SileNce5k / discord_bot

My second attempt at making a bot in javascript
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Add ability to get commands from another codebase #105

Open SileNce5k opened 2 months ago

SileNce5k commented 2 months ago

Should use the config file for this. I have some commands that I want to keep in a private repository. At the moment I have no git repo for these files.

could be someting like

conf {
    repositories: [""]

Need code that when I do a <prefix>update, it pulls from this repo, then the other repos configured. These repos shouldn't get any output in the channel like the update command usually does. Maybe something like: Pulled changes from command repos (<number_of_repos>, <number_of_commits>. Then there should be a separate command directory for these files. Mainly so they don't show up in help.

Actually, it could use the netload directory, which isn't used much anyways. I wouldn't even need to change anything in server.js or message.js. I am a little unsure what gets prioritised though. Is it netload command or normal commands? If it's netload commands, I need to make that be secondary.