SilkMC / silk

Silk is a Minecraft API for Kotlin - targetting Fabric, Quilt and Paper
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Update to Minecraft 1.20.5-rc1 and update sideboard internals #55

Closed MushroomMif closed 2 months ago

MushroomMif commented 2 months ago

Updated Silk to Minecraft 1.20.5-rc1 (rc2 is out but there is no changes we care about)! This was not easy, especially network mixins, but everything works now. Also I added setItemName function in ItemBuilder and updated internals of sideboard system to use new display field in ClientboundSetScorePacket added in Minecraft 1.20.3. I probably should have done it back in the corresponding version, but better late than never.

Anyways, here is the changelog:

jakobkmar commented 2 months ago

Thanks a lot @MushroomMif !

jakobkmar commented 2 months ago

Also thanks for the detailed changelog.

Regarding networking: I simplified it a bit and made use of the FallbackProvider, where I inject a simple StreamCodec provided by each packet definition.

MushroomMif commented 2 months ago

Oh, yeah, it's a more clever way to do the networking, great 👍