Silverfeelin / SkyGame-Planner

Sky:CotL unlock planner/tracker
17 stars 3 forks source link

Configure start date #119

Open Silverfeelin opened 2 weeks ago

Silverfeelin commented 2 weeks ago

Suggestion by thine_cyber_cat

A way to log your join date This is so that you don't accidentally log the wrong year (i.e I accidentally buy the days of nature cape from 2021 when I joined in 2022, the game would remind me that I might've logged the wrong tree)

My reply:

This is definitely a good idea but it would require some extra work for it to work. Although I've tracked dates for things like events, seasons and traveling spirits, there's still plenty of items that were added at a certain point which I don't have a good way to track right now. Think of things like the Journey bundle, Harmony Hall instruments, etc. If I implement something like this it would work for most things but not everything. Which can be confusing if you're expecting it to work for everything.