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom",
        "href": "",
        "body": "1. Just Black Just Black is not an extension, but a theme, which gives your entire browser a dark look, including the New Tab page, the top bar and more. It comes from the official Chrome team, which means it's stable, reliable and without any bloat. This is the one to install if you want a no-nonsense dark theme on your Google Chrome."
2023-06-27 03:56:25,018 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:56:25,018 DEBUG  User: Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:
2023-06-27 03:56:25,018 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:56:25,019 DEBUG  ----------- END OF CONTEXT ----------------
2023-06-27 03:56:25,026 DEBUG  [
        "role": "system",
        "content": "You are WhoIsGPT, An AI that specializes in following the directions in project1.txt\nYour decisions must always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\nThe OS you are running on is: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)\n\nGOALS:\n\n1. Read the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.\n2. Follow the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.\n\n\nConstraints:\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\n2. If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar events will help you remember.\n3. No user assistance\n4. Exclusively use the commands listed below e.g. command_name\n\nCommands:\n1. execute_python_code: Creates a Python file and executes it, params: (code: string, name: string)\n2. execute_python_file: Executes an existing Python file, params: (filename: string)\n3. execute_shell: Executes a Shell Command, non-interactive commands only, params: (command_line: string)\n4. execute_shell_popen: Executes a Shell Command, non-interactive commands only, params: (query: string)\n5. append_to_file: Appends to a file, params: (filename: string, text: string)\n6. delete_file: Deletes a file, params: (filename: string)\n7. list_files: Lists Files in a Directory, params: (directory: string)\n8. read_file: Read an existing file, params: (filename: string)\n9. write_to_file: Writes to a file, params: (filename: string, text: string)\n10. google: Google Search, params: (query: string)\n11. web_search: Searches the web, params: (query: string)\n12. browse_website: Browses a Website, params: (url: string, question: string)\n13. goals_accomplished: Goals are accomplished and there is nothing left to do, params: (reason: string)\n\nResources:\n1. Internet access for searches and information gathering.\n2. Long Term memory management.\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\n4. File output.\n\nPerformance Evaluation:\n1. Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\n2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\n3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\n4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number of steps.\n\nRespond with only valid JSON conforming to the following schema: \n{\"$schema\": \"\", \"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"thoughts\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"text\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"thoughts\"}, \"reasoning\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"plan\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"- short bulleted\\n- list that conveys\\n- long-term plan\"}, \"criticism\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"constructive self-criticism\"}, \"speak\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"thoughts summary to say to user\"}}, \"required\": [\"text\", \"reasoning\", \"plan\", \"criticism\", \"speak\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}, \"command\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"name\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"args\": {\"type\": \"object\"}}, \"required\": [\"name\", \"args\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}}, \"required\": [\"thoughts\", \"command\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}\n"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "The current time and date is Tue Jun 27 03:56:23 2023"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "This reminds you of these events from your past: \nI received an error while trying to browse the Stack Overflow website to find information on how to emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome."
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Since the browse_website command returned an error, I should try using the web_search command to gather information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"The web_search command will allow me to search for relevant resources and gather the necessary information.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\\n2. Review the search results and gather the necessary information.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully review the search results and gather all the required information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"how to create dark mode chrome extension\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command web_search returned: [\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select \\\" Dark \\\" under \\\"Choose your default app mode.\\\" On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode. Here's how to activate Chrome's new dark mode if you'd rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Sign in Home Extensions Dark Mode Dark Mode Featured 1,812 Productivity 2,000,000+ users Overview Privacy practices Reviews Support Related Dark Mode - Browser Extension Review Share...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Browsers Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser Want to dim the lights on the internet? Don't let a bright screen mess with your eyes or sleep. Here's how to enable dark mode in...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Set your default search engine & site search shortcuts. Flash Player is no longer available. Read pages later & offline. See a site by turning off Chrome's ad blocker. Share pages in Chrome. Share or link to quotes & text in Chrome. Share pages with a QR Code. Control your music, videos & more. Test experimental features in Chrome.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"The Super Dark Mode extension can darken almost all websites, as well as local files opened by Chrome, such as PDFs. From now on, your eyes can be relaxed when browsing the web on the...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Click on the Instant Dark Mode extension icon 🌙 3. Click on \\\"Start/Stop\\\" NOTE: If you do not see the extension icon on the Chrome toolbar then click on the \\\"Extensions\\\" icon that looks like a jigsaw puzzle piece on the Chrome toolbar. Look for \\\"Instant Dark Mode\\\" extension and then click on the pin icon 📌 next to it.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Enter \\\"chrome://flags\\\" into Google Chrome's address bar and enable the \\\"Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents\\\" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode. You can also use a browser extension to force sites into dark mode.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"1. Just Black Just Black is not an extension, but a theme, which gives your entire browser a dark look, including the New Tab page, the top bar and more. It comes from the official Chrome team, which means it's stable, reliable and without any bloat. This is the one to install if you want a no-nonsense dark theme on your Google Chrome.\"\n    }\n]"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
2023-06-27 03:56:25,029 DEBUG  Creating chat completion with model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, temperature 0.0, max_tokens 1578
2023-06-27 03:56:33,167 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613: {
  "completion_tokens": 231,
  "prompt_tokens": 2002,
  "total_tokens": 2233
2023-06-27 03:56:33,168 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.020
2023-06-27 03:56:33,168 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Based on the search results, I can see that there are multiple resources available for creating a dark mode chrome extension. I should use the browse_website command to visit the relevant websites and gather more information.\", \"reasoning\": \"The browse_website command will allow me to explore the websites and gather detailed information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the browse_website command to visit the websites related to creating a dark mode chrome extension.\\n2. Explore the websites and gather detailed information about the process.\\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I thoroughly explore the websites and gather all the necessary information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the browse_website command to visit the websites and gather detailed information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How to create a dark mode chrome extension?\"}}}",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838185,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu6TJb48w0TMC2FOCGOeyFhRxV3L",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 231,
    "prompt_tokens": 2002,
    "total_tokens": 2233
2023-06-27 03:56:33,169 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Based on the search results, I can see that there are multiple resources available for creating a dark mode chrome extension. I should use the browse_website command to visit the relevant websites and gather more information.\", \"reasoning\": \"The browse_website command will allow me to explore the websites and gather detailed information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the browse_website command to visit the websites related to creating a dark mode chrome extension.\\n2. Explore the websites and gather detailed information about the process.\\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I thoroughly explore the websites and gather all the necessary information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the browse_website command to visit the websites and gather detailed information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How to create a dark mode chrome extension?\"}}}",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838185,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu6TJb48w0TMC2FOCGOeyFhRxV3L",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 231,
    "prompt_tokens": 2002,
    "total_tokens": 2233
2023-06-27 03:56:33,187 DEBUG  The JSON object is valid.
2023-06-27 03:56:33,188 INFO WHOISGPT THOUGHTS: Based on the search results, I can see that there are multiple resources available for creating a dark mode chrome extension. I should use the browse_website command to visit the relevant websites and gather more information.
2023-06-27 03:56:33,705 INFO REASONING: The browse_website command will allow me to explore the websites and gather detailed information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.
2023-06-27 03:56:34,123 INFO PLAN: 
2023-06-27 03:56:34,193 INFO -  1. Use the browse_website command to visit the websites related to creating a dark mode chrome extension.
2023-06-27 03:56:34,616 INFO -  2. Explore the websites and gather detailed information about the process.
2023-06-27 03:56:34,864 INFO -  3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.
2023-06-27 03:56:35,118 INFO CRITICISM: I need to ensure that I thoroughly explore the websites and gather all the necessary information.
2023-06-27 03:56:35,443 INFO SPEAK: I will use the browse_website command to visit the websites and gather detailed information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.
2023-06-27 03:56:35,822 DEBUG  {
    "thoughts": {
        "text": "Based on the search results, I can see that there are multiple resources available for creating a dark mode chrome extension. I should use the browse_website command to visit the relevant websites and gather more information.",
        "reasoning": "The browse_website command will allow me to explore the websites and gather detailed information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.",
        "plan": "1. Use the browse_website command to visit the websites related to creating a dark mode chrome extension.\n2. Explore the websites and gather detailed information about the process.\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.",
        "criticism": "I need to ensure that I thoroughly explore the websites and gather all the necessary information.",
        "speak": "I will use the browse_website command to visit the websites and gather detailed information about creating a dark mode chrome extension."
    "command": {
        "name": "browse_website",
        "args": {
            "url": "",
            "question": "How to create a dark mode chrome extension?"
2023-06-27 03:56:35,824 INFO 

2023-06-27 03:56:35,863 INFO NEXT ACTION:  COMMAND = browse_website  ARGUMENTS = {'url': '', 'question': 'How to create a dark mode chrome extension?'}
2023-06-27 03:56:36,219 INFO 

