SilkMC / silk

Silk is a Minecraft API for Kotlin - targetting Fabric, Quilt and Paper
GNU General Public License v3.0
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`silk-paper` release requirements #57

Open jakobkmar opened 5 days ago

jakobkmar commented 5 days ago

Since Paper removed the version strings from most packages, it is easier now than ever to fully implement silk-paper. In the past year, I also removed all dependencies on fabric-api, so Silk is standalone in that regard,

What still needs to be done:

I won't be able to begin with this within the next 1 1/2 months, however if anyone wants to take the lead and get this done it would be greatly appreciated.

DinoMarlir commented 5 days ago

Silk-Paper will replace KSpigot, right?

jakobkmar commented 5 days ago

Yes, KSpigot can be continued by anyone who wants to maintain it, but I would definitely recommend to switch since the APIs in Silk are more refined.