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SpriteGroup not working in GameStudio #179

Open Gavin-Williams opened 9 years ago

Gavin-Williams commented 9 years ago

SpriteGroup doesn't seem to be working and designed as well as it could be in game studio. Here's my issues :

  1. Deleting Images when the list is empty causes game studio to crash.
  2. Hitting the button to the left of the frame color button causes game studio to crash.
  3. When the above crashes occur, GameStudio needs to be force-closed through task manager.
  4. The main SpriteGroup panel & property grid have a poor layout. I find it all confusing. So at the top, there is the title 'Images:' but directly underneath that, there are frames, is that a list of images or frames ? Then when I add a frame, over in the property grid, I see that I have added items. So now, we have images, frames, items and sprites, all meaning the same thing (?) depending on where in the UI i look. This needs to be made more consistent, by just calling them sprites, and always referring to the name.
  5. The main panel doesn't show the source graphics, only the red frame. The Asset preview does show the sprites.
Benlitz commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. (note: I edited your post to use numbers instead of bullets)

  1. When the list is empty, the delete buttons should be disabled. Could you describe a bit more how to reproduce this crash?
  2. Indeed. This has been fixed and will be included in the next release
  3. Some crashes were freezing the app indeed. This has also been fixed.
  4. I totally agree. We are currently putting our efforts on 3D, and have a lot of improvements regarding edition in general in our development branches. It will takes some time to release these changes in the public version, but as soon as this is done we will be able to rewrite the sprite edition tool and improve its property display.
  5. It is supposed to do, unless your image uses the dds format. WPF is unable to load and display dds images. It's the only case I'm aware of currently, but if your situation is different please give us more information about the images you're using (format, size, etc.). I'll update this post when we'll fix the dds display issue.
Gavin-Williams commented 9 years ago

I totally don't mind you guys focusing on 3d, I can understand that it's quite a bit of work to get the scene editor working nicely. And GDC is fast approaching, I'm really excited about the future of this engine. Although programming generally is pretty exciting ;)

The game I'm writing has been both 3d and 2d, but I think I've finally locked it down to 2d now, so I'm basically working with sprites. I'll just get it all to work as best as I can, and report any issues. So far, everything is functional anyway, just a few rough edges here and there.

I exclusively use dds images for programming these days, I found png and bmp to be annoying at times. I know other's like those formats, but dds is a native dx format, and it explicitly stores an alpha channel, which can be edited directly in Photoshop which I understand. I use the nVidia plugin so that I can edit and work with dds in Photoshop, and i use MysticThumbs for rendering dds throughout Explorer.

You should be able to use SharpDX to render dds into WPF, or write a custom dds loader, I may even have a dds loader around here somewhere. Although I'm sure Alexandre would have such code as well. Maybe I'm the only person that uses dds ... haha.

Edit : I tried reproducing the crash, but couldn't, maybe you have fixed something there. Otherwise it must have been a very specific thing that I did. If I can manage to reproduce it, I will put up the details in this post.

Also, there are some other bugs in the source file selector in the main SpriteGroup panel:

bug 6. If I have 3 source files, say: wall,, is selected, I hit the eraser button, and both and are removed from the source file list. This is not consistent behavior either, sometimes, the last item (or perhaps items after the selected item) are removed, instead of all other items.

bug 7. I can never delete (erase) the last source file, so there is always 1 source file in the list. (Edit 2) I can actually delete the last source file, but only If I have just previously deleted a frame from the Images list.