Silverfeelin / Starbound-WEdit

WEdit is a tech mod that allows you to edit the world around you on a larger scale through various functions and features not present in the game.
MIT License
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Exiting noclip causes character to get stuck #45

Open RumekFuria opened 5 years ago

RumekFuria commented 5 years ago

So. as I stated in title, exiting noclip causes my char to get stuck. as in no movement in any direction is possible. (with btw happened to me when using precursor ball, a FU thing, but in other circumstances) . the only way I can exit this gliched state is:

but I managed to find a potential explanation what's happening, so I guess I will skip you a step. I noticed on the window that appears when /debug is on, the "player_vel" when not moving in noclip is not 0, 0 , but -nan(ind), -nan(ind). when moving it's set to two zeros. but when you stop nocliping the -nan(ind) velocity stands, with in turn causes this glitchy state. and it also explains why above things cause this state to stop. they simply cause a update to velocity in some way. the simplest fix would be to add a velocity changer to 0, 0 at the point where person disables noclip, preferably right after. the game would handle it from there applying potential gravity or letting character move slowly in space.

Silverfeelin commented 5 years ago

I can't reproduce this. What is your noclip bind and speed in the WEdit settings? Also, is there any chance you have some other mod that's controller your player's movement (state)?

RumekFuria commented 5 years ago

whatever it is by default. and... no idea. I am using this modpack at the moment. and I don't really see anything that could be the culprit.

RumekFuria commented 5 years ago

I mean hey. even if it is one of the mods fault, you can still add a thing like I mentioned as a safeguard, so if other mods not present there cause the same problem, it won't really matter, as it will simply kick in.

RumekFuria commented 5 years ago

ok I went through all the mods I have and there is only one that edits anything movement related directly

Silverfeelin commented 5 years ago

Could you give this version a go: Make sure you don't launch from Steam.

RumekFuria commented 5 years ago

ay. roger that cap

RumekFuria commented 5 years ago

well. it works. the glitch no longer happens. you still get stuck if you tp with noclip on but a double tap of the nc button fixes it anyway. so... it is done. fixed I'm leaving closing to you. in case you want to say some last words on the thing