Silverfeelin / SkyGame-Planner

Sky:CotL unlock planner/tracker
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Request / Issue: Make previous nodes in currency calculator auto-complete #113

Open loaficus opened 1 month ago

loaficus commented 1 month ago

Hello! I ran into a bit of an issue with the season currency calculator. If I only select the items i want and not the necessary spells, it takes the spells into account, but when i mark those items as acquired, the calculator thinks i still don't have the spells and thus shows the wrong amount of candles needed etc.

Could it be possible to apply the same mechanic here as with spirit trees? (where the previous nodes automatically get set as acquired)? or any other way to fix this issue? It's not super important but it could be nice :] no pressure!

Silverfeelin commented 1 month ago

Hi, thanks for reporting this.

The fact that it still counts the candle cost even if you own the items behind it is definitely a bug! I'll get that sorted when I get the chance. image

The reason I don't auto unlock nodes is because it could stop you from choosing which items you have from previous events. For example with Days of Nature they added a new spell but I already own the items behind that spell. If I didn't already mark these items outside of the calculator then I'd be forced to unlock the spell even if I want to skip it.

Silverfeelin commented 1 month ago

@loaficus The calculation issue should be solved now.

I'm still open to the idea of making items you mark as acquired in the calculator also automatically unlock the items before that (based on the setting introduced in #96 ) so I'll leave this issue open for now.

loaficus commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your reply! The fix seems to be working but only to a certain extent.

Here I only have one item set as wanted and it works fine.


But when I select multiple nothing happens until i have them all. Im guessing some sorta conflict?


It also doesn't seem to be working in season currency calculator where i ran into the problem in the first place.


Sorry if I've uploaded the gifs wrong, I've never done this before. Hope this helps :'D

Silverfeelin commented 1 month ago

I think I understand what you mean.

In technical terms the calculator does little more than trace back from any item you've marked as "want" to the start of the tree and accumulates the cost for any items you don't own yet (while making sure not to count the same item twice).

Although you might think you can safely say that it's impossible to get the coral crown without owning the 2 preceding blessings, so it shouldn't consider the cost for those items, this isn't true when you factor in past events. And it's why I am a bit hesitant to automatically consider these items as bought unless you mark them as such yourself.

Here's what my tree looks like in-game for Days of Nature 2024:


The gap in my tree exists because they added a new second blessing this year which blocks access to the top items. I obtained these items in the last 2 years when there was only 1 blessing (the bottom one that I own).

Now take this example same example but imagine I missed out on the cape last year:


In this instance, going by the fact that I own the coral crown, you'd assume that I don't need to unlock the blessing so the cost for the cape would only be 180 candles. But in reality I don't own this new blessing so the cost remains 185 candles.

What I fixed earlier today (during my break) is a problem where the calculator would still count the blessing even if I already own all the items beyond the blessing and didn't mark that blessing as an item I want. In my in-game screenshot example the calculator would still say I need 5 candles even though I don't need any candles for the coral crown + cape since I already own both. That should no longer happen now.

With that hopefully clearing up some things, the point you make does make more sense when we look at the season calculator. In this case there hasn't been any prior instances where you could've unlocked the items. So in this instance I agree; marking any item higher in the tree as obtained would indicate you also have the preceding items. That's why I think it's a good idea to automatically consider the preceding items as unlocked and not include them in the price calculation.