Silly-V / Adobe-Illustrator

Some useful Adobe Illustrator scripts
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Missing functionality compared to the legacy version #35

Closed iconickgr closed 4 years ago

iconickgr commented 4 years ago

Just wanted to ask, if there's a way to add back the option of "variable name "in the data set name assignment. It was a really useful feature in the legacy version and it seems to be missing in the most recent one.

Silly-V commented 4 years ago

It's there, but unfortunately in your case you may have to go to your Windows resolution settings and set it to 100%, then look at the dropdown inside the drodown fields in the dataset naming dialog. When the UI scaling is at default 100%, the truncated dropdown items are visible, so you should see the variable's names listed in there now.

iconickgr commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your reply! Indeed it was the text scaling in Windows display settings (mine was set at 125% instead of the default 100%). And thanks for this script, you've saved a lot of time for a lot of people :)

Silly-V commented 4 years ago

If you rarely have to change the dataset names, you can change your resolution scaling settings back each time. Otherwise if you are technically-inclined you could try to edit the JSON document inside the Documents/Adobe Scripts/VariableImporter folder that gets created and is used by the script to store settings.