SiliconStudio / xenko

Old repo for Xenko Game Engine. Please use instead.
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Crashes as soon as I open the editor #523

Open JayFromHME opened 7 years ago

JayFromHME commented 7 years ago

I download Xenko for the first time today, and the installation went off without a problem. Then, I tried to open a project (the top down RPG template, to be exact), and the engine loaded up, but then froze and crashed nearly every program I had open at the time. My monitor kept blacking out until the program ultimately crashed. I tried multiple times, and it kept doing that.

I'm using a Windows 10 PC (64-bit) with an AMD Athlon II X2 255 processor (3.10 ghz), 5GB of RAM, and an AMD Radeon HD 4200 graphics card. I have Visual Studio 2015 Community installed, and I've run the Directx Diagnostic tool, and it says I'm running DirectX 12.

I don't know what to do, because every other similar issue I see like this have all been solved with "you need to be running DirectX 10..."

Benlitz commented 7 years ago


Sorry for your trouble.

Looking at the specs of your GPU, it seems that it supports only DirectX 10. Apparently dxdiag gives the DirectX version supported by the driver, but not necessary by the GPU. Anyway, the Game Studio might be a bit unstable without a DirectX 11 compatible GPU but it shouldn't crash in the way you describe it, so the issue is probably not a DirectX capability issue.

I'm suspecting a video memory problem. Your card seems to have 512MB of video memory or less, and the Game Studio is probably trying to allocate more than that. We are working to improve memory usage (both video and RAM) but in the current version there's not much you can do to solve this issue.

Do you have similar problems if you try to create just a simple "New game" project?

Kryptos-FR commented 7 years ago

FYI DxDiag displays the version of DirectX installed on the machine, not necessarily the version supported by the graphic card. The useful information on supported features are found in the display tabs in the tool. Especially of importance are the DDI and Feature levels fields.

For example both my new PC and my old gaming laptop show that DirectX 12 is installed. However:

JayFromHME commented 7 years ago

@Kryptos-FR Okay. Thank you for letting me know. @Benlitz Yes, this has happened, even after trying a new game project.