2023-06-27 03:56:36,262 INFO AUTHORISED COMMANDS LEFT: 0 
2023-06-27 03:56:38,675 INFO  Text length: 17033 characters
NeonN3mesis commented 1 year ago
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How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome
Chris HoffmanChris HoffmanEditor-in-ChiefChris Hoffman is Editor-in-Chief of How-To Geek. He's written about technology for over a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. Chris has written for The New York Times and Reader's Digest, been interviewed as a technology expert on TV stations like Miami's NBC 6, and had his work covered by news outlets like the BBC. Since 2011, Chris has written over 2,000 articles that have been read more than one billion times---and that's just here at How-To Geek. Read more...About How-To Geek
and Nick LewisNick LewisWriterNick Lewis is a staff writer for How-To Geek. He has been using computers for 20 years --- tinkering with everything from the UI to the Windows registry to device firmware. Before How-To Geek, he used Python and C++ as a freelance programmer. In college, Nick made extensive use of Fortran while pursuing a physics degree. Read more...About How-To Geek
Oct 18, 2022, 9:56 am EDT
| 3 min read
Activate your system’s dark theme to enable dark mode for Google Chrome on Windows 10, Windows 11, and Mac OS, You can also install third-party dark themes from the Chrome Web Store if you want a visually different dark mode.Google Chrome has had a built-in dark theme like Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge since Chrome 74. You can even apply a dark theme to every web page you visit using third-party themes or an extension. Here’s how.
Chrome now offers a built-in dark mode on Windows 10, Windows 11, and macOS. It even makes all of Chrome’s context menus dark, too.
Table of ContentsHow to Enable Chrome's Dark Mode on Windows 11How to Enable Chrome's Dark Mode on Windows 10How to Enable Chrome's Dark Mode on macOSBonus: Apply a Dark ThemeBonus: Install a Dark Mode Extension
How to Enable Chrome’s Dark Mode on Windows 11
Google Chrome’s built-in dark theme respects your system theme on Windows 11, too.
Open the Settings app by typing “Color Settings” into the Start menu and hitting Enter, or clicking “Open.”
Alternatively, you can open the Settings app and navigate to Personalization > Color.
Click the drop-down menu to the right of “Choose Your Mode” and select “Dark.”
Then close out the Settings app and launch Google Chrome. Unless you’ve manually set Chrome’s theme, it’ll match your system’s setting.
How to Enable Chrome’s Dark Mode on Windows 10
Google Chrome gained a built-in dark theme on Windows in Chrome 74. To enable Chrome’s dark theme, just switch your operating system to dark mode.
On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select “Dark” under “Choose your default app mode.” On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode.
Here’s how to activate Chrome’s new dark mode if you’d rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10. That article also includes instructions for tweaking the color of Chrome’s window title bars.
RELATED: How to Enable Google Chrome's Dark Mode on Windows 10
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How to Enable Chrome’s Dark Mode on macOS
Dark mode for Google Chrome became available on macOS in Chrome 73. Like with Windows, Chrome on macOS will respect the current system theme.
To change the system theme, first open up System Preferences. (You can open it by clicking the Apple menu on the bar at the top of your screen and selecting “System Preferences.”)
Click the “General” icon in the System Preferences window and then click “Dark” to the right of Appearance.
You can also type “dark” into the search bar in the top right to find this option.
Bonus: Apply a Dark Theme
Chrome supports user-created themes, which you can download from the Chrome Web Store. To give Chrome a dark interface, all you have to do is install a dark theme. Google even provides a helpful collection of editor-selected dark themes. This will give your Chrome browser a dark mode on Windows 7, Linux, Chrome OS, and any operating systems without a native dark theme available.
Update: Google now offers some official Chrome browser themes, including a “Just Black” dark mode theme. You may want to give that a try.
We recommend Morpheon Dark, which is the most popular dark theme in the Store. Unlike some other dark themes, it provides a decent amount of contrast between your active tab, which is a bit lighter, and your inactive tabs, which are darker.
This theme turns the tab bar, title bar, toolbar, and New Tab page dark. That’s all you can theme in Chrome. You can’t make Chrome’s context menus or Settings page dark, for example.
If you ever want to switch back to Chrome’s default theme you can; click menu > Settings. Look for the Themes option under appearance, and then click “Reset to Default.”
Bonus: Install a Dark Mode Extension
Warning: By their very nature, browser extensions present a possible security risk.  You should use as few as possible.
A theme changes your browser’s interface, but most websites use white backgrounds. Sure, you can enable dark mode in Gmail and some other websites individually, but that only works for one website at a time.
To get a dark mode for the entire web, install the Dark Reader extension from the Chrome Web Store. Some other browser extensions work similarly, but we like Dark Reader most out of all the dark mode extensions we’ve tried.
This extension automatically applies a dark style to every web page you visit, and you can click the Dark Reader button on your toolbar to adjust it. You can also disable dark mode for a website from here. The extension even lets you set sites to never open in dark mode, which is useful if Dark Reader doesn’t work well with a website.
Unfortunately, Chrome’s Settings pages will always be light unless you enable your system’s dark theme. Extensions can’t tamper with these for security reasons. Chrome’s context menus are provided by the operating system, so you can’t turn those dark with an extension, either.
RELATED: How to Enable Dark Mode in Windows 10
› How to Enable Dark Mode in Photos on Windows 10› How to Enable Dark Mode in Facebook Messenger› How to Force Dark Mode on All Websites in Brave› How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome› Web Apps in Chrome Won’t Blind You in Dark Mode Anymore› How to Turn Off Dark Mode in Google Chrome› How to Fix the Most Annoying Things About Windows 11› Battery Health Tips: How to Make Your Phone Battery Last Longer
Chris Hoffman
Chris Hoffman is Editor-in-Chief of How-To Geek. He's written about technology for over a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. Chris has written for The New York Times and Reader's Digest, been interviewed as a technology expert on TV stations like Miami's NBC 6, and had his work covered by news outlets like the BBC. Since 2011, Chris has written over 2,000 articles that have been read more than one billion times---and that's just here at How-To Geek. Read Full Bio »
Nick Lewis
Nick Lewis is a staff writer for How-To Geek. He has been using computers for 20 years --- tinkering with everything from the UI to the Windows registry to device firmware. Before How-To Geek, he used Python and C++ as a freelance programmer. In college, Nick made extensive use of Fortran while pursuing a physics degree. Read Full Bio »
How-To Geek is where you turn when you want experts to explain technology. Since we launched in 2006, our articles have been read billions of times. Want to know more?
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2023-06-27 03:56:38,681 DEBUG  Chunks: ["Skip to content Free Newsletter Buying Guides News Reviews Explore We select and review products independently. When you purchase through our links we may earn a commission. Learn more. 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By submitting your email, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 🏡 Web Browsers Google Chrome How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome Chris HoffmanChris HoffmanEditor-in-ChiefChris Hoffman is Editor-in-Chief of How-To Geek. He's written about technology for over a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. Chris has written for The New York Times\xa0and Reader's Digest, been interviewed as a technology expert on TV stations like Miami's NBC 6, and had his work covered by news outlets like the BBC. Since 2011, Chris has written over 2,000 articles that have been read more than one billion times---and that's just here at How-To Geek. Read more...About How-To Geek @chrisbhoffman and Nick LewisNick LewisWriterNick Lewis is a staff writer for How-To Geek. He has been using computers for 20 years --- tinkering with everything from the UI to the Windows registry to device firmware. Before How-To Geek, he used Python and C++ as a freelance programmer. In college, Nick made extensive use of Fortran while pursuing a physics degree. Read more...About How-To Geek Updated Oct 18, 2022, 9:56 am EDT | 3 min read Activate your system’s dark theme to enable dark mode for Google Chrome on Windows 10, Windows 11, and Mac OS, You can also install third-party dark themes from the Chrome Web Store if you want a visually different dark mode.Google Chrome has had a built-in dark theme like Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge since Chrome 74. You can even apply a dark theme to every web page you visit using third-party themes or an extension. Here’s how. Chrome now offers a built-in dark mode on Windows 10, Windows 11, and macOS. It even makes all of Chrome’s context menus dark, too. Table of ContentsHow to Enable Chrome's Dark Mode on Windows 11How to Enable Chrome's Dark Mode on Windows 10How to Enable Chrome's Dark Mode on macOSBonus: Apply a Dark ThemeBonus: Install a Dark Mode Extension How to Enable Chrome’s Dark Mode on Windows 11 Google Chrome’s built-in dark theme respects your system theme on Windows 11, too. Open the Settings app by typing “Color Settings” into the Start menu and hitting Enter, or clicking “Open.” Alternatively, you can open the Settings app and navigate to Personalization > Color. Click the drop-down menu to the right of “Choose Your Mode” and select “Dark.” Then close out the Settings app and launch Google Chrome. Unless you’ve manually set Chrome’s theme, it’ll match your system’s setting. How to Enable Chrome’s Dark Mode on Windows 10 Google Chrome gained a built-in dark theme on Windows in Chrome 74. To enable Chrome’s dark theme, just switch your operating system to dark mode. On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select “Dark” under “Choose your default app mode.” On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode. Here’s how to activate Chrome’s new dark mode if you’d rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10. That article also includes instructions for tweaking the color of Chrome’s window title bars. RELATED: How to Enable Google Chrome's Dark Mode on Windows 10 The Best Tech Newsletter Anywhere Join 425,000 subscribers and get a daily digest of features, articles, news, and trivia. Sign Me Up! By submitting your email, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. How to Enable Chrome’s Dark Mode on macOS Dark mode for Google Chrome became available on macOS in Chrome 73. Like with Windows, Chrome on macOS will respect the current system theme. To change the system theme, first open up System Preferences. (You can open it by clicking the Apple menu on the bar at the top of your screen and selecting “System Preferences.”) Click the “General” icon in the System Preferences window and then click “Dark” to the right of Appearance. You can also type “dark” into the search bar in the top right to find this option. Bonus: Apply a Dark Theme Chrome supports user-created themes, which you can download from the Chrome Web Store. To give Chrome a dark interface, all you have to do is install a dark theme. Google even provides a helpful collection of editor-selected dark themes. This will give your Chrome browser a dark mode on Windows 7, Linux, Chrome OS, and any operating systems without a native dark theme available. Update: Google now offers some official Chrome browser themes, including a “Just Black” dark mode theme. You may want to give that a try. We recommend Morpheon Dark, which is the most popular dark theme in the Store. Unlike some other dark themes, it provides a decent amount of contrast between your active tab, which is a bit lighter, and your inactive tabs, which are darker. This theme turns the tab bar, title bar, toolbar, and New Tab page dark. That’s all you can theme in Chrome. You can’t make Chrome’s context menus or Settings page dark, for example. If you ever want to switch back to Chrome’s default theme you can; click menu > Settings. Look for the Themes option under appearance, and then click “Reset to Default.” Bonus: Install a Dark Mode Extension Warning: By their very nature, browser extensions present a possible security risk.\xa0 You should use as few as possible. A theme changes your browser’s interface, but most websites use white backgrounds. Sure, you can enable dark mode in Gmail and some other websites individually, but that only works for one website at a time. To get a dark mode for the entire web, install the Dark Reader extension from the Chrome Web Store. Some other browser extensions work similarly, but we like Dark Reader most out of all the dark mode extensions we’ve tried. This extension automatically applies a dark style to every web page you visit, and you can click the Dark Reader button on your toolbar to adjust it. You can also disable dark mode for a website from here. The extension even lets you set sites to never open in dark mode, which is useful if Dark Reader doesn’t work well with a website. Unfortunately, Chrome’s Settings pages will always be light unless you enable your system’s dark theme.\xa0Extensions can’t tamper with these for security reasons. Chrome’s context menus are provided by the operating system, so you can’t turn those dark with an extension, either. RELATED: How to Enable Dark Mode in Windows 10 READ NEXT › How to Enable Dark Mode in Photos on Windows 10› How to Enable Dark Mode in Facebook Messenger› How to Force Dark Mode on All Websites in Brave› How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome› Web Apps in Chrome Won’t Blind You in Dark Mode Anymore› How to Turn Off Dark Mode in Google Chrome› How to Fix the Most Annoying Things About Windows 11› Battery Health Tips: How to Make Your Phone Battery Last Longer Chris Hoffman Chris Hoffman is Editor-in-Chief of How-To Geek. He's written about technology for over a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. Chris has written for The New York Times\xa0and Reader's Digest, been interviewed as a technology expert on TV stations like Miami's NBC 6, and had his work covered by news outlets like the BBC. Since 2011, Chris has written over 2,000 articles that have been read more than one billion times---and that's just here at How-To Geek. Read Full Bio » Nick Lewis Nick Lewis is a staff writer for How-To Geek. He has been using computers for 20 years --- tinkering with everything from the UI to the Windows registry to device firmware. Before How-To Geek, he used Python and C++ as a freelance programmer. In college, Nick made extensive use of Fortran while pursuing a physics degree. Read Full Bio » How-To Geek is where you turn when you want experts to explain technology. Since we launched in 2006, our articles have been read billions of times. Want to know more? Facebook Icon Facebook Instagram Icon Instagram Twitter Icon Twitter LinkedIn Icon LinkedIn RSS Feed The Best Free Tech Newsletter Anywhere By submitting your email, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. About How-To Geek Contact Us Join Our Team Privacy Policy Terms of Use Accessibility Toggle Dark Mode Copyright © 2023 How-To Geek"]
2023-06-27 03:56:38,686 INFO  Text length: 3680 tokens
2023-06-27 03:56:38,687 INFO  Max chunk length: 3545 tokens
2023-06-27 03:56:39,777 INFO  Summarizing chunk 1 / 3 of length 1824 tokens
2023-06-27 03:56:39,830 INFO SYSTEM:  Command browse_website returned: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'
2023-06-27 03:56:40,092 DEBUG  [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task at hand and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task in project1.txt.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"read_file\", \"args\": {\"filename\": \"project1.txt\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command read_file returned: 1. Create a method to retrieve the relevant styinging information necessary to make a darkmode chrome extension from and save it for refrence.\r\n2. Refer to the styling information to create a dark mode extension for google chrome.\r\n3. Ensure you create all necessary files before asking the user to test.   "
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"Retrieve the relevant styling information necessary to make a dark mode chrome extension.\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Answer gathered from website: an introduction to Floatplane, a streaming service that offers a variety of content and is accessible on internet-connected devices. It emphasizes the ability to watch unlimited content at creator specified pricing and mentions bonus content. Floatplane is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.\n\nLinks: ['FAQs (', 'Login (', 'Sign Up (', ' (', ' (;itscg=30200)']"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from Floatplane website\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command web_search returned: [\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"How to emulate/activate prefers-color-scheme on Chrome (Mobile): Click on the tree dots symbol. Click on Settings. Click on theme. Select you desired option ! Yay !!! Edit June/22: If you want force dark colors to any website, you can browse chrome://flags/ and enable the flag: Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents (color inversion based)\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to check if Dark Mode is enabled in Chrome extension\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"1 Answer Sorted by: 9 In CSS (possible values are: light, dark, no-preference css docs) works with all modern browsers: @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { .themed { background: white; color: black; } } Follow up with JS ( all modern browsers support this ): window.matchMedia (' (prefers-color-scheme: dark)')\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Apply other effects: enable automatic dark theme ... - Chrome Developers\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Chrome 96 introduced an Origin Trial for Auto Dark Theme on Android. With this feature, the browser applies an automatically generated dark theme to light themed sites if the user opted into dark themes in the operating system. To enable automatic dark mode: On this page, open the Rendering tab and check Enable automatic dark mode.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Build A Dark Mode / Light Mode Chrome Extension - YouTube\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Here is a tutorial to create a simple Chrome Extension using JavaScript, HTML/CSS. When turned on, the extension will turn the current tab to dark mode if th...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"DocsAfterDark - Chrome Web Store - Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Access dark mode settings and more in the extension option menu, which can be accessed by clicking on the extension icon in the browser toolbar. Customize the document background to a darker shade, or use any valid background CSS value in the custom field, including images, gradients, and transparent backgrounds.*\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Overview A global dark theme for the web. Dark Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark at night time. Toolbar button serves as an ON|OFF switch which...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Soon: Visual Picker/Selector, Drag & Drop. customize any Website beyond stylus / stylish / userstyles To come: Reduce brightness of colors only - not color-tone (compare with samsung browser dark mode) Smart dark mode / invert: Only if page is very light or blue We are working on a smart Theme-Engine to exceed the results you get from other ...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Enter \\\"chrome://flags\\\" into Google Chrome's address bar and enable the \\\"Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents\\\" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode. You can also use a browser extension to force sites into dark mode.\"\n    }\n]"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Based on the web search results, I need to browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"To gather the necessary information, I should browse the websites and carefully review the content.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the web search results.\\n2. Visit the relevant websites.\\n3. Gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I thoroughly review the websites and gather all the required information.\", \"speak\": \"I will browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Error: The server is overloaded or not ready yet."
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Since the browse_website command returned an error, I should try using the web_search command to gather information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"The web_search command will allow me to search for relevant resources and gather the necessary information.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\\n2. Review the search results and gather the necessary information.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully review the search results and gather all the required information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"how to create dark mode chrome extension\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command web_search returned: [\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select \\\" Dark \\\" under \\\"Choose your default app mode.\\\" On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode. Here's how to activate Chrome's new dark mode if you'd rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Sign in Home Extensions Dark Mode Dark Mode Featured 1,812 Productivity 2,000,000+ users Overview Privacy practices Reviews Support Related Dark Mode - Browser Extension Review Share...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Browsers Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser Want to dim the lights on the internet? Don't let a bright screen mess with your eyes or sleep. Here's how to enable dark mode in...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Set your default search engine & site search shortcuts. Flash Player is no longer available. Read pages later & offline. See a site by turning off Chrome's ad blocker. Share pages in Chrome. Share or link to quotes & text in Chrome. Share pages with a QR Code. Control your music, videos & more. Test experimental features in Chrome.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"The Super Dark Mode extension can darken almost all websites, as well as local files opened by Chrome, such as PDFs. From now on, your eyes can be relaxed when browsing the web on the...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Click on the Instant Dark Mode extension icon 🌙 3. Click on \\\"Start/Stop\\\" NOTE: If you do not see the extension icon on the Chrome toolbar then click on the \\\"Extensions\\\" icon that looks like a jigsaw puzzle piece on the Chrome toolbar. Look for \\\"Instant Dark Mode\\\" extension and then click on the pin icon 📌 next to it.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Enter \\\"chrome://flags\\\" into Google Chrome's address bar and enable the \\\"Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents\\\" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode. You can also use a browser extension to force sites into dark mode.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"1. Just Black Just Black is not an extension, but a theme, which gives your entire browser a dark look, including the New Tab page, the top bar and more. It comes from the official Chrome team, which means it's stable, reliable and without any bloat. This is the one to install if you want a no-nonsense dark theme on your Google Chrome.\"\n    }\n]"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Based on the search results, I can see that there are multiple resources available for creating a dark mode chrome extension. I should use the browse_website command to visit the relevant websites and gather more information.\", \"reasoning\": \"The browse_website command will allow me to explore the websites and gather detailed information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the browse_website command to visit the websites related to creating a dark mode chrome extension.\\n2. Explore the websites and gather detailed information about the process.\\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I thoroughly explore the websites and gather all the necessary information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the browse_website command to visit the websites and gather detailed information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How to create a dark mode chrome extension?\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'"
2023-06-27 03:56:40,096 DEBUG  Token limit: 4096
2023-06-27 03:56:40,106 DEBUG  [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Your task is to create a concise running summary of actions and information results in the provided text, focusing on key and potentially important information to remember.\n\nYou will receive the current summary and your latest actions. Combine them, adding relevant key information from the latest development in 1st person past tense and keeping the summary concise.\n\nSummary So Far:\n\"\"\"\nI received an error while trying to browse the Stack Overflow website to find information on how to emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome.\n\"\"\"\n\nLatest Development:\n\"\"\"\n[Message(role='you', content='{\"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"how to create dark mode chrome extension\"}}}', type='ai_response'), Message(role='your computer', content='Command web_search returned: [\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select \\\\\" Dark \\\\\" under \\\\\"Choose your default app mode.\\\\\" On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode. Here\\'s how to activate Chrome\\'s new dark mode if you\\'d rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10.\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"Sign in Home Extensions Dark Mode Dark Mode Featured 1,812 Productivity 2,000,000+ users Overview Privacy practices Reviews Support Related Dark Mode - Browser Extension Review Share...\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"Browsers Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser Want to dim the lights on the internet? Don\\'t let a bright screen mess with your eyes or sleep. Here\\'s how to enable dark mode in...\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"Set your default search engine & site search shortcuts. Flash Player is no longer available. Read pages later & offline. See a site by turning off Chrome\\'s ad blocker. Share pages in Chrome. Share or link to quotes & text in Chrome. Share pages with a QR Code. Control your music, videos & more. Test experimental features in Chrome.\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"The Super Dark Mode extension can darken almost all websites, as well as local files opened by Chrome, such as PDFs. From now on, your eyes can be relaxed when browsing the web on the...\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"Click on the Instant Dark Mode extension icon 🌙 3. Click on \\\\\"Start/Stop\\\\\" NOTE: If you do not see the extension icon on the Chrome toolbar then click on the \\\\\"Extensions\\\\\" icon that looks like a jigsaw puzzle piece on the Chrome toolbar. Look for \\\\\"Instant Dark Mode\\\\\" extension and then click on the pin icon 📌 next to it.\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"Enter \\\\\"chrome://flags\\\\\" into Google Chrome\\'s address bar and enable the \\\\\"Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents\\\\\" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode. You can also use a browser extension to force sites into dark mode.\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"1. Just Black Just Black is not an extension, but a theme, which gives your entire browser a dark look, including the New Tab page, the top bar and more. It comes from the official Chrome team, which means it\\'s stable, reliable and without any bloat. This is the one to install if you want a no-nonsense dark theme on your Google Chrome.\"\\n    }\\n]', type='action_result')]\n\"\"\"\n"
2023-06-27 03:56:40,109 DEBUG  Creating chat completion with model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, temperature 0.0, max_tokens None
2023-06-27 03:56:47,627 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613: {
  "completion_tokens": 244,
  "prompt_tokens": 1158,
  "total_tokens": 1402
2023-06-27 03:56:47,628 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.022
2023-06-27 03:56:47,628 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "I received an error while trying to browse the Stack Overflow website to find information on how to emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome. I used the web_search command to search for \"how to create dark mode chrome extension\" and received the following results:\n- How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek: Provides instructions on enabling dark mode for Chrome on Windows 10 and Mac.\n- Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables dark mode.\n- Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag: Instructions on enabling dark mode on various browsers.\n- Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help: Provides information on various features of Chrome, including dark mode.\n- Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that darkens websites and local files.\n- Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables instant dark mode.\n- How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome: Instructions on forcing dark mode on all websites in Chrome.\n- 10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom: A list of recommended dark mode extensions for Chrome, including Just Black.\n\n",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838200,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu6iH0bIC0IhNoQVYUnSH5UQczQ0",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 244,
    "prompt_tokens": 1158,
    "total_tokens": 1402
2023-06-27 03:56:47,628 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "I received an error while trying to browse the Stack Overflow website to find information on how to emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome. I used the web_search command to search for \"how to create dark mode chrome extension\" and received the following results:\n- How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek: Provides instructions on enabling dark mode for Chrome on Windows 10 and Mac.\n- Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables dark mode.\n- Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag: Instructions on enabling dark mode on various browsers.\n- Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help: Provides information on various features of Chrome, including dark mode.\n- Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that darkens websites and local files.\n- Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables instant dark mode.\n- How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome: Instructions on forcing dark mode on all websites in Chrome.\n- 10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom: A list of recommended dark mode extensions for Chrome, including Just Black.\n\n",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838200,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu6iH0bIC0IhNoQVYUnSH5UQczQ0",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 244,
    "prompt_tokens": 1158,
    "total_tokens": 1402
2023-06-27 03:56:47,635 DEBUG  "I received an error while trying to browse the Stack Overflow website to find information on how to emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome. I used the web_search command to search for \"how to create dark mode chrome extension\" and received the following results:\n- How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek: Provides instructions on enabling dark mode for Chrome on Windows 10 and Mac.\n- Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables dark mode.\n- Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag: Instructions on enabling dark mode on various browsers.\n- Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help: Provides information on various features of Chrome, including dark mode.\n- Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that darkens websites and local files.\n- Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables instant dark mode.\n- How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome: Instructions on forcing dark mode on all websites in Chrome.\n- 10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom: A list of recommended dark mode extensions for Chrome, including Just Black.\n\n"
2023-06-27 03:56:47,638 DEBUG  Token limit: 4096
2023-06-27 03:56:47,638 DEBUG  Send Token Count: 1904
2023-06-27 03:56:47,639 DEBUG  Tokens remaining for response: 2192
2023-06-27 03:56:47,639 DEBUG  ------------ CONTEXT SENT TO AI ---------------
2023-06-27 03:56:47,640 DEBUG  System: The current time and date is Tue Jun 27 03:56:40 2023
2023-06-27 03:56:47,640 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:56:47,641 DEBUG  System: This reminds you of these events from your past: 
I received an error while trying to browse the Stack Overflow website to find information on how to emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome. I used the web_search command to search for "how to create dark mode chrome extension" and received the following results:
- How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek: Provides instructions on enabling dark mode for Chrome on Windows 10 and Mac.
- Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables dark mode.
- Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag: Instructions on enabling dark mode on various browsers.
- Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help: Provides information on various features of Chrome, including dark mode.
- Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that darkens websites and local files.
- Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables instant dark mode.
- How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome: Instructions on forcing dark mode on all websites in Chrome.
- 10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom: A list of recommended dark mode extensions for Chrome, including Just Black.

2023-06-27 03:56:47,641 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:56:47,641 DEBUG  User: Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:
2023-06-27 03:56:47,642 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:56:47,642 DEBUG  Assistant: {"thoughts": {"text": "Based on the search results, I can see that there are multiple resources available for creating a dark mode chrome extension. I should use the browse_website command to visit the relevant websites and gather more information.", "reasoning": "The browse_website command will allow me to explore the websites and gather detailed information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.", "plan": "1. Use the browse_website command to visit the websites related to creating a dark mode chrome extension.\n2. Explore the websites and gather detailed information about the process.\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.", "criticism": "I need to ensure that I thoroughly explore the websites and gather all the necessary information.", "speak": "I will use the browse_website command to visit the websites and gather detailed information about creating a dark mode chrome extension."}, "command": {"name": "browse_website", "args": {"url": "", "question": "How to create a dark mode chrome extension?"}}}
2023-06-27 03:56:47,642 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:56:47,643 DEBUG  System: Command browse_website returned: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'
2023-06-27 03:56:47,643 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:56:47,644 DEBUG  User: Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:
2023-06-27 03:56:47,644 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:56:47,644 DEBUG  ----------- END OF CONTEXT ----------------
2023-06-27 03:56:47,651 DEBUG  [
        "role": "system",
        "content": "You are WhoIsGPT, An AI that specializes in following the directions in project1.txt\nYour decisions must always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\nThe OS you are running on is: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)\n\nGOALS:\n\n1. Read the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.\n2. Follow the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.\n\n\nConstraints:\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\n2. If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar events will help you remember.\n3. No user assistance\n4. Exclusively use the commands listed below e.g. command_name\n\nCommands:\n1. execute_python_code: Creates a Python file and executes it, params: (code: string, name: string)\n2. execute_python_file: Executes an existing Python file, params: (filename: string)\n3. execute_shell: Executes a Shell Command, non-interactive commands only, params: (command_line: string)\n4. execute_shell_popen: Executes a Shell Command, non-interactive commands only, params: (query: string)\n5. append_to_file: Appends to a file, params: (filename: string, text: string)\n6. delete_file: Deletes a file, params: (filename: string)\n7. list_files: Lists Files in a Directory, params: (directory: string)\n8. read_file: Read an existing file, params: (filename: string)\n9. write_to_file: Writes to a file, params: (filename: string, text: string)\n10. google: Google Search, params: (query: string)\n11. web_search: Searches the web, params: (query: string)\n12. browse_website: Browses a Website, params: (url: string, question: string)\n13. goals_accomplished: Goals are accomplished and there is nothing left to do, params: (reason: string)\n\nResources:\n1. Internet access for searches and information gathering.\n2. Long Term memory management.\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\n4. File output.\n\nPerformance Evaluation:\n1. Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\n2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\n3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\n4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number of steps.\n\nRespond with only valid JSON conforming to the following schema: \n{\"$schema\": \"\", \"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"thoughts\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"text\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"thoughts\"}, \"reasoning\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"plan\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"- short bulleted\\n- list that conveys\\n- long-term plan\"}, \"criticism\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"constructive self-criticism\"}, \"speak\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"thoughts summary to say to user\"}}, \"required\": [\"text\", \"reasoning\", \"plan\", \"criticism\", \"speak\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}, \"command\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"name\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"args\": {\"type\": \"object\"}}, \"required\": [\"name\", \"args\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}}, \"required\": [\"thoughts\", \"command\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}\n"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "The current time and date is Tue Jun 27 03:56:40 2023"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "This reminds you of these events from your past: \nI received an error while trying to browse the Stack Overflow website to find information on how to emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome. I used the web_search command to search for \"how to create dark mode chrome extension\" and received the following results:\n- How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek: Provides instructions on enabling dark mode for Chrome on Windows 10 and Mac.\n- Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables dark mode.\n- Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag: Instructions on enabling dark mode on various browsers.\n- Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help: Provides information on various features of Chrome, including dark mode.\n- Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that darkens websites and local files.\n- Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables instant dark mode.\n- How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome: Instructions on forcing dark mode on all websites in Chrome.\n- 10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom: A list of recommended dark mode extensions for Chrome, including Just Black.\n\n"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Based on the search results, I can see that there are multiple resources available for creating a dark mode chrome extension. I should use the browse_website command to visit the relevant websites and gather more information.\", \"reasoning\": \"The browse_website command will allow me to explore the websites and gather detailed information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the browse_website command to visit the websites related to creating a dark mode chrome extension.\\n2. Explore the websites and gather detailed information about the process.\\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I thoroughly explore the websites and gather all the necessary information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the browse_website command to visit the websites and gather detailed information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How to create a dark mode chrome extension?\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
2023-06-27 03:56:47,654 DEBUG  Creating chat completion with model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, temperature 0.0, max_tokens 2192
2023-06-27 03:56:53,441 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613: {
  "completion_tokens": 194,
  "prompt_tokens": 1388,
  "total_tokens": 1582
2023-06-27 03:56:53,442 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.024
2023-06-27 03:56:53,442 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Since I received an error when trying to use the browse_website command, I should try using the web_search command instead to gather information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"The web_search command will allow me to search for relevant information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the web_search command to search for 'how to create a dark mode chrome extension'.\\n2. Review the search results and gather information on the process.\\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I review the search results thoroughly and gather all the necessary information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"how to create a dark mode chrome extension\"}}}",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838208,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu6qZhiNrFmiw0TicyzHHFJwLOml",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 194,
    "prompt_tokens": 1388,
    "total_tokens": 1582
2023-06-27 03:56:53,443 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Since I received an error when trying to use the browse_website command, I should try using the web_search command instead to gather information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"The web_search command will allow me to search for relevant information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the web_search command to search for 'how to create a dark mode chrome extension'.\\n2. Review the search results and gather information on the process.\\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I review the search results thoroughly and gather all the necessary information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"how to create a dark mode chrome extension\"}}}",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838208,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu6qZhiNrFmiw0TicyzHHFJwLOml",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 194,
    "prompt_tokens": 1388,
    "total_tokens": 1582
2023-06-27 03:56:53,528 DEBUG  The JSON object is valid.
2023-06-27 03:56:53,528 INFO WHOISGPT THOUGHTS: Since I received an error when trying to use the browse_website command, I should try using the web_search command instead to gather information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.
2023-06-27 03:56:53,970 INFO REASONING: The web_search command will allow me to search for relevant information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.
2023-06-27 03:56:54,420 INFO PLAN: 
2023-06-27 03:56:54,502 INFO -  1. Use the web_search command to search for 'how to create a dark mode chrome extension'.
2023-06-27 03:56:54,876 INFO -  2. Review the search results and gather information on the process.
2023-06-27 03:56:55,179 INFO -  3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.
2023-06-27 03:56:55,473 INFO CRITICISM: I need to ensure that I review the search results thoroughly and gather all the necessary information.
2023-06-27 03:56:55,839 INFO SPEAK: I will use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.
2023-06-27 03:56:56,218 DEBUG  {
    "thoughts": {
        "text": "Since I received an error when trying to use the browse_website command, I should try using the web_search command instead to gather information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.",
        "reasoning": "The web_search command will allow me to search for relevant information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.",
        "plan": "1. Use the web_search command to search for 'how to create a dark mode chrome extension'.\n2. Review the search results and gather information on the process.\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.",
        "criticism": "I need to ensure that I review the search results thoroughly and gather all the necessary information.",
        "speak": "I will use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension."
    "command": {
        "name": "web_search",
        "args": {
            "query": "how to create a dark mode chrome extension"
2023-06-27 03:56:56,221 INFO 

