Silverbane / MinecraftImpossible

A Minecraft Spigot Server Configuration Collection
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Builder - Create mi menu to convert Wood for Block List Update Fix #13

Closed Silverbane closed 8 years ago

Silverbane commented 8 years ago

Builder is asking for specific wood items for fences door and gates. We need to look through the entire supply.txt and make it more flexible.

Silverbane commented 8 years ago

List of item IDS to fix the wood door,gates,fences but it causes more issues then fixes so it was removed. 64:64 193:64 194:64 195:64 196:64 197:64 193:64 193:193 193:194 193:195 193:196 193:197 194:64 194:193 194:194 194:195 194:196 194:197 195:64 195:193 195:194 195:195 195:196 195:197 196:64 196:193 196:194 196:195 196:196 196:197 197:64 197:193 197:194 197:195 197:196 197:197 107:107 107:183 107:184 107:185 107:186 107:187 183:107 183:183 183:184 183:185 183:186 183:187 184:107 184:183 184:184 184:185 184:186 184:187 185:107 185:183 185:184 185:185 185:186 185:187 186:107 186:183 186:184 186:185 186:186 186:187 187:107 187:183 187:184 187:185 187:186 187:187 85:85 85:188 85:189 85:190 85:191 85:192 188:85 188:188 188:189 188:190 188:191 188:192 189:85 189:188 189:189 189:190 189:191 189:192 190:85 190:188 190:189 190:190 190:191 190:192 191:85 191:188 191:189 191:190 191:191 191:192 192:85 192:188 192:189 192:190 192:191 192:192 53:53 53:134 53:135 53:136 53:163 53:164 134:53 134:134 134:135 134:136 134:163 134:164 135:53 135:134 135:135 135:136 135:163 135:164 136:53 136:134 136:135 136:136 136:163 136:164 163:53 163:134 163:135 163:136 163:163 163:164 164:53 164:134 164:135 164:136 164:163 164:164 17:17 17:162 162:17 162:162

Silverbane commented 8 years ago

We are now making a new MI menu option for converting full Wood Blocks to combat this issue.