SilentNightSound / GI-Model-Importer

Tools and instructions for importing custom models into a certain anime game
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Game crashes 游戏闪退 #244

Open JameTry opened 1 month ago

JameTry commented 1 month ago

My English is not good, I used Google Translate below, When I opened the game today, the game icon would appear for a few seconds and then it would crash. If I don't use GIMI, I can start it successfully, and then there won't even be a "beep" sound when starting up. I tried launching with empty mod but failed. Then I also downloaded the new GIMI player version and development version to try without loading any mods, but it also failed. After that, I modified the target=Yuanshen.exe. I am using the CN version. The "Didi" sound came back, but then it crashed. I checked other issues, and one clue is that there are too many modules. I cut the mod in half directly and loaded the mod with the new GIMI to start, and luckily it executed successfully. I don't know why this happened. I could still start it yesterday, but it was a sign that it failed several times in a row, but today I can't start it at all.

我的英语不好,我下面是我使用google翻译的, 今天当我打开游戏时,游戏图标会出现几秒钟,然后就会崩溃。 我如果不使用GIMI可以成功启动,之后连启动时的"滴滴"声都不存在 我尝试用空 mod 启动,但失败了。 然后我也下载了新的GIMI player版和开发版不加载任何mod去尝试,同样也失败了, 之后我修改了target=Yuanshen.exe 我是CN版,“滴滴“声回复了,但是然闪退 我检查了其他issue,一个线索是模组太多。 我将mod直接减去一半,使用新的GIMI加载mod进行启动,万幸它成功执行了。 我不清楚为什么导致这样,我昨天还可以启动,只不过有点前兆,连续几次都失败了,但是今天完全启动不了了。

JameTry commented 1 month ago

I don’t think it’s entirely a problem with too many mods, because when I start GIMI with empty mods, it crashes.

JameTry commented 1 month ago

I am also using unlockfps. I don’t know if it will have any impact.

kanonmelodis commented 1 month ago


Actually the same problem.

Here's the crash log, hopes it will help.

d3d11.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
  in module d3d11.dll at 0033:784ace40.

Error occurred at 2024-05-05_003628.
G:\Genshin Impact\Genshin Impact Game\YuanShen.exe, run by Arisu.
30% memory in use.
32510 MB physical memory [22478 MB free].
43774 MB paging file [28221 MB free].
134217728 MB user address space [134145289 MB free].
Read from location 000008c0 caused an access violation.

RDI:    0xcb2dd980  RSI: 0x4c9b6580  RAX:   0x78735440
RBX:    0x000008c0  RCX: 0x4c9b6580  RDX:   0x4c9b6588
RIP:    0x784ace40  RBP: 0xcb2dd980  SegCs: 0x00000033
EFlags: 0x00010212  RSP: 0xcb2dd680  SegSs: 0x0000002b
R8:    0x00000000  R9: 0x00000000  R10:   0x365eb170
R11:    0xcb2dd640  R12: 0x00000000  R13:   0x84192610
R14:    0x4ec33e00  R15: 0x00000000
shiolife commented 1 month ago