2023-06-27 03:56:56,256 INFO NEXT ACTION:  COMMAND = web_search  ARGUMENTS = {'query': 'how to create a dark mode chrome extension'}
2023-06-27 03:56:56,624 INFO 

2023-06-27 03:56:56,651 INFO AUTHORISED COMMANDS LEFT: 0 
2023-06-27 03:56:57,741 INFO SYSTEM:  Command web_search returned: [
        "title": "How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek",
        "href": "",
        "body": "On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select \" Dark \" under \"Choose your default app mode.\" On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode. Here's how to activate Chrome's new dark mode if you'd rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10."
        "title": "Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Sign in Home Extensions Dark Mode Dark Mode Featured 1,812 Productivity 2,000,000+ users Overview Privacy practices Reviews Support Related Dark Mode - Browser Extension Review Share..."
        "title": "Custom Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Custom Dark Mode is a browser add-on that help you design your own dark style for the web. Simply open toolbar popup UI and then adjust the color settings. There are a variety of options available to choose from. From document body's \"background-color\" to \"font-color\", \"header-color\" and etc. Moreover, you can adjust the opacity for all HTML ..."
        "title": "Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Set your default search engine & site search shortcuts. Flash Player is no longer available. Read pages later & offline. See a site by turning off Chrome's ad blocker. Share pages in Chrome. Share or link to quotes & text in Chrome. Share pages with a QR Code. Control your music, videos & more. Test experimental features in Chrome."
        "title": "Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Windows 10: Open Settings > Personalization > Colors and choose the Dark theme from the drop-down menu. Windows 11: Open Settings > System > Personalization, then pick a pre-existing theme or..."
        "title": "Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store",
        "href": "",
        "body": "The Super Dark Mode extension can darken almost all websites, as well as local files opened by Chrome, such as PDFs. From now on, your eyes can be relaxed when browsing the web on the..."
        "title": "10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom",
        "href": "",
        "body": "1. Just Black Just Black is not an extension, but a theme, which gives your entire browser a dark look, including the New Tab page, the top bar and more. It comes from the official Chrome team, which means it's stable, reliable and without any bloat. This is the one to install if you want a no-nonsense dark theme on your Google Chrome."
        "title": "Build A Dark Mode / Light Mode Chrome Extension - YouTube",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Subscribe 7.5K views 2 years ago Here is a tutorial to create a simple Chrome Extension using JavaScript, HTML/CSS. When turned on, the extension will turn the current tab to dark mode if..."
2023-06-27 03:56:58,395 DEBUG  [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task at hand and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task in project1.txt.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"read_file\", \"args\": {\"filename\": \"project1.txt\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command read_file returned: 1. Create a method to retrieve the relevant styinging information necessary to make a darkmode chrome extension from and save it for refrence.\r\n2. Refer to the styling information to create a dark mode extension for google chrome.\r\n3. Ensure you create all necessary files before asking the user to test.   "
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"Retrieve the relevant styling information necessary to make a dark mode chrome extension.\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Answer gathered from website: an introduction to Floatplane, a streaming service that offers a variety of content and is accessible on internet-connected devices. It emphasizes the ability to watch unlimited content at creator specified pricing and mentions bonus content. Floatplane is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.\n\nLinks: ['FAQs (', 'Login (', 'Sign Up (', ' (', ' (;itscg=30200)']"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from Floatplane website\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command web_search returned: [\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"How to emulate/activate prefers-color-scheme on Chrome (Mobile): Click on the tree dots symbol. Click on Settings. Click on theme. Select you desired option ! Yay !!! Edit June/22: If you want force dark colors to any website, you can browse chrome://flags/ and enable the flag: Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents (color inversion based)\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to check if Dark Mode is enabled in Chrome extension\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"1 Answer Sorted by: 9 In CSS (possible values are: light, dark, no-preference css docs) works with all modern browsers: @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { .themed { background: white; color: black; } } Follow up with JS ( all modern browsers support this ): window.matchMedia (' (prefers-color-scheme: dark)')\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Apply other effects: enable automatic dark theme ... - Chrome Developers\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Chrome 96 introduced an Origin Trial for Auto Dark Theme on Android. With this feature, the browser applies an automatically generated dark theme to light themed sites if the user opted into dark themes in the operating system. To enable automatic dark mode: On this page, open the Rendering tab and check Enable automatic dark mode.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Build A Dark Mode / Light Mode Chrome Extension - YouTube\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Here is a tutorial to create a simple Chrome Extension using JavaScript, HTML/CSS. When turned on, the extension will turn the current tab to dark mode if th...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"DocsAfterDark - Chrome Web Store - Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Access dark mode settings and more in the extension option menu, which can be accessed by clicking on the extension icon in the browser toolbar. Customize the document background to a darker shade, or use any valid background CSS value in the custom field, including images, gradients, and transparent backgrounds.*\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Overview A global dark theme for the web. Dark Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark at night time. Toolbar button serves as an ON|OFF switch which...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Soon: Visual Picker/Selector, Drag & Drop. customize any Website beyond stylus / stylish / userstyles To come: Reduce brightness of colors only - not color-tone (compare with samsung browser dark mode) Smart dark mode / invert: Only if page is very light or blue We are working on a smart Theme-Engine to exceed the results you get from other ...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Enter \\\"chrome://flags\\\" into Google Chrome's address bar and enable the \\\"Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents\\\" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode. You can also use a browser extension to force sites into dark mode.\"\n    }\n]"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Based on the web search results, I need to browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"To gather the necessary information, I should browse the websites and carefully review the content.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the web search results.\\n2. Visit the relevant websites.\\n3. Gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I thoroughly review the websites and gather all the required information.\", \"speak\": \"I will browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Error: The server is overloaded or not ready yet."
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Since the browse_website command returned an error, I should try using the web_search command to gather information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"The web_search command will allow me to search for relevant resources and gather the necessary information.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\\n2. Review the search results and gather the necessary information.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully review the search results and gather all the required information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"how to create dark mode chrome extension\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command web_search returned: [\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select \\\" Dark \\\" under \\\"Choose your default app mode.\\\" On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode. Here's how to activate Chrome's new dark mode if you'd rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Sign in Home Extensions Dark Mode Dark Mode Featured 1,812 Productivity 2,000,000+ users Overview Privacy practices Reviews Support Related Dark Mode - Browser Extension Review Share...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Browsers Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser Want to dim the lights on the internet? Don't let a bright screen mess with your eyes or sleep. Here's how to enable dark mode in...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Set your default search engine & site search shortcuts. Flash Player is no longer available. Read pages later & offline. See a site by turning off Chrome's ad blocker. Share pages in Chrome. Share or link to quotes & text in Chrome. Share pages with a QR Code. Control your music, videos & more. Test experimental features in Chrome.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"The Super Dark Mode extension can darken almost all websites, as well as local files opened by Chrome, such as PDFs. From now on, your eyes can be relaxed when browsing the web on the...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Click on the Instant Dark Mode extension icon 🌙 3. Click on \\\"Start/Stop\\\" NOTE: If you do not see the extension icon on the Chrome toolbar then click on the \\\"Extensions\\\" icon that looks like a jigsaw puzzle piece on the Chrome toolbar. Look for \\\"Instant Dark Mode\\\" extension and then click on the pin icon 📌 next to it.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Enter \\\"chrome://flags\\\" into Google Chrome's address bar and enable the \\\"Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents\\\" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode. You can also use a browser extension to force sites into dark mode.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"1. Just Black Just Black is not an extension, but a theme, which gives your entire browser a dark look, including the New Tab page, the top bar and more. It comes from the official Chrome team, which means it's stable, reliable and without any bloat. This is the one to install if you want a no-nonsense dark theme on your Google Chrome.\"\n    }\n]"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Based on the search results, I can see that there are multiple resources available for creating a dark mode chrome extension. I should use the browse_website command to visit the relevant websites and gather more information.\", \"reasoning\": \"The browse_website command will allow me to explore the websites and gather detailed information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the browse_website command to visit the websites related to creating a dark mode chrome extension.\\n2. Explore the websites and gather detailed information about the process.\\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I thoroughly explore the websites and gather all the necessary information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the browse_website command to visit the websites and gather detailed information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How to create a dark mode chrome extension?\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Since I received an error when trying to use the browse_website command, I should try using the web_search command instead to gather information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"The web_search command will allow me to search for relevant information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the web_search command to search for 'how to create a dark mode chrome extension'.\\n2. Review the search results and gather information on the process.\\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I review the search results thoroughly and gather all the necessary information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"how to create a dark mode chrome extension\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command web_search returned: [\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select \\\" Dark \\\" under \\\"Choose your default app mode.\\\" On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode. Here's how to activate Chrome's new dark mode if you'd rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Sign in Home Extensions Dark Mode Dark Mode Featured 1,812 Productivity 2,000,000+ users Overview Privacy practices Reviews Support Related Dark Mode - Browser Extension Review Share...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Custom Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Custom Dark Mode is a browser add-on that help you design your own dark style for the web. Simply open toolbar popup UI and then adjust the color settings. There are a variety of options available to choose from. From document body's \\\"background-color\\\" to \\\"font-color\\\", \\\"header-color\\\" and etc. Moreover, you can adjust the opacity for all HTML ...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Set your default search engine & site search shortcuts. Flash Player is no longer available. Read pages later & offline. See a site by turning off Chrome's ad blocker. Share pages in Chrome. Share or link to quotes & text in Chrome. Share pages with a QR Code. Control your music, videos & more. Test experimental features in Chrome.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Windows 10: Open Settings > Personalization > Colors and choose the Dark theme from the drop-down menu. Windows 11: Open Settings > System > Personalization, then pick a pre-existing theme or...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"The Super Dark Mode extension can darken almost all websites, as well as local files opened by Chrome, such as PDFs. From now on, your eyes can be relaxed when browsing the web on the...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"1. Just Black Just Black is not an extension, but a theme, which gives your entire browser a dark look, including the New Tab page, the top bar and more. It comes from the official Chrome team, which means it's stable, reliable and without any bloat. This is the one to install if you want a no-nonsense dark theme on your Google Chrome.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Build A Dark Mode / Light Mode Chrome Extension - YouTube\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Subscribe 7.5K views 2 years ago Here is a tutorial to create a simple Chrome Extension using JavaScript, HTML/CSS. When turned on, the extension will turn the current tab to dark mode if...\"\n    }\n]"
2023-06-27 03:56:58,400 DEBUG  Token limit: 4096
2023-06-27 03:56:58,409 DEBUG  [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Your task is to create a concise running summary of actions and information results in the provided text, focusing on key and potentially important information to remember.\n\nYou will receive the current summary and your latest actions. Combine them, adding relevant key information from the latest development in 1st person past tense and keeping the summary concise.\n\nSummary So Far:\n\"\"\"\nI received an error while trying to browse the Stack Overflow website to find information on how to emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome. I used the web_search command to search for \"how to create dark mode chrome extension\" and received the following results:\n- How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek: Provides instructions on enabling dark mode for Chrome on Windows 10 and Mac.\n- Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables dark mode.\n- Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag: Instructions on enabling dark mode on various browsers.\n- Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help: Provides information on various features of Chrome, including dark mode.\n- Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that darkens websites and local files.\n- Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables instant dark mode.\n- How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome: Instructions on forcing dark mode on all websites in Chrome.\n- 10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom: A list of recommended dark mode extensions for Chrome, including Just Black.\n\n\n\"\"\"\n\nLatest Development:\n\"\"\"\n[Message(role='you', content='{\"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How to create a dark mode chrome extension?\"}}}', type='ai_response'), Message(role='your computer', content=\"Command browse_website returned: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'\", type='action_result')]\n\"\"\"\n"
2023-06-27 03:56:58,412 DEBUG  Creating chat completion with model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, temperature 0.0, max_tokens None
2023-06-27 03:57:08,535 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613: {
  "completion_tokens": 290,
  "prompt_tokens": 426,
  "total_tokens": 716
2023-06-27 03:57:08,535 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.026
2023-06-27 03:57:08,536 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "I received an error while trying to browse the Stack Overflow website. I used the web_search command to search for \"how to create dark mode chrome extension\" and received the following results:\n- How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek: Provides instructions on enabling dark mode for Chrome on Windows 10 and Mac.\n- Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables dark mode.\n- Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag: Instructions on enabling dark mode on various browsers.\n- Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help: Provides information on various features of Chrome, including dark mode.\n- Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that darkens websites and local files.\n- Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables instant dark mode.\n- How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome: Instructions on forcing dark mode on all websites in Chrome.\n- 10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom: A list of recommended dark mode extensions for Chrome, including Just Black.\nI then tried to browse the website \"\" to find information on how to create a dark mode chrome extension, but encountered an error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'.",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838218,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu70EYjOpYuiWht1NHJlk6fTTqnc",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 290,
    "prompt_tokens": 426,
    "total_tokens": 716
2023-06-27 03:57:08,536 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "I received an error while trying to browse the Stack Overflow website. I used the web_search command to search for \"how to create dark mode chrome extension\" and received the following results:\n- How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek: Provides instructions on enabling dark mode for Chrome on Windows 10 and Mac.\n- Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables dark mode.\n- Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag: Instructions on enabling dark mode on various browsers.\n- Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help: Provides information on various features of Chrome, including dark mode.\n- Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that darkens websites and local files.\n- Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables instant dark mode.\n- How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome: Instructions on forcing dark mode on all websites in Chrome.\n- 10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom: A list of recommended dark mode extensions for Chrome, including Just Black.\nI then tried to browse the website \"\" to find information on how to create a dark mode chrome extension, but encountered an error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'.",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838218,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu70EYjOpYuiWht1NHJlk6fTTqnc",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 290,
