SiloCityLabs / lochnas

Docker configuration for all-in-one nas setup
GNU General Public License v3.0
50 stars 3 forks source link fix permissions #9

Closed ldrrp closed 3 years ago

ldrrp commented 3 years ago

on start fix all permissions

ldrrp commented 3 years ago
06-06 00:55:30.379 10340 10603 V NativeCrypto: SSL handshake aborted: ssl=0x7466f3ad58: Failure in SSL library, usually a protocol error
06-06 00:55:30.379 10340 10603 V NativeCrypto: error:1000042e:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION (third_party/openssl/boringssl/src/ssl/
06-06 00:55:30.380 10340 10603 I System.out: Handshake failed
06-06 00:55:30.380 10340 10603 E UploadFileOperation: Upload of /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/.trashed-1623033179-PXL_20210507_233901899.MP.jpg to /.trashed-1623033179-PXL_202
10507_233901899.MP.jpg: No network connection
06-06 00:55:30.380 10340 10603 D UploadsStorageManager: updateDatabaseUploadResult uploadResult: RemoteOperationResult(mSuccess=false, mHttpCode=-1, mHttpPhrase=null, mException
=null, mCode=NO_NETWORK_CONNECTION, message=null, getLogMessage=No network connection) upload:
06-06 00:55:30.382 10340 10603 V UploadsStorageManager: Updating /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/.trashed-1623033179-PXL_20210507_233901899.MP.jpg with status:UPLOAD_FAILED and
result:NETWORK_CONNECTION (old:/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/.trashed-1623033179-PXL_20210507_233901899.MP.jpg status:UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS result:-1)
ldrrp commented 3 years ago
06-06 01:10:00.986 10340 10340 D FileActivity: show loading dialog
06-06 01:10:01.017 10340 10589 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0x74d7059ff0 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x73f73c1720
06-06 01:10:01.031 10340 10340 D OperationsService: Starting command with id 12
06-06 01:10:01.033 10340 10599 D OwnCloudClient #3: REQUEST DELETE /remote.php/webdav/Shared/Test/Test/
06-06 01:10:01.270 10340 10599 I RemoveFileRemoteOperation: Remove /Shared/Test/Test/: Operation finished with HTTP status code 403 (fail)
06-06 01:10:01.271 10340 10599 D OperationsService: Called 1 listeners
06-06 01:10:01.271 10340 10599 D OperationsService: Stopping after command with id 12
06-06 01:10:01.271 10340 10340 D FileActivity: Received result of operation in FileActivity - common behaviour for all the FileActivities
06-06 01:10:01.271 10340 10340 D FileActivity: dismiss loading dialog
ldrrp commented 3 years ago

This was a result of delete files app breaking local file storage.