Signum / ispmail-bullseye-ansible

Ansible playbooks to set up a mail server according to the ISPmail guide at /
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ispmail_fqdn:mydomain.tld #5

Closed FredMa01 closed 5 months ago

FredMa01 commented 1 year ago

Hi, When I select my domain in ''group_vars/all'' (ispmail_fqdn: mydomain.tld), an run ''ansible-playbook ispmail.yml -c local'', I have this error :

RUNNING HANDLER [ispmail-dovecot : restart dovecot] *****************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Unable to restart service dovecot: Job for dovecot.service failed because the control process exited with error code.\nSee \"systemctl status dovecot.service\" and \"journalctl -xe\" for details.\n"}

NO MORE HOSTS LEFT *********************************************************************************************************************************************

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=69   changed=53   unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=15   rescued=0    ignored=0

The command : "systemctl status dovecot'' displays : doveconf: Fatal: Error in configuration file /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf line 14: ssl_cert: Can't open file /etc/letsencrypt/live/mydomain.tld/f> The commande : ''certbot certificates'' displays : No certificates found.

An idea ? There's no problem when I keep by default my IP address and the .[] domain


FredMa01 commented 1 year ago

A solution is to generate the certificate before. All thanks Christoph for all !

mikysal78 commented 1 year ago

Hi, i have same problem for vm testing (lan). In playbook try comment role "certbot" and add in playbook this role:

    - { role: ispmail-certificate,  tags: cert-self }

and in group_Vars all...

# Self-signed certificate
ispmail_certificate_country: "IT"
ispmail_certificate_state: "Italy"
ispmail_certificate_location: "Matera"
ispmail_certificate_organisation: "Ninux Basilicata"
ispmail_certificate_orgunit: "Ninux"
ispmail_certificate_domains: "{{ ipmail_fqdn }}"
ispmail_certificate_email: "{{ ispmail_postmaster_address }}"
ispmail_certificate_days_valid: "9999"
Signum commented 5 months ago

Again, sorry for the late response. I assume that after a year you have either given up or found a solution. Otherwise please re-open this issue and let us know the exact error message.