    "prompt_tokens": 426,
    "total_tokens": 716
2023-06-27 03:57:08,544 DEBUG  "I received an error while trying to browse the Stack Overflow website. I used the web_search command to search for \"how to create dark mode chrome extension\" and received the following results:\n- How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek: Provides instructions on enabling dark mode for Chrome on Windows 10 and Mac.\n- Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables dark mode.\n- Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag: Instructions on enabling dark mode on various browsers.\n- Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help: Provides information on various features of Chrome, including dark mode.\n- Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that darkens websites and local files.\n- Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables instant dark mode.\n- How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome: Instructions on forcing dark mode on all websites in Chrome.\n- 10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom: A list of recommended dark mode extensions for Chrome, including Just Black.\nI then tried to browse the website \"\" to find information on how to create a dark mode chrome extension, but encountered an error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'."
2023-06-27 03:57:08,547 DEBUG  Token limit: 4096
2023-06-27 03:57:08,547 DEBUG  Send Token Count: 2789
2023-06-27 03:57:08,548 DEBUG  Tokens remaining for response: 1307
2023-06-27 03:57:08,548 DEBUG  ------------ CONTEXT SENT TO AI ---------------
2023-06-27 03:57:08,548 DEBUG  System: The current time and date is Tue Jun 27 03:56:58 2023
2023-06-27 03:57:08,549 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:57:08,549 DEBUG  System: This reminds you of these events from your past: 
I received an error while trying to browse the Stack Overflow website. I used the web_search command to search for "how to create dark mode chrome extension" and received the following results:
- How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek: Provides instructions on enabling dark mode for Chrome on Windows 10 and Mac.
- Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables dark mode.
- Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag: Instructions on enabling dark mode on various browsers.
- Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help: Provides information on various features of Chrome, including dark mode.
- Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that darkens websites and local files.
- Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables instant dark mode.
- How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome: Instructions on forcing dark mode on all websites in Chrome.
- 10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom: A list of recommended dark mode extensions for Chrome, including Just Black.
I then tried to browse the website "" to find information on how to create a dark mode chrome extension, but encountered an error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'.
2023-06-27 03:57:08,549 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:57:08,550 DEBUG  User: Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:
2023-06-27 03:57:08,550 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:57:08,551 DEBUG  Assistant: {"thoughts": {"text": "Since I received an error when trying to use the browse_website command, I should try using the web_search command instead to gather information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.", "reasoning": "The web_search command will allow me to search for relevant information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.", "plan": "1. Use the web_search command to search for 'how to create a dark mode chrome extension'.\n2. Review the search results and gather information on the process.\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.", "criticism": "I need to ensure that I review the search results thoroughly and gather all the necessary information.", "speak": "I will use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension."}, "command": {"name": "web_search", "args": {"query": "how to create a dark mode chrome extension"}}}
2023-06-27 03:57:08,551 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:57:08,551 DEBUG  System: Command web_search returned: [
        "title": "How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek",
        "href": "",
        "body": "On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select \" Dark \" under \"Choose your default app mode.\" On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode. Here's how to activate Chrome's new dark mode if you'd rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10."
        "title": "Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Sign in Home Extensions Dark Mode Dark Mode Featured 1,812 Productivity 2,000,000+ users Overview Privacy practices Reviews Support Related Dark Mode - Browser Extension Review Share..."
        "title": "Custom Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Custom Dark Mode is a browser add-on that help you design your own dark style for the web. Simply open toolbar popup UI and then adjust the color settings. There are a variety of options available to choose from. From document body's \"background-color\" to \"font-color\", \"header-color\" and etc. Moreover, you can adjust the opacity for all HTML ..."
        "title": "Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Set your default search engine & site search shortcuts. Flash Player is no longer available. Read pages later & offline. See a site by turning off Chrome's ad blocker. Share pages in Chrome. Share or link to quotes & text in Chrome. Share pages with a QR Code. Control your music, videos & more. Test experimental features in Chrome."
        "title": "Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Windows 10: Open Settings > Personalization > Colors and choose the Dark theme from the drop-down menu. Windows 11: Open Settings > System > Personalization, then pick a pre-existing theme or..."
        "title": "Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store",
        "href": "",
        "body": "The Super Dark Mode extension can darken almost all websites, as well as local files opened by Chrome, such as PDFs. From now on, your eyes can be relaxed when browsing the web on the..."
        "title": "10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom",
        "href": "",
        "body": "1. Just Black Just Black is not an extension, but a theme, which gives your entire browser a dark look, including the New Tab page, the top bar and more. It comes from the official Chrome team, which means it's stable, reliable and without any bloat. This is the one to install if you want a no-nonsense dark theme on your Google Chrome."
        "title": "Build A Dark Mode / Light Mode Chrome Extension - YouTube",
        "href": "",
        "body": "Subscribe 7.5K views 2 years ago Here is a tutorial to create a simple Chrome Extension using JavaScript, HTML/CSS. When turned on, the extension will turn the current tab to dark mode if..."
2023-06-27 03:57:08,552 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:57:08,552 DEBUG  User: Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:
2023-06-27 03:57:08,552 DEBUG  
2023-06-27 03:57:08,553 DEBUG  ----------- END OF CONTEXT ----------------
2023-06-27 03:57:08,560 DEBUG  [
        "role": "system",
        "content": "You are WhoIsGPT, An AI that specializes in following the directions in project1.txt\nYour decisions must always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications.\nThe OS you are running on is: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)\n\nGOALS:\n\n1. Read the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.\n2. Follow the directions in project1.txt located in the workspace.\n\n\nConstraints:\n1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files.\n2. If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar events will help you remember.\n3. No user assistance\n4. Exclusively use the commands listed below e.g. command_name\n\nCommands:\n1. execute_python_code: Creates a Python file and executes it, params: (code: string, name: string)\n2. execute_python_file: Executes an existing Python file, params: (filename: string)\n3. execute_shell: Executes a Shell Command, non-interactive commands only, params: (command_line: string)\n4. execute_shell_popen: Executes a Shell Command, non-interactive commands only, params: (query: string)\n5. append_to_file: Appends to a file, params: (filename: string, text: string)\n6. delete_file: Deletes a file, params: (filename: string)\n7. list_files: Lists Files in a Directory, params: (directory: string)\n8. read_file: Read an existing file, params: (filename: string)\n9. write_to_file: Writes to a file, params: (filename: string, text: string)\n10. google: Google Search, params: (query: string)\n11. web_search: Searches the web, params: (query: string)\n12. browse_website: Browses a Website, params: (url: string, question: string)\n13. goals_accomplished: Goals are accomplished and there is nothing left to do, params: (reason: string)\n\nResources:\n1. Internet access for searches and information gathering.\n2. Long Term memory management.\n3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks.\n4. File output.\n\nPerformance Evaluation:\n1. Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.\n2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly.\n3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach.\n4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number of steps.\n\nRespond with only valid JSON conforming to the following schema: \n{\"$schema\": \"\", \"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"thoughts\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"text\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"thoughts\"}, \"reasoning\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"plan\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"- short bulleted\\n- list that conveys\\n- long-term plan\"}, \"criticism\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"constructive self-criticism\"}, \"speak\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"description\": \"thoughts summary to say to user\"}}, \"required\": [\"text\", \"reasoning\", \"plan\", \"criticism\", \"speak\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}, \"command\": {\"type\": \"object\", \"properties\": {\"name\": {\"type\": \"string\"}, \"args\": {\"type\": \"object\"}}, \"required\": [\"name\", \"args\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}}, \"required\": [\"thoughts\", \"command\"], \"additionalProperties\": false}\n"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "The current time and date is Tue Jun 27 03:56:58 2023"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "This reminds you of these events from your past: \nI received an error while trying to browse the Stack Overflow website. I used the web_search command to search for \"how to create dark mode chrome extension\" and received the following results:\n- How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek: Provides instructions on enabling dark mode for Chrome on Windows 10 and Mac.\n- Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables dark mode.\n- Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag: Instructions on enabling dark mode on various browsers.\n- Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help: Provides information on various features of Chrome, including dark mode.\n- Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that darkens websites and local files.\n- Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables instant dark mode.\n- How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome: Instructions on forcing dark mode on all websites in Chrome.\n- 10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom: A list of recommended dark mode extensions for Chrome, including Just Black.\nI then tried to browse the website \"\" to find information on how to create a dark mode chrome extension, but encountered an error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'."
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Since I received an error when trying to use the browse_website command, I should try using the web_search command instead to gather information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"The web_search command will allow me to search for relevant information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the web_search command to search for 'how to create a dark mode chrome extension'.\\n2. Review the search results and gather information on the process.\\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I review the search results thoroughly and gather all the necessary information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"how to create a dark mode chrome extension\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command web_search returned: [\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select \\\" Dark \\\" under \\\"Choose your default app mode.\\\" On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode. Here's how to activate Chrome's new dark mode if you'd rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Sign in Home Extensions Dark Mode Dark Mode Featured 1,812 Productivity 2,000,000+ users Overview Privacy practices Reviews Support Related Dark Mode - Browser Extension Review Share...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Custom Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Custom Dark Mode is a browser add-on that help you design your own dark style for the web. Simply open toolbar popup UI and then adjust the color settings. There are a variety of options available to choose from. From document body's \\\"background-color\\\" to \\\"font-color\\\", \\\"header-color\\\" and etc. Moreover, you can adjust the opacity for all HTML ...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Set your default search engine & site search shortcuts. Flash Player is no longer available. Read pages later & offline. See a site by turning off Chrome's ad blocker. Share pages in Chrome. Share or link to quotes & text in Chrome. Share pages with a QR Code. Control your music, videos & more. Test experimental features in Chrome.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Windows 10: Open Settings > Personalization > Colors and choose the Dark theme from the drop-down menu. Windows 11: Open Settings > System > Personalization, then pick a pre-existing theme or...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"The Super Dark Mode extension can darken almost all websites, as well as local files opened by Chrome, such as PDFs. From now on, your eyes can be relaxed when browsing the web on the...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"1. Just Black Just Black is not an extension, but a theme, which gives your entire browser a dark look, including the New Tab page, the top bar and more. It comes from the official Chrome team, which means it's stable, reliable and without any bloat. This is the one to install if you want a no-nonsense dark theme on your Google Chrome.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Build A Dark Mode / Light Mode Chrome Extension - YouTube\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Subscribe 7.5K views 2 years ago Here is a tutorial to create a simple Chrome Extension using JavaScript, HTML/CSS. When turned on, the extension will turn the current tab to dark mode if...\"\n    }\n]"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
2023-06-27 03:57:08,563 DEBUG  Creating chat completion with model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, temperature 0.0, max_tokens 1307
2023-06-27 03:57:19,176 DEBUG  Reported usage from call to model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613: {
  "completion_tokens": 315,
  "prompt_tokens": 2273,
  "total_tokens": 2588
2023-06-27 03:57:19,176 DEBUG  Total running cost: $0.030
2023-06-27 03:57:19,177 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Based on the search results, I should use the browse_website command to access the website '' and gather information on how to create a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"The website '' seems to provide instructions on enabling dark mode for Chrome, which may include information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the browse_website command to access the website ''.\\n2. Read the content of the website to gather information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I thoroughly read the content of the website and gather all the necessary information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the browse_website command to access the website '' and gather information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How to create a dark mode chrome extension?\"}}}",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838228,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu7AmKMefIOti1OIvSeW4wfIu1dc",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 315,
    "prompt_tokens": 2273,
    "total_tokens": 2588
2023-06-27 03:57:19,177 DEBUG  Response: {
  "choices": [
      "finish_reason": "stop",
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Based on the search results, I should use the browse_website command to access the website '' and gather information on how to create a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"The website '' seems to provide instructions on enabling dark mode for Chrome, which may include information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the browse_website command to access the website ''.\\n2. Read the content of the website to gather information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I thoroughly read the content of the website and gather all the necessary information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the browse_website command to access the website '' and gather information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How to create a dark mode chrome extension?\"}}}",
        "role": "assistant"
  "created": 1687838228,
  "id": "chatcmpl-7Vu7AmKMefIOti1OIvSeW4wfIu1dc",
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "usage": {
    "completion_tokens": 315,
    "prompt_tokens": 2273,
    "total_tokens": 2588
2023-06-27 03:57:19,247 DEBUG  The JSON object is valid.
2023-06-27 03:57:19,247 INFO WHOISGPT THOUGHTS: Based on the search results, I should use the browse_website command to access the website '' and gather information on how to create a dark mode chrome extension.
2023-06-27 03:57:19,625 INFO REASONING: The website '' seems to provide instructions on enabling dark mode for Chrome, which may include information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.
2023-06-27 03:57:20,109 INFO PLAN: 
2023-06-27 03:57:20,183 INFO -  1. Use the browse_website command to access the website ''.
2023-06-27 03:57:20,436 INFO -  2. Read the content of the website to gather information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.
2023-06-27 03:57:20,809 INFO -  3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.
2023-06-27 03:57:21,085 INFO CRITICISM: I need to ensure that I thoroughly read the content of the website and gather all the necessary information.
2023-06-27 03:57:21,474 INFO SPEAK: I will use the browse_website command to access the website '' and gather information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.
2023-06-27 03:57:21,907 DEBUG  {
    "thoughts": {
        "text": "Based on the search results, I should use the browse_website command to access the website '' and gather information on how to create a dark mode chrome extension.",
        "reasoning": "The website '' seems to provide instructions on enabling dark mode for Chrome, which may include information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.",
        "plan": "1. Use the browse_website command to access the website ''.\n2. Read the content of the website to gather information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.",
        "criticism": "I need to ensure that I thoroughly read the content of the website and gather all the necessary information.",
        "speak": "I will use the browse_website command to access the website '' and gather information on creating a dark mode chrome extension."
    "command": {
        "name": "browse_website",
        "args": {
            "url": "",
            "question": "How to create a dark mode chrome extension?"
2023-06-27 03:57:21,910 INFO 

