SilverpointDev / sptbxlib

SpTBXLib is an expansion package for TB2K Delphi components that adds multiple features including support for styles and custom skins.
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Flicker of a TScrollBar on a TSpTBXGroupBox #45

Open Makhaon opened 5 years ago

Makhaon commented 5 years ago

I have puted TScrollBar and TSpTBXLabel on the TSpTBXGroupBox and TScrollBar has strange flicks when I move mouse over the TScrollBar. I have added simple test case

SilverpointDev commented 5 years ago

Can't reproduce. Are you using the latest version?

Makhaon commented 5 years ago

Thank you for reply!

Are you using the latest version

Yes, I do. I just re-downloaded the SpTBX and TB2K, patch it for clear experiment. And the flicker still exists. I use Windows 10 and Delphi XE6. I could get a video for you, if it will help. Also Team View access is possible.

SilverpointDev commented 3 years ago

Are you still experiencing the flicker with the latest version? In your demo you use the CoolScrollbar unit, try removing it.

Makhaon commented 3 years ago

HI! Yes, I do. Unfortunately the flicker still exists. I have remove CoolScrollbar. Delphi XE6, Win 10, and your latest original sources. GIF 03 02 2021 11-51-17