Open arthurhamon opened 2 years ago
Is their a way to change the webpack config use with this cmd : direflow-scripts build:lib ?
direflow-scripts build:lib
Why I want to do that ? I want to change the TerserPlugin config in order to authorise and console.errror.
So I want to change the config from :
new TerserPlugin({ terserOptions: { ecma: 5, warnings: false, parse: {}, compress: { toplevel: true, unused: true, dead_code: true, drop_console: true, }, mangle: true, module: true, output: null, toplevel: false, nameCache: null, ie8: false, keep_classnames: undefined, keep_fnames: false, safari10: false, }, }),
to :
new TerserPlugin({ terserOptions: { ecma: 5, warnings: false, parse: {}, compress: { toplevel: true, unused: true, dead_code: true, drop_console: false, pure_funcs: ['console.log', 'console.debug', 'console.warn', 'console.time', 'console.timeEnd', 'console.trace', 'console.fatal'], }, mangle: true, module: true, output: null, toplevel: false, nameCache: null, ie8: false, keep_classnames: undefined, keep_fnames: false, safari10: false, }, }),
Is their a way to change the webpack config use with this cmd :
direflow-scripts build:lib
?Why I want to do that ? I want to change the TerserPlugin config in order to authorise
.So I want to change the config from :
to :