Silfalion / Iphone_docker_osx_passthrough

The scripts in here allows one to passthrough a usb controller consequently an iphone to a VM created through Docker OSX, this should work but was tested with other OSs
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Fedora/Podman users README! #4

Open andrewcharnley opened 4 months ago

andrewcharnley commented 4 months ago

The script is trying to be too clever and will chown the '/dev/vbio/[n]' to root

You need to either disable or change this line and then either add a UDEV rule to allow the qemu group to access this file. Or since you're running this script as root, simply change the chown to chmod 777 to give qemu access.

Note on Fedora at least you may see this in dmesg

desg reports [ 3916.630737] vfio_pin_pages_remote: RLIMIT_MEMLOCK (8388608) exceeded

You need to increase the default memlock limits via


*            soft    memlock         unlimited
*            hard    memlock         unlimited

Logout and login, run ulimit -a to check they're unlimited. The iPhone will now show up!