SilkMC / silk

Silk is a Minecraft API for Kotlin - targetting Fabric, Quilt and Paper
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new setLore funciton in style of `setCustomName` #53

Open flerbuster opened 4 months ago

flerbuster commented 4 months ago

it feels wrong calling setLore like this

setLore(listOf(literalText(...) { ... }...

jakobkmar commented 4 months ago

This seems counter intuitive, since this would add multiple lines even without calling newLine(). For example, simpling changing the color would result in a new line (if you do not wrap every line in a dummy text component).

This function should search for \n instead.

r0yzer commented 4 months ago

ich hab rr kein plan was du damit meinst

flerbuster commented 4 months ago

ich rr auch nicht

flerbuster commented 4 months ago

hatte genug

jakobkmar commented 4 months ago

One sibling != one line.

A component is broken down into more parts than just lines, styling, color and interactivity changes also result in more siblings.

flerbuster commented 4 months ago

One sibling != one line.

A component is broken down into more parts than just lines, styling, color and interactivity changes also result in more siblings.

can you not just do a sibling in the sibling of the sibling and achieve the same thing

jakobkmar commented 4 months ago

can you not just do a sibling in the sibling of the sibling and achieve the same thing

That would be very very unintuitive. It should be newLine() -> a line break will be inserted.

flerbuster commented 4 months ago



flerbuster commented 4 months ago

i will see what i can do but i think i am not smart genug