Silverfeelin / SkyGame-Planner

Sky:CotL unlock planner/tracker
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Gloating Narcissist Spirit tree icon bug #79

Closed Bloody-Fox-99 closed 3 months ago

Bloody-Fox-99 commented 3 months ago


It's the Gloating Narcissist Traveling Spirit tree. The emote icon where the lvl 2 should be shows the lvl 1 one. When you checkmark the lvl 1 icon, the one where the lvl 2 should be is also getting the checkmark. (Probably a side effect, but I'm mentioning it anyway.)

Also, thank you for the app! I have only found it a little while ago, but I absolutely love it!

Sky-CotL GN tree bug
Silverfeelin commented 3 months ago

Thank you for reporting this. I've corrected the mistake.

I'm happy you like the website!