SilentCicero / react-dapp-boilerplate

A highly standardized and optimized react dApp boilerplate.
MIT License
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This might take how long? #1

Open glowkeeper opened 7 years ago

glowkeeper commented 7 years ago

React dApp Boilerplate

Steps to reproduce

I called npm run setup about twelve hours ago. It's been saying "Installing dependencies... (This might take a while)" ever since. When you say: "This might take a while," do you mean that long?


glowkeeper commented 7 years ago

I've successfully replicated the problem at work (so far, npm run setup has been running for two hours), where I'm using different versions of node and npm:

Node v4.4.3 npm 3.10.3

However, this time, I've fired up the Javascript console in Chrome. It shows lots of this type of error:

Refused to load the font 'data:font/woff;base64,d09GRgABAAAAAIt0ABEAAAABQDwAAQABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA…CwKGBmIIpVWLACJWGwAUVjI2KwAiNEswkKAwIrswsQAwIrsxEWAwIrWbIEKAZFUkSzCxAEAisA' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "font-src".

I hope that helps....

SilentCicero commented 7 years ago

@glowkeeper not sure, you may want to take this up with the react-boilerplate repo:

rinaldorossi commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'm having the same problem of glowkeeper. I tryed also the procedure of but I' ve got this issue cross-env: command not found

rinaldorossi commented 7 years ago

I "solved" changing to node version to 4.4.4 from 6.2.2, but I have new problem.

Now I have: Building the Webpack DLL... /bin/sh: cross-env: command not found

Run again npm run setup and output me: Error: Cannot find module '/dapp/react-dapp-boilerplate/internals/scripts/setup.js'

Please help this boiler is very important for us.

rinaldorossi commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have a working version of boiler. I follow manually the scripts in npm run setup

  1. rm -rf .git
  2. nvm use 6.2.2
  3. npm install
  4. git init && git add . && git commit -m "Initial commit"
  5. npm start
  6. no class.js found
  7. npm run build contracts --> broke when oper Chrome after test but it produce class.js
  8. npm start
  9. no environment.js found
  10. line 2 of ethdeploy.base.js const environments = '../../app/contracts/build/environments.json';
  11. delete this block of code in ethdeploy.base.js if (typeof environments !== 'object') { if (Object.keys(environments).length !== 0) { entry = environments; } }
  12. npm start

Access URLs:

Localhost: http://localhost:3000 LAN:

SilentCicero commented 7 years ago

@rinaldorossi the boiler is still not done, I'm building other critical components like ethdeploy and web3-network-detective largely on my own. I'll take another look at this tomorrow, but not everything is configured yet, which is why your having issues. This is more or less to demonstrate a react component based configuration instead of a framework style system "i.e. truffle".

I'll make more commits to this over the next week, including ethdeploy updates and upgrades.

rinaldorossi commented 7 years ago

@SilentCicero Don't worry, we are here and waiting for a hot React integration. If you need an hand, according to my skills, do not hesitate to ask.

You have a slack channel?

KRYPTOHAUS commented 7 years ago

@SilentCicero Anything technical preventing this project from moving forward?