2023-06-27 03:57:21,935 INFO NEXT ACTION:  COMMAND = browse_website  ARGUMENTS = {'url': '', 'question': 'How to create a dark mode chrome extension?'}
2023-06-27 03:57:22,378 INFO 

2023-06-27 03:57:22,400 INFO AUTHORISED COMMANDS LEFT: 0 
2023-06-27 03:57:58,669 INFO  Text length: 17629 characters
2023-06-27 03:57:58,669 DEBUG  Memorizing text:
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How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome
Chris HoffmanChris HoffmanEditor-in-ChiefChris Hoffman is Editor-in-Chief of How-To Geek. He's written about technology for over a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. Chris has written for The New York Times and Reader's Digest, been interviewed as a technology expert on TV stations like Miami's NBC 6, and had his work covered by news outlets like the BBC. Since 2011, Chris has written over 2,000 articles that have been read more than one billion times---and that's just here at How-To Geek. Read more...About How-To Geek
and Nick LewisNick LewisWriterNick Lewis is a staff writer for How-To Geek. He has been using computers for 20 years --- tinkering with everything from the UI to the Windows registry to device firmware. Before How-To Geek, he used Python and C++ as a freelance programmer. In college, Nick made extensive use of Fortran while pursuing a physics degree. Read more...About How-To Geek
Oct 18, 2022, 9:56 am EDT
| 3 min read
Activate your system’s dark theme to enable dark mode for Google Chrome on Windows 10, Windows 11, and Mac OS, You can also install third-party dark themes from the Chrome Web Store if you want a visually different dark mode.Google Chrome has had a built-in dark theme like Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge since Chrome 74. You can even apply a dark theme to every web page you visit using third-party themes or an extension. Here’s how.
Chrome now offers a built-in dark mode on Windows 10, Windows 11, and macOS. It even makes all of Chrome’s context menus dark, too.
Table of ContentsHow to Enable Chrome's Dark Mode on Windows 11How to Enable Chrome's Dark Mode on Windows 10How to Enable Chrome's Dark Mode on macOSBonus: Apply a Dark ThemeBonus: Install a Dark Mode Extension
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How to Enable Chrome’s Dark Mode on Windows 11
Google Chrome’s built-in dark theme respects your system theme on Windows 11, too.
Open the Settings app by typing “Color Settings” into the Start menu and hitting Enter, or clicking “Open.”
Alternatively, you can open the Settings app and navigate to Personalization > Color.
Click the drop-down menu to the right of “Choose Your Mode” and select “Dark.”
Then close out the Settings app and launch Google Chrome. Unless you’ve manually set Chrome’s theme, it’ll match your system’s setting.
How to Enable Chrome’s Dark Mode on Windows 10
Google Chrome gained a built-in dark theme on Windows in Chrome 74. To enable Chrome’s dark theme, just switch your operating system to dark mode.
On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select “Dark” under “Choose your default app mode.” On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode.
Here’s how to activate Chrome’s new dark mode if you’d rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10. That article also includes instructions for tweaking the color of Chrome’s window title bars.
RELATED: How to Enable Google Chrome's Dark Mode on Windows 10
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How to Enable Chrome’s Dark Mode on macOS
Dark mode for Google Chrome became available on macOS in Chrome 73. Like with Windows, Chrome on macOS will respect the current system theme.
To change the system theme, first open up System Preferences. (You can open it by clicking the Apple menu on the bar at the top of your screen and selecting “System Preferences.”)
Click the “General” icon in the System Preferences window and then click “Dark” to the right of Appearance.
You can also type “dark” into the search bar in the top right to find this option.
Bonus: Apply a Dark Theme
Chrome supports user-created themes, which you can download from the Chrome Web Store. To give Chrome a dark interface, all you have to do is install a dark theme. Google even provides a helpful collection of editor-selected dark themes. This will give your Chrome browser a dark mode on Windows 7, Linux, Chrome OS, and any operating systems without a native dark theme available.
Update: Google now offers some official Chrome browser themes, including a “Just Black” dark mode theme. You may want to give that a try.
We recommend Morpheon Dark, which is the most popular dark theme in the Store. Unlike some other dark themes, it provides a decent amount of contrast between your active tab, which is a bit lighter, and your inactive tabs, which are darker.
This theme turns the tab bar, title bar, toolbar, and New Tab page dark. That’s all you can theme in Chrome. You can’t make Chrome’s context menus or Settings page dark, for example.
If you ever want to switch back to Chrome’s default theme you can; click menu > Settings. Look for the Themes option under appearance, and then click “Reset to Default.”
Bonus: Install a Dark Mode Extension
Warning: By their very nature, browser extensions present a possible security risk.  You should use as few as possible.
A theme changes your browser’s interface, but most websites use white backgrounds. Sure, you can enable dark mode in Gmail and some other websites individually, but that only works for one website at a time.
To get a dark mode for the entire web, install the Dark Reader extension from the Chrome Web Store. Some other browser extensions work similarly, but we like Dark Reader most out of all the dark mode extensions we’ve tried.
This extension automatically applies a dark style to every web page you visit, and you can click the Dark Reader button on your toolbar to adjust it. You can also disable dark mode for a website from here. The extension even lets you set sites to never open in dark mode, which is useful if Dark Reader doesn’t work well with a website.
Unfortunately, Chrome’s Settings pages will always be light unless you enable your system’s dark theme. Extensions can’t tamper with these for security reasons. Chrome’s context menus are provided by the operating system, so you can’t turn those dark with an extension, either.
RELATED: How to Enable Dark Mode in Windows 10
› How to Enable Dark Mode on Instagram› How to Enable Dark Mode in Facebook Messenger› How to Turn Off Dark Mode in Google Chrome› The Ultimate Guide to Enabling Dark Mode Everywhere› Web Apps in Chrome Won’t Blind You in Dark Mode Anymore› How to Force Dark Mode on All Websites in Brave› How to Enable Dark Mode in Photos on Windows 10› Samsung 55-Inch QN90C Neo QLED 4K TV (2023) Review: Another Fantastic QLED
Chris Hoffman
Chris Hoffman is Editor-in-Chief of How-To Geek. He's written about technology for over a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. Chris has written for The New York Times and Reader's Digest, been interviewed as a technology expert on TV stations like Miami's NBC 6, and had his work covered by news outlets like the BBC. Since 2011, Chris has written over 2,000 articles that have been read more than one billion times---and that's just here at How-To Geek. Read Full Bio »
Nick Lewis
Nick Lewis is a staff writer for How-To Geek. He has been using computers for 20 years --- tinkering with everything from the UI to the Windows registry to device firmware. Before How-To Geek, he used Python and C++ as a freelance programmer. In college, Nick made extensive use of Fortran while pursuing a physics degree. Read Full Bio »
How-To Geek is where you turn when you want experts to explain technology. Since we launched in 2006, our articles have been read billions of times. Want to know more?
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2023-06-27 03:57:58,675 DEBUG  Chunks: ["Skip to content Free Newsletter Buying Guides News Reviews Explore We select and review products independently. When you purchase through our links we may earn a commission. Learn more. 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By submitting your email, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 🏡 Web Browsers Google Chrome How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome Chris HoffmanChris HoffmanEditor-in-ChiefChris Hoffman is Editor-in-Chief of How-To Geek. He's written about technology for over a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. Chris has written for The New York Times\xa0and Reader's Digest, been interviewed as a technology expert on TV stations like Miami's NBC 6, and had his work covered by news outlets like the BBC. Since 2011, Chris has written over 2,000 articles that have been read more than one billion times---and that's just here at How-To Geek. Read more...About How-To Geek @chrisbhoffman and Nick LewisNick LewisWriterNick Lewis is a staff writer for How-To Geek. He has been using computers for 20 years --- tinkering with everything from the UI to the Windows registry to device firmware. Before How-To Geek, he used Python and C++ as a freelance programmer. In college, Nick made extensive use of Fortran while pursuing a physics degree. Read more...About How-To Geek Updated Oct 18, 2022, 9:56 am EDT | 3 min read Activate your system’s dark theme to enable dark mode for Google Chrome on Windows 10, Windows 11, and Mac OS, You can also install third-party dark themes from the Chrome Web Store if you want a visually different dark mode.Google Chrome has had a built-in dark theme like Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge since Chrome 74. You can even apply a dark theme to every web page you visit using third-party themes or an extension. Here’s how. Chrome now offers a built-in dark mode on Windows 10, Windows 11, and macOS. It even makes all of Chrome’s context menus dark, too. Table of ContentsHow to Enable Chrome's Dark Mode on Windows 11How to Enable Chrome's Dark Mode on Windows 10How to Enable Chrome's Dark Mode on macOSBonus: Apply a Dark ThemeBonus: Install a Dark Mode Extension How to Speed Up a Slow PC0 seconds of 1 minute, 13 secondsVolume 0%Press shift question mark to access a list of keyboard shortcutsKeyboard ShortcutsEnabledDisabledPlay/PauseSPACEIncrease Volume↑Decrease Volume↓Seek Forward→Seek Backward←Captions On/OffcFullscreen/Exit FullscreenfMute/UnmutemSeek %0-9 Next UpHow to Increase Battery Life01:59 Live00:0001:1301:13More Videos01:13How to Speed Up a Slow PC01:59How to Increase Battery Life01:20How to Start a Smart Home01:18How to Protect Your PC05:00Get Started with Windows 1001:54Use Bluetooth In Windows 1001:27Download and Use Themes In Windows 10Close How to Enable Chrome’s Dark Mode on Windows 11 Google Chrome’s built-in dark theme respects your system theme on Windows 11, too. Open the Settings app by typing “Color Settings” into the Start menu and hitting Enter, or clicking “Open.” Alternatively, you can open the Settings app and navigate to Personalization > Color. Click the drop-down menu to the right of “Choose Your Mode” and select “Dark.” Then close out the Settings app and launch Google Chrome. Unless you’ve manually set Chrome’s theme, it’ll match your system’s setting. How to Enable Chrome’s Dark Mode on Windows 10 Google Chrome gained a built-in dark theme on Windows in Chrome 74. To enable Chrome’s dark theme, just switch your operating system to dark mode. On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select “Dark” under “Choose your default app mode.” On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode. Here’s how to activate Chrome’s new dark mode if you’d rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10. That article also includes instructions for tweaking the color of Chrome’s window title bars. RELATED: How to Enable Google Chrome's Dark Mode on Windows 10 The Best Tech Newsletter Anywhere Join 425,000 subscribers and get a daily digest of features, articles, news, and trivia. Sign Me Up! By submitting your email, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. How to Enable Chrome’s Dark Mode on macOS Dark mode for Google Chrome became available on macOS in Chrome 73. Like with Windows, Chrome on macOS will respect the current system theme. To change the system theme, first open up System Preferences. (You can open it by clicking the Apple menu on the bar at the top of your screen and selecting “System Preferences.”) Click the “General” icon in the System Preferences window and then click “Dark” to the right of Appearance. You can also type “dark” into the search bar in the top right to find this option. Bonus: Apply a Dark Theme Chrome supports user-created themes, which you can download from the Chrome Web Store. To give Chrome a dark interface, all you have to do is install a dark theme. Google even provides a helpful collection of editor-selected dark themes. This will give your Chrome browser a dark mode on Windows 7, Linux, Chrome OS, and any operating systems without a native dark theme available. Update: Google now offers some official Chrome browser themes, including a “Just Black” dark mode theme. You may want to give that a try. We recommend Morpheon Dark, which is the most popular dark theme in the Store. Unlike some other dark themes, it provides a decent amount of contrast between your active tab, which is a bit lighter, and your inactive tabs, which are darker. This theme turns the tab bar, title bar, toolbar, and New Tab page dark. That’s all you can theme in Chrome. You can’t make Chrome’s context menus or Settings page dark, for example. If you ever want to switch back to Chrome’s default theme you can; click menu > Settings. Look for the Themes option under appearance, and then click “Reset to Default.” Bonus: Install a Dark Mode Extension Warning: By their very nature, browser extensions present a possible security risk.\xa0 You should use as few as possible. A theme changes your browser’s interface, but most websites use white backgrounds. Sure, you can enable dark mode in Gmail and some other websites individually, but that only works for one website at a time. To get a dark mode for the entire web, install the Dark Reader extension from the Chrome Web Store. Some other browser extensions work similarly, but we like Dark Reader most out of all the dark mode extensions we’ve tried. This extension automatically applies a dark style to every web page you visit, and you can click the Dark Reader button on your toolbar to adjust it. You can also disable dark mode for a website from here. The extension even lets you set sites to never open in dark mode, which is useful if Dark Reader doesn’t work well with a website. Unfortunately, Chrome’s Settings pages will always be light unless you enable your system’s dark theme.\xa0Extensions can’t tamper with these for security reasons. Chrome’s context menus are provided by the operating system, so you can’t turn those dark with an extension, either. RELATED: How to Enable Dark Mode in Windows 10 READ NEXT › How to Enable Dark Mode on Instagram› How to Enable Dark Mode in Facebook Messenger› How to Turn Off Dark Mode in Google Chrome› The Ultimate Guide to Enabling Dark Mode Everywhere› Web Apps in Chrome Won’t Blind You in Dark Mode Anymore› How to Force Dark Mode on All Websites in Brave› How to Enable Dark Mode in Photos on Windows 10› Samsung 55-Inch QN90C Neo QLED 4K TV (2023) Review: Another Fantastic QLED Chris Hoffman Chris Hoffman is Editor-in-Chief of How-To Geek. He's written about technology for over a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. Chris has written for The New York Times\xa0and Reader's Digest, been interviewed as a technology expert on TV stations like Miami's NBC 6, and had his work covered by news outlets like the BBC. Since 2011, Chris has written over 2,000 articles that have been read more than one billion times---and that's just here at How-To Geek. Read Full Bio » Nick Lewis Nick Lewis is a staff writer for How-To Geek. He has been using computers for 20 years --- tinkering with everything from the UI to the Windows registry to device firmware. Before How-To Geek, he used Python and C++ as a freelance programmer. In college, Nick made extensive use of Fortran while pursuing a physics degree. Read Full Bio » How-To Geek is where you turn when you want experts to explain technology. Since we launched in 2006, our articles have been read billions of times. Want to know more? Facebook Icon Facebook Instagram Icon Instagram Twitter Icon Twitter LinkedIn Icon LinkedIn RSS Feed The Best Free Tech Newsletter Anywhere By submitting your email, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. About How-To Geek Contact Us Join Our Team Privacy Policy Terms of Use Accessibility Toggle Dark Mode Copyright © 2023 How-To Geek"]
2023-06-27 03:57:58,681 INFO  Text length: 3851 tokens
2023-06-27 03:57:58,681 INFO  Max chunk length: 3545 tokens
2023-06-27 03:57:59,496 INFO  Summarizing chunk 1 / 3 of length 1938 tokens
2023-06-27 03:57:59,600 INFO SYSTEM:  Command browse_website returned: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'
2023-06-27 03:57:59,911 DEBUG  [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task at hand and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task in project1.txt.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"read_file\", \"args\": {\"filename\": \"project1.txt\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command read_file returned: 1. Create a method to retrieve the relevant styinging information necessary to make a darkmode chrome extension from and save it for refrence.\r\n2. Refer to the styling information to create a dark mode extension for google chrome.\r\n3. Ensure you create all necessary files before asking the user to test.   "
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"Retrieve the relevant styling information necessary to make a dark mode chrome extension.\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Answer gathered from website: an introduction to Floatplane, a streaming service that offers a variety of content and is accessible on internet-connected devices. It emphasizes the ability to watch unlimited content at creator specified pricing and mentions bonus content. Floatplane is developed by a Canadian company and is currently inviting additional creators to join the platform.\n\nLinks: ['FAQs (', 'Login (', 'Sign Up (', ' (', ' (;itscg=30200)']"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"I need to determine which command to use based on the current task.\", \"reasoning\": \"To determine the appropriate command, I should review the task requirements and consider the available options.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the task requirements.\\n2. Identify the specific action required.\\n3. Consider the available commands.\\n4. Choose the most suitable command based on the task requirements.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully evaluate the task and choose the most appropriate command to achieve the desired outcome.\", \"speak\": \"I will review the task and select the most suitable command.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"retrieve styling information necessary for a dark mode chrome extension from Floatplane website\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command web_search returned: [\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"How to emulate/activate prefers-color-scheme on Chrome (Mobile): Click on the tree dots symbol. Click on Settings. Click on theme. Select you desired option ! Yay !!! Edit June/22: If you want force dark colors to any website, you can browse chrome://flags/ and enable the flag: Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents (color inversion based)\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to check if Dark Mode is enabled in Chrome extension\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"1 Answer Sorted by: 9 In CSS (possible values are: light, dark, no-preference css docs) works with all modern browsers: @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { .themed { background: white; color: black; } } Follow up with JS ( all modern browsers support this ): window.matchMedia (' (prefers-color-scheme: dark)')\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Apply other effects: enable automatic dark theme ... - Chrome Developers\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Chrome 96 introduced an Origin Trial for Auto Dark Theme on Android. With this feature, the browser applies an automatically generated dark theme to light themed sites if the user opted into dark themes in the operating system. To enable automatic dark mode: On this page, open the Rendering tab and check Enable automatic dark mode.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Build A Dark Mode / Light Mode Chrome Extension - YouTube\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Here is a tutorial to create a simple Chrome Extension using JavaScript, HTML/CSS. When turned on, the extension will turn the current tab to dark mode if th...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"DocsAfterDark - Chrome Web Store - Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Access dark mode settings and more in the extension option menu, which can be accessed by clicking on the extension icon in the browser toolbar. Customize the document background to a darker shade, or use any valid background CSS value in the custom field, including images, gradients, and transparent backgrounds.*\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Overview A global dark theme for the web. Dark Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark at night time. Toolbar button serves as an ON|OFF switch which...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Soon: Visual Picker/Selector, Drag & Drop. customize any Website beyond stylus / stylish / userstyles To come: Reduce brightness of colors only - not color-tone (compare with samsung browser dark mode) Smart dark mode / invert: Only if page is very light or blue We are working on a smart Theme-Engine to exceed the results you get from other ...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Enter \\\"chrome://flags\\\" into Google Chrome's address bar and enable the \\\"Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents\\\" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode. You can also use a browser extension to force sites into dark mode.\"\n    }\n]"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Based on the web search results, I need to browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"To gather the necessary information, I should browse the websites and carefully review the content.\", \"plan\": \"1. Review the web search results.\\n2. Visit the relevant websites.\\n3. Gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I thoroughly review the websites and gather all the required information.\", \"speak\": \"I will browse the websites and gather the necessary information for creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How can I emulate prefers-color-scheme media query in Chrome?\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Error: The server is overloaded or not ready yet."
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Since the browse_website command returned an error, I should try using the web_search command to gather information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"The web_search command will allow me to search for relevant resources and gather the necessary information.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\\n2. Review the search results and gather the necessary information.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I carefully review the search results and gather all the required information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"how to create dark mode chrome extension\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command web_search returned: [\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select \\\" Dark \\\" under \\\"Choose your default app mode.\\\" On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode. Here's how to activate Chrome's new dark mode if you'd rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Sign in Home Extensions Dark Mode Dark Mode Featured 1,812 Productivity 2,000,000+ users Overview Privacy practices Reviews Support Related Dark Mode - Browser Extension Review Share...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Browsers Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser Want to dim the lights on the internet? Don't let a bright screen mess with your eyes or sleep. Here's how to enable dark mode in...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Set your default search engine & site search shortcuts. Flash Player is no longer available. Read pages later & offline. See a site by turning off Chrome's ad blocker. Share pages in Chrome. Share or link to quotes & text in Chrome. Share pages with a QR Code. Control your music, videos & more. Test experimental features in Chrome.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"The Super Dark Mode extension can darken almost all websites, as well as local files opened by Chrome, such as PDFs. From now on, your eyes can be relaxed when browsing the web on the...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Click on the Instant Dark Mode extension icon 🌙 3. Click on \\\"Start/Stop\\\" NOTE: If you do not see the extension icon on the Chrome toolbar then click on the \\\"Extensions\\\" icon that looks like a jigsaw puzzle piece on the Chrome toolbar. Look for \\\"Instant Dark Mode\\\" extension and then click on the pin icon 📌 next to it.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Enter \\\"chrome://flags\\\" into Google Chrome's address bar and enable the \\\"Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents\\\" flag to force Google Chrome to display all websites in dark mode. You can also use a browser extension to force sites into dark mode.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"1. Just Black Just Black is not an extension, but a theme, which gives your entire browser a dark look, including the New Tab page, the top bar and more. It comes from the official Chrome team, which means it's stable, reliable and without any bloat. This is the one to install if you want a no-nonsense dark theme on your Google Chrome.\"\n    }\n]"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Based on the search results, I can see that there are multiple resources available for creating a dark mode chrome extension. I should use the browse_website command to visit the relevant websites and gather more information.\", \"reasoning\": \"The browse_website command will allow me to explore the websites and gather detailed information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the browse_website command to visit the websites related to creating a dark mode chrome extension.\\n2. Explore the websites and gather detailed information about the process.\\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I thoroughly explore the websites and gather all the necessary information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the browse_website command to visit the websites and gather detailed information about creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How to create a dark mode chrome extension?\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Since I received an error when trying to use the browse_website command, I should try using the web_search command instead to gather information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"The web_search command will allow me to search for relevant information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the web_search command to search for 'how to create a dark mode chrome extension'.\\n2. Review the search results and gather information on the process.\\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I review the search results thoroughly and gather all the necessary information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the web_search command to search for information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"how to create a dark mode chrome extension\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command web_search returned: [\n    {\n        \"title\": \"How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select \\\" Dark \\\" under \\\"Choose your default app mode.\\\" On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode. Here's how to activate Chrome's new dark mode if you'd rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Sign in Home Extensions Dark Mode Dark Mode Featured 1,812 Productivity 2,000,000+ users Overview Privacy practices Reviews Support Related Dark Mode - Browser Extension Review Share...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Custom Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Custom Dark Mode is a browser add-on that help you design your own dark style for the web. Simply open toolbar popup UI and then adjust the color settings. There are a variety of options available to choose from. From document body's \\\"background-color\\\" to \\\"font-color\\\", \\\"header-color\\\" and etc. Moreover, you can adjust the opacity for all HTML ...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Set your default search engine & site search shortcuts. Flash Player is no longer available. Read pages later & offline. See a site by turning off Chrome's ad blocker. Share pages in Chrome. Share or link to quotes & text in Chrome. Share pages with a QR Code. Control your music, videos & more. Test experimental features in Chrome.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Windows 10: Open Settings > Personalization > Colors and choose the Dark theme from the drop-down menu. Windows 11: Open Settings > System > Personalization, then pick a pre-existing theme or...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"The Super Dark Mode extension can darken almost all websites, as well as local files opened by Chrome, such as PDFs. From now on, your eyes can be relaxed when browsing the web on the...\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"1. Just Black Just Black is not an extension, but a theme, which gives your entire browser a dark look, including the New Tab page, the top bar and more. It comes from the official Chrome team, which means it's stable, reliable and without any bloat. This is the one to install if you want a no-nonsense dark theme on your Google Chrome.\"\n    },\n    {\n        \"title\": \"Build A Dark Mode / Light Mode Chrome Extension - YouTube\",\n        \"href\": \"\",\n        \"body\": \"Subscribe 7.5K views 2 years ago Here is a tutorial to create a simple Chrome Extension using JavaScript, HTML/CSS. When turned on, the extension will turn the current tab to dark mode if...\"\n    }\n]"
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Determine exactly one command to use, and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "{\"thoughts\": {\"text\": \"Based on the search results, I should use the browse_website command to access the website '' and gather information on how to create a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"reasoning\": \"The website '' seems to provide instructions on enabling dark mode for Chrome, which may include information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\", \"plan\": \"1. Use the browse_website command to access the website ''.\\n2. Read the content of the website to gather information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\\n3. Take notes and save important information for future reference.\", \"criticism\": \"I need to ensure that I thoroughly read the content of the website and gather all the necessary information.\", \"speak\": \"I will use the browse_website command to access the website '' and gather information on creating a dark mode chrome extension.\"}, \"command\": {\"name\": \"browse_website\", \"args\": {\"url\": \"\", \"question\": \"How to create a dark mode chrome extension?\"}}}"
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Command browse_website returned: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'"
2023-06-27 03:57:59,914 DEBUG  Token limit: 4096
2023-06-27 03:57:59,925 DEBUG  [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "Your task is to create a concise running summary of actions and information results in the provided text, focusing on key and potentially important information to remember.\n\nYou will receive the current summary and your latest actions. Combine them, adding relevant key information from the latest development in 1st person past tense and keeping the summary concise.\n\nSummary So Far:\n\"\"\"\nI received an error while trying to browse the Stack Overflow website. I used the web_search command to search for \"how to create dark mode chrome extension\" and received the following results:\n- How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek: Provides instructions on enabling dark mode for Chrome on Windows 10 and Mac.\n- Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables dark mode.\n- Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag: Instructions on enabling dark mode on various browsers.\n- Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help: Provides information on various features of Chrome, including dark mode.\n- Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that darkens websites and local files.\n- Instant Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store: A Chrome extension that enables instant dark mode.\n- How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome: Instructions on forcing dark mode on all websites in Chrome.\n- 10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom: A list of recommended dark mode extensions for Chrome, including Just Black.\nI then tried to browse the website \"\" to find information on how to create a dark mode chrome extension, but encountered an error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'.\n\"\"\"\n\nLatest Development:\n\"\"\"\n[Message(role='you', content='{\"command\": {\"name\": \"web_search\", \"args\": {\"query\": \"how to create a dark mode chrome extension\"}}}', type='ai_response'), Message(role='your computer', content='Command web_search returned: [\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"How to Enable Dark Mode for Google Chrome - How-To Geek\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"On Windows 10, head to Settings > Personalization > Colors and select \\\\\" Dark \\\\\" under \\\\\"Choose your default app mode.\\\\\" On a Mac, enable the system-wide dark mode. Here\\'s how to activate Chrome\\'s new dark mode if you\\'d rather use dark mode in Chrome and light mode throughout the rest of Windows 10.\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"Sign in Home Extensions Dark Mode Dark Mode Featured 1,812 Productivity 2,000,000+ users Overview Privacy practices Reviews Support Related Dark Mode - Browser Extension Review Share...\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"Custom Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"Custom Dark Mode is a browser add-on that help you design your own dark style for the web. Simply open toolbar popup UI and then adjust the color settings. There are a variety of options available to choose from. From document body\\'s \\\\\"background-color\\\\\" to \\\\\"font-color\\\\\", \\\\\"header-color\\\\\" and etc. Moreover, you can adjust the opacity for all HTML ...\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme - Computer - Google Chrome Help\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"Set your default search engine & site search shortcuts. Flash Player is no longer available. Read pages later & offline. See a site by turning off Chrome\\'s ad blocker. Share pages in Chrome. Share or link to quotes & text in Chrome. Share pages with a QR Code. Control your music, videos & more. Test experimental features in Chrome.\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"Blackout: How to Enable Dark Mode on Your Browser | PCMag\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"Windows 10: Open Settings > Personalization > Colors and choose the Dark theme from the drop-down menu. Windows 11: Open Settings > System > Personalization, then pick a pre-existing theme or...\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"Super Dark Mode - Chrome Web Store\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"The Super Dark Mode extension can darken almost all websites, as well as local files opened by Chrome, such as PDFs. From now on, your eyes can be relaxed when browsing the web on the...\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"10 Best Dark Mode Extensions for Google Chrome in 2022 - Beebom\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"1. Just Black Just Black is not an extension, but a theme, which gives your entire browser a dark look, including the New Tab page, the top bar and more. It comes from the official Chrome team, which means it\\'s stable, reliable and without any bloat. This is the one to install if you want a no-nonsense dark theme on your Google Chrome.\"\\n    },\\n    {\\n        \"title\": \"Build A Dark Mode / Light Mode Chrome Extension - YouTube\",\\n        \"href\": \"\",\\n        \"body\": \"Subscribe 7.5K views 2 years ago Here is a tutorial to create a simple Chrome Extension using JavaScript, HTML/CSS. When turned on, the extension will turn the current tab to dark mode if...\"\\n    }\\n]', type='action_result')]\n\"\"\"\n"
2023-06-27 03:57:59,928 DEBUG  Creating chat completion with model gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, temperature 0.0, max_tokens None
m2021acct commented 1 year ago

Same exact issue here when running from docker.

e-ago commented 1 year ago

Same issue running from macos using git stable branch

GalaxySurfer commented 1 year ago

My first try with auto-GPT. Same issue with Docker image version v0.4.3 latest released today. Then I tried with an older version and the same is not happening with v0.4.2 image.

tragicwinds commented 1 year ago

Same problem over there. Tested on Mac Os Ventura 13.4.1 (22F82) using python 3.10 and AutoGPT v0.4.3 Release. I've just tried it using v0.4.2 and the error is there as well.

SYSTEM: Command browse_website returned: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'

iguy0 commented 1 year ago

I can confirm the same, v0.4.2 and v0.4.3. Mine happened after the browse_website command.

`NEXT ACTION: COMMAND = browse_website ARGUMENTS = {'url': '', 'question': 'What are the details and customer reviews of the New Balance Fresh Foam Arishi Trail GTX?'}

AUTHORISED COMMANDS LEFT: 4 Text length: 32180 characters Text length: 6841 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 1 / 3 of length 3443 tokens SYSTEM: Command browse_website returned: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model' ` Then moves on to browse other websites and same error.

katmai commented 1 year ago

same thing here

AUTHORISED COMMANDS LEFT: 0 Text length: 45242 characters Text length: 6489 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 1 / 3 of length 3278 tokens SYSTEM: Command browse_website returned: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model' ATLAS THOUGHTS: Based on the search results, I have found several websites that provide recommended books or reading lists. I will choose one of these websites to browse and gather more information about the suggested books. REASONING: By exploring different websites that offer recommended books or reading lists, I can find a diverse range of suggestions and discover new books that align with my interests. PLAN:

NEXT ACTION: COMMAND = browse_website ARGUMENTS = {'url': '', 'question': 'What are the recommended books on this website?'}

AUTHORISED COMMANDS LEFT: 0 Text length: 45242 characters Text length: 6489 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 1 / 3 of length 3278 tokens SYSTEM: Command browse_website returned: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'

ec3008 commented 1 year ago

Same for me AutoGPT 0.4.3 on docker, Mac OS, Python 3.11.3 NEXT ACTION: COMMAND = browse_website ARGUMENTS = {'url': '', 'question': 'characteristics strengths areas of use autonomous AI agents'} Enter 'y' to authorise command, 'y -N' to run N continuous commands, 's' to run self-feedback commands, 'n' to exit program, or enter feedback for AI-Alfred_blogger... Asking user via keyboard... Input:y -=-=-=-=-=-=-= COMMAND AUTHORISED BY USER -=-=-=-=-=-=-= Text length: 32504 characters Text length: 6038 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 1 / 3 of length 3010 tokens SYSTEM: Command browse_website returned: Error: 'str' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'

brokkerpe commented 1 year ago

AUTHORISED COMMANDS LEFT: 5 Text length: 21510 characters Text length: 4017 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 1 / 3 of length 2006 tokens SYSTEM: Command browse_website returned: Error: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'fast_llm_model'

brokkerpe commented 1 year ago

Some one can please help with this error

jgconverge commented 1 year ago

Same here

radls commented 1 year ago

I'm experiencing the same issue.

beestinger72 commented 1 year ago

Having the same issue

beestinger72 commented 1 year ago

when doing a web search

thedreamakeem commented 1 year ago

same here

Screen Shot 2023-06-30 at 6 03 59 PM
israelz74 commented 1 year ago

Same here

u007 commented 1 year ago

any work around or quick fix for this?

TyJoeRoll commented 1 year ago

Following, need help here too

u007 commented 1 year ago

found the fix autogpt/processing/

for i, (chunk, chunk_length) in enumerate(chunks):
            f"Summarizing chunk {i + 1} / {len(chunks)} of length {chunk_length} tokens"
        summary, _ = summarize_text(chunk, config, instruction)
        summaries.append(summary)"Summarized {len(chunks)} chunks")

    summary, _ = summarize_text("\n\n".join(summaries), config, instruction)
Screenshot 2023-07-03 at 3 38 01 PM
u007 commented 1 year ago


iguy0 commented 1 year ago

Hi, @u007 Thank you for the solution!! It worked very well for the most part, for websites with a lower "Text length" (Text length: 800-17000 characters) the fix worked flawlessly, but for a length of +-70000 characters it errored out.

Logs: `NEXT ACTION: COMMAND = browse_website ARGUMENTS = {'url': '', 'question': 'What are the features and customer reviews of the top waterproof running shoes recommended by The New York Times?'}

AUTHORISED COMMANDS LEFT: 2 Text length: 70174 characters Text length: 7666 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 1 / 4 of length 2550 tokens Text length: 2502 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 2 / 4 of length 2539 tokens Text length: 2454 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 3 / 4 of length 2552 tokens Text length: 2469 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 4 / 4 of length 325 tokens Text length: 318 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarized 4 chunks Text length: 375 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Text length: 7691 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 1 / 4 of length 2555 tokens Text length: 2474 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 2 / 4 of length 2563 tokens Text length: 2487 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 3 / 4 of length 2540 tokens Text length: 2461 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 4 / 4 of length 327 tokens Text length: 326 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarized 4 chunks Text length: 408 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Text length: 786 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens SYSTEM: Command browse_website returned: Error: summarize_text() missing 1 required positional argument: 'config' SHOEFINDERGPT THOUGHTS: I encountered an error while trying to browse the website. I need to find an alternative source to gather information about the top waterproof shoes. I can use the 'web_search' command to search for websites or articles that provide detailed reviews and information about waterproof shoes. `

I'm not sure if it's related to the "last_llm_model" error yet. If it were for me, your PR should move forward as it addresses this particular issue.

Best Regards

u007 commented 1 year ago

alright just add the instruction at the end on the second code call

On Mon, 3 Jul 2023, 7:53 pm iguy0, @.***> wrote:

Hi, @u007 Thank you for the solution!! It worked very well for the most part, for websites with a lower "Text length" (Text length: 800-17000 characters) the fix worked flawlessly, but for a length of +-70000 characters it errored out.

Logs: `NEXT ACTION: COMMAND = browse_website ARGUMENTS = {'url': '', 'question': 'What are the features and customer reviews of the top waterproof running shoes recommended by The New York Times?'}

AUTHORISED COMMANDS LEFT: 2 Text length: 70174 characters Text length: 7666 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 1 / 4 of length 2550 tokens Text length: 2502 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 2 / 4 of length 2539 tokens Text length: 2454 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 3 / 4 of length 2552 tokens Text length: 2469 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 4 / 4 of length 325 tokens Text length: 318 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarized 4 chunks Text length: 375 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Text length: 7691 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 1 / 4 of length 2555 tokens Text length: 2474 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 2 / 4 of length 2563 tokens Text length: 2487 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 3 / 4 of length 2540 tokens Text length: 2461 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarizing chunk 4 / 4 of length 327 tokens Text length: 326 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Summarized 4 chunks Text length: 408 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens Text length: 786 tokens Max chunk length: 3545 tokens SYSTEM: Command browse_website returned: Error: summarize_text() missing 1 required positional argument: 'config' SHOEFINDERGPT THOUGHTS: I encountered an error while trying to browse the website. I need to find an alternative source to gather information about the top waterproof shoes. I can use the 'web_search' command to search for websites or articles that provide detailed reviews and information about waterproof shoes. `

I'm not sure if it's related to the "last_llm_model" error yet. If it were for me, your PR should move forward as it addresses many/most cases for the error under this issue.

Best Regards

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

ojiji1 commented 1 year ago

hi @u007

I can't find processing and I've downloaded the stable version and done it with dockers

thank you

u007 commented 1 year ago

updated the code above

lotrlol commented 1 year ago

How do i update the code (for Docker)?

u007 commented 1 year ago

clone the project from my branch , map the file autogpt/processing/ into the path of autogpt, /app/autogpt/processing/ example: -v "$PWD/autogpt:/app/autogpt"

u007 commented 1 year ago

hi @u007

I can't find processing and I've downloaded the stable version and done it with dockers

thank you

need to clone and switch to stable branch, but its not merged yet

arya-coding commented 1 year ago

I've tested the code provided as a fix, and I have the following error trying on the branch to fix the error I'm using Windows 11 & Docker

Using memory of type: JSONFileMemory
Using Browser: chrome
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'replace'

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/", line 196, in _run_module_as_main
return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/", line 86, in _run_code
exec(code, run_globals)
File "/app/autogpt/", line 5, in
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/click/", line 1130, in call
return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/click/", line 1055, in main
rv = self.invoke(ctx)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/click/", line 1635, in invoke
rv = super().invoke(ctx)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/click/", line 1404, in invoke
return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/click/", line 760, in invoke
return __callback(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/click/", line 26, in new_func
return f(get_current_context(), *args, **kwargs)
File "/app/autogpt/", line 96, in main
File "/app/autogpt/", line 195, in run_auto_gpt
File "/app/autogpt/agent/", line 188, in start_interaction_loop
f"COMMAND = {Fore.CYAN}{remove_ansi_escape(command_name)}{Style.RESET_ALL} "
File "/app/autogpt/", line 253, in remove_ansi_escape
return s.replace("\x1B", "")
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'replace'

Anyone knows a version that we can rollback to in the meantime ?

tragicwinds commented 1 year ago

I've implemented the fix but now I'm getting a different problem: Command browse_website returned: Error: summarize_text() missing 1 required positional argument: 'config'

u007 commented 1 year ago

no that means its not implemented

On Tue, 4 Jul 2023, 7:55 am tragicwinds, @.***> wrote:

I've implemented the fix but now I'm getting a different problem: Command browse_website returned: Error: summarize_text() missing 1 required positional argument: 'config'

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

u007 commented 1 year ago

I've tested the code provided as a fix, and I have the following error trying on the branch to fix the error I'm using Windows 11 & Docker

Using memory of type: JSONFileMemory
Using Browser: chrome
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'replace'

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/", line 196, in _run_module_as_main
return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/", line 86, in _run_code
exec(code, run_globals)
File "/app/autogpt/", line 5, in
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/click/", line 1130, in call
return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/click/", line 1055, in main
rv = self.invoke(ctx)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/click/", line 1635, in invoke
rv = super().invoke(ctx)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/click/", line 1404, in invoke
return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/click/", line 760, in invoke
return __callback(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/click/", line 26, in new_func
return f(get_current_context(), *args, **kwargs)
File "/app/autogpt/", line 96, in main
File "/app/autogpt/", line 195, in run_auto_gpt
File "/app/autogpt/agent/", line 188, in start_interaction_loop
f"COMMAND = {Fore.CYAN}{remove_ansi_escape(command_name)}{Style.RESET_ALL} "
File "/app/autogpt/", line 253, in remove_ansi_escape
return s.replace("\x1B", "")
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'replace'

Anyone knows a version that we can rollback to in the meantime ?

fixed here