SilentChaos512 / Silent-Gear

Modular tool/armor mod (formerly part of Silent's Gems)
MIT License
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Add a dedicated crafting table to reduce recipe clutter #656

Closed moonfather1 closed 3 months ago

moonfather1 commented 4 months ago

What Should Be Added or Changed?

A crafting station. Basically a crafting table for gear parts.

Why Should This Be Done?

Because crafting recipes are drowning in the sea of SG recipes. If i find a material (some ingot for example) and press U to find uses in jei/emi/rei, i need to dredge through a dense jungle of recipes for SG parts.

If they were moved to a separate recipe type (derived from crafting recipe and in any way identical), they would be in a separate tab in jei/rei/emi and I would be able to go through crafting recipes without irritation.

please and thank you.

Beethoven-n commented 4 months ago

the Gear Crafting recipe tag should be made more obvious somehow. JEI solves this by just having all the gear recipes seperate from the rest of the game's recipes.

Auseawesome commented 4 months ago

That isn't JEI solving it, there's specific compat within the mod files. If i remember correctly, there used to be a specific craftign station but it got removed for simplicity. I haven't had any issues with having crafting recipes drowned out, which are you using JEI, REI or EMI? Also might want to send a screenshot

SilentChaos512 commented 4 months ago

All of the recipes are already placed in their own tab in JEI. I can't speak for the other mods. Are those even for 1.20.x? I typically don't add features to older versions.

Auseawesome commented 4 months ago

Yes REI can be got on 1.20.1 and I can confirm it works fine, I am using it in my pack EMI is on 1.20.1 but I cannot vouch for how well it works as I don't use it myself