SilasMarvin / lsp-ai

LSP-AI is an open-source language server that serves as a backend for AI-powered functionality, designed to assist and empower software engineers, not replace them.
MIT License
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[Question] Is it possible to use Ollama as a backend? #9

Closed curldivergence closed 2 weeks ago

curldivergence commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, first of all - thank you for an awesome project :) I have a question though - the docs say that when llama.cpp backend is used, the LSP links directly to it, but I'm not sure - is it possible to utilize an Ollama instance serving on the local network? Thanks!

SilasMarvin commented 2 weeks ago

This sounds like it would be a great addition. I will add Ollama support today. Stay tuned!

SilasMarvin commented 2 weeks ago

Added Ollama here! Pushing out a new release now