Silenci0 / SMAC

Sourcemod Anti-Cheat
154 stars 53 forks source link

How can we help to improve SMAC? #20

Open borzaka opened 4 years ago

borzaka commented 4 years ago


Silenci0 commented 4 years ago

At present, the biggest help for something like SMAC would be more contributors/testers. For a project like SMAC to be better supported, both in active development and maintenance, it needs more than one person to address issues, update functionality, add features, and test supported games on both Windows and Linux.

At the end of the day, SMAC is a very large and ambitious project on its own and one person working on it doesn't seem feasible for something this big. It simply needs more people who can work on it besides myself. There is only so much time in a day that can be devoted to something and only so much one can do on their own, so having more people who can help with, if not actively take over, development would be the most desirable thing to happen for this project. SMAC has a lot to offer as a free, open source anti-cheat and active development/testing would be a wonderful thing.

As for your points, I'll address them below: