Silarn / EDMC-BioScan

Exobiology plugin for EDMC - Species deduction engine for biological signals and analysis aid. Quickly determine targets for research. Discord:
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Biological signal shows as blank and 0 Cr after surface scan #5

Closed ElSaico closed 10 months ago

ElSaico commented 11 months ago

o7! Right now I am wandering through the Trumpler 16 cluster on the way back to the bubble, and I found a planet with high exobiology potential. However, after finishing the surface scan, one of the biological signals (a Tussock) shows a blank name and a 0 Cr value.

Here's the relevant journal lines and a screenshot.

{ "timestamp":"2023-12-03T17:30:36Z", "event":"SAASignalsFound", "BodyName":"Blae Eork QL-J d10-13 B 4", "SystemAddress":458798123611, "BodyID":13, "Signals":[ { "Type":"$SAA_SignalType_Biological;", "Type_Localised":"Biological", "Count":4 } ], "Genuses":[ { "Genus":"$Codex_Ent_Bacterial_Genus_Name;", "Genus_Localised":"Bacterium" }, { "Genus":"$Codex_Ent_Osseus_Genus_Name;", "Genus_Localised":"Osseus" }, { "Genus":"$Codex_Ent_Stratum_Genus_Name;", "Genus_Localised":"Stratum" }, { "Genus":"$Codex_Ent_Tussocks_Genus_Name;", "Genus_Localised":"Tussock" } ] }
{ "timestamp":"2023-12-03T17:30:36Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"Detailed", "BodyName":"Blae Eork QL-J d10-13 B 4", "BodyID":13, "Parents":[ {"Star":2}, {"Null":0} ], "StarSystem":"Blae Eork QL-J d10-13", "SystemAddress":458798123611, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":64096.241502, "TidalLock":false, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"High metal content body", "Atmosphere":"thin carbon dioxide atmosphere", "AtmosphereType":"CarbonDioxide", "AtmosphereComposition":[ { "Name":"CarbonDioxide", "Percent":100.000000 } ], "Volcanism":"", "MassEM":0.010189, "Radius":1414652.875000, "SurfaceGravity":2.029254, "SurfaceTemperature":189.491714, "SurfacePressure":5760.487793, "Landable":true, "Materials":[ { "Name":"iron", "Percent":23.290815 }, { "Name":"nickel", "Percent":17.616196 }, { "Name":"sulphur", "Percent":16.231430 }, { "Name":"carbon", "Percent":13.648950 }, { "Name":"phosphorus", "Percent":8.738292 }, { "Name":"zinc", "Percent":6.329571 }, { "Name":"vanadium", "Percent":5.719413 }, { "Name":"germanium", "Percent":4.801138 }, { "Name":"niobium", "Percent":1.591803 }, { "Name":"mercury", "Percent":1.017071 }, { "Name":"antimony", "Percent":1.015317 } ], "Composition":{ "Ice":0.000000, "Rock":0.655302, "Metal":0.344698 }, "SemiMajorAxis":493150991201.400757, "Eccentricity":0.000556, "OrbitalInclination":0.230490, "Periapsis":66.297542, "OrbitalPeriod":193452167.510986, "AscendingNode":63.804772, "MeanAnomaly":69.340817, "RotationPeriod":73677.521016, "AxialTilt":0.559959, "WasDiscovered":true, "WasMapped":false }

Captura de tela 2023-12-03 173446

UPDATE: after scanning, the species was identified as a Tussock Caputus - Green

UPDATE 2: looking at the ruleset code I can see the problem - the Outer Orion Spur was not considered a potential region for it!

        '$Codex_Ent_Tussocks_11_Name;': {
            'name': 'Tussock Caputus',
            'value': 3472400,
            'rulesets': [
                    'atmosphere': ['CarbonDioxide'],
                    'body_type': ['Rocky body', 'High metal content body'],
                    'min_gravity': 0.041,
                    'max_gravity': 0.27,
                    'min_temperature': 181.0,
                    'max_temperature': 190.0,
                    'min_pressure': 0.0275,
                    'volcanism': 'None',
                    'regions': ['sagittarius-carina', 'perseus']
ElSaico commented 11 months ago

UPDATE: it just happened again, but with a Tussock Ignis on Col 240 Sector BG-X d1-22 11 a.

Silarn commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the report. I'm going to investigate data sources for this to see if I can refine the regions correctly.

Silarn commented 11 months ago

I think I've been able to refine the region sets. While most of the regions used by different species follow similar patterns, it looks like there's a slight discrepancy between Tussock and some other genera in the sagittarius-carina arm. I've added a tweaked regionset and included orion-cygnus in several of the Tussock species where it was missing.

No guarantee there aren't some other regionset discrepancies here or there, but it should resolve these issues.

Silarn commented 10 months ago

Feel free to reopen this is you encounter the issue again, but for now I'm going to consider this